Dependence of rotational angular velocity of planets

In summary, the dependence of rotational angular velocity on mass for planets is not direct. The planet's composition and mass distribution also play a role. The distance from the sun does not directly impact rotational angular velocity, but it can indirectly affect it by influencing the orbital period. There is no direct correlation between a planet's size and its rotational angular velocity. The tilt of a planet's axis does not directly affect its rotational angular velocity, but it can indirectly impact it by influencing the distribution of sunlight on the surface. The rotational angular velocity of a planet can change over time due to factors such as collisions, tidal forces, and changes in mass distribution. However, these changes are often slow and may not be noticeable in a human lifetime.
  • #1
On exactly what factors does the rotational angular velocity of a planet depend ? Can a mathematical expression be derived for it ?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Time, tides, masses of neighbors/primary.
  • #3
Bystander said:
Time, tides, masses of neighbors/primary.
Please elaborate

FAQ: Dependence of rotational angular velocity of planets

What is the dependence of the rotational angular velocity of planets on their mass?

The dependence of rotational angular velocity on mass is not a direct one. The mass of a planet can affect its rotational period, which is the time it takes for the planet to complete one rotation on its axis. However, factors such as the planet's composition and distribution of mass also play a role in determining its rotational angular velocity.

How does the distance from the sun affect a planet's rotational angular velocity?

The distance from the sun does not have a direct impact on a planet's rotational angular velocity. However, the distance can affect the planet's orbital period, which is the time it takes for the planet to complete one orbit around the sun. This, in turn, can indirectly affect the planet's rotational angular velocity.

What is the correlation between a planet's size and its rotational angular velocity?

There is no direct correlation between a planet's size and its rotational angular velocity. The rotational angular velocity of a planet is influenced by various factors such as its mass distribution, composition, and distance from the sun. Therefore, two planets of similar size may have different rotational angular velocities.

How does the tilt of a planet's axis affect its rotational angular velocity?

The tilt of a planet's axis does not directly impact its rotational angular velocity. However, it can affect the distribution of sunlight on the planet's surface, which can in turn influence its rotational period. This can indirectly impact the planet's rotational angular velocity.

Can the rotational angular velocity of a planet change over time?

Yes, the rotational angular velocity of a planet can change over time. Factors such as collisions with other objects, tidal forces, and changes in mass distribution can alter a planet's rotational angular velocity. However, these changes are often slow and may not be noticeable in a human lifetime.
