Determine charge at origin, based on charge density function

In summary, the student is trying to solve a problem involving charges and the electric field, but is having difficulties. He has found a hint involving the use of the dirac delta function, but is not sure why it is helpful. He also tries using Gauss' law, but is not sure how to move on from here.
  • #1

Homework Statement


a) and b) are no problem.

I need help to solve c) and d)

Homework Equations

c) Delta dirac function
Gauss' law

d) Gauss' law
## \int_V {\rho \, d\tau} = Q_{enclosed} ##

The Attempt at a Solution

By taking laplace on the potential I get:

## \rho(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{q_0}{4 \, \pi \, r} \, e^{-r/\lambda} \, \left( \frac{cos^2(\theta)}{\lambda^2} + \frac{2}{r^2} (1-3 \, cos^2(\theta)) \right)##

c) I got a hint that it was a good idea to use the dirac delta function along with the charge distribution.

But I'm not exactly sure why. As I understand it the dirac delta function "picks out" the value of a function at zero. So I'd get:

## \int {\rho(\mathbf{r}) \, \delta(r) \, dr} = \rho(0) ##

I realize that there must be a dimensional problem here, but I'm not sure how to use a delta function in 3D and spherical coordinates.
Also how will it help me to find the density at the origin? Can I apply Gauss' law here and let the radius go towards zero to get the charge in the origin?

d) I want to solve the integral

## Q = \int_0^\pi \int_0^{2 \, \pi} \int_a^{\infty} \, \rho(\mathbf{r}) \, r^2 \, \sin(\theta) \, dr \, d\theta \, d\phi ##

I tried evaluating this with Maple.
By assuming a>0 I get a complex function multiplied by infinity, which is not of much use.
If I also assume lambda>0 (as it says in the problem) I get rid of the infinity, but get exponential integrals instead.
I'm not sure how to move on from here. I suspect I need to modify my function for charge distribution by assumptions, to make it simpler.
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  • #2
xSilja said:
c) I got a hint that it was a good idea to use the dirac delta function along with the charge distribution.
This assumes your charge density formula doesn't have problems with r=0. That might be, but I wouldn't rely on it.

Using the electric field, you can determine the total charge up to a radius a and then let a go to zero.
The opposite limit also works for (d) and does not need evaluating any actual integrals.
  • #3
By best idea was also to use Gauss' law. ## \int_V \mathbf{\nabla} \cdot \mathbf{E} \, d\tau = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0} \, Q_{enclosed} ##
How can I avoid evaluating any actual integrals?
The charge density/ elctric field depends on both r and theta.
  • #4
xSilja said:
How can I avoid evaluating any actual integrals?
Set them up, then find useful bounds on them.

FAQ: Determine charge at origin, based on charge density function

1. What is a charge density function?

A charge density function is a mathematical representation of the amount of charge per unit volume at a given point in space. It describes the distribution of electric charge within a system.

2. How is charge density related to the charge at the origin?

The charge at the origin can be determined by integrating the charge density function over the volume surrounding the origin. The resulting value represents the total charge contained within that volume.

3. Can the charge at the origin be negative?

Yes, the charge at the origin can be negative if the charge density function has a negative value at that point. This indicates the presence of more negative charges than positive charges in that region.

4. What factors affect the charge at the origin according to the charge density function?

The charge at the origin is affected by the magnitude and distribution of electric charges within the system. It can also be influenced by external factors such as the presence of other charged objects or the electric field in the vicinity.

5. How is the charge at the origin used in practical applications?

The charge at the origin is a fundamental concept in electrostatics and is used in various practical applications. It is used in the calculation of electric fields, the design of electronic devices, and the understanding of phenomena such as lightning and static electricity.

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