Electromagnetic Waves: Why Accelerating Charges?

In summary: RF field from the antennaI do not know which, maybe both.DaveIn summary, electromagnetic waves are produced by a moving electric charge, which induces both an electric field (E) and a magnetic field (B). These waves can be classified as an EM wave if they have both E and B fields varying in space, or as displacement current if they do not. Steady current does not produce EM waves, but a conglomerate of moving charges (a current) can produce fields that do not vary in time at one position. The speed of light through a medium depends on
  • #36
Light itself is an electromagnetic wave that carries energy with it, just like all waves do. As for the velocity of electric fields inside conductors, I believe that is less than c, but I don't know any details on it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Good day, i have a different question...

I need a core for an Electro Magnet which will be able to be as strong as possible when it has a current applied, but will not be attracted to a permanent magnet when the current is turned off. The core must lose its magnetic properties as soon as the current is removed so that it can be switched on and off.
(i.e. Steel can become a strong electro magnet, but will be attracted to a permanent magnet with or without a current, therefore I cannot use it.)
To make the experiment work as effectively as possible the core should be able to be converted to an electromagnet with minimal current, I thought about using Ferrite (Manganese Zinc) Round Bar? What will be the best gauge to use to get a strong magnet, but keep the current "voltage" as low as possible, even if is not as strong, i only require it to react with a neodymium magnet from a distance of at least 50mm - 100 mm. Do you have any suggestions on this topic?
  • #38
WJE your best bet is to make a new thread with your question.

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