Error propagation for effective spring constant

In summary, the error propagation for the theoretical effective spring constant is calculated by considering the errors in both individual spring constants and their sum using the equation σ(ke)/|ke| = σ(A)/|A| + σ(B)/|B| + σ(A)/|A+B| + σ(B)/|A+B|.
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Homework Statement

Calculate the error propagation for the theoretical effective spring constant for the two springs. The actual values don't matter, it's just supposed to show how it would be calculated.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

ke=A*B/(A+B) (Let A=k1, B=k2)

I have come up with two possibilities, but I'm not sure if either is correct. The addition in the denominator is confusing me.

Possibility 1: σ(ke)/|ke|=σ(A)/|A| + σ(B)/|B| + σ(A) +σ(B)Possibility 2: σ(ke)/|ke|=σ(A)/|A| + σ(B)/|B| + (σ(A) +σ(B))/|A+B|
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  • #2


it is important to accurately calculate error propagation in order to ensure the validity and reliability of our results. In this case, the error propagation for the theoretical effective spring constant can be calculated using the following equation:

σ(ke)/|ke| = σ(A)/|A| + σ(B)/|B| + σ(A)/|A+B| + σ(B)/|A+B|

This equation takes into account the errors in both k1 and k2, as well as the errors in their sum. This is because the effective spring constant is dependent on both individual spring constants and their sum.

Using this equation, we can determine the error propagation for the theoretical effective spring constant and ensure that our calculations are accurate and reliable.

FAQ: Error propagation for effective spring constant

1. What is error propagation?

Error propagation is the process of determining the uncertainty or error in a calculated result based on the uncertainties or errors in the input values or measurements. It is an important concept in scientific research and data analysis.

2. Why is error propagation important for calculating the effective spring constant?

The effective spring constant is a calculated value that depends on multiple input values, such as the spring constant, mass, and length of a spring. Each of these input values may have some uncertainty or error associated with them, and error propagation allows us to determine the overall uncertainty in the effective spring constant.

3. How is error propagation for effective spring constant calculated?

Error propagation for effective spring constant can be calculated using the standard error propagation formula, which involves taking the derivative of the equation for calculating the effective spring constant with respect to each input variable and multiplying it by the uncertainty or error in that variable. These values are then added in quadrature to obtain the total uncertainty in the effective spring constant.

4. What are some sources of error in calculating the effective spring constant?

There can be various sources of error in calculating the effective spring constant, such as errors in measuring the length or mass of the spring, variations in the spring constant due to manufacturing or environmental factors, and errors in the equipment used for measurement. It is important to identify and minimize these sources of error for accurate and reliable results.

5. How can error propagation for effective spring constant be minimized?

Error propagation can be minimized by using precise and accurate measurement tools, reducing sources of variability in the input values, and repeating measurements multiple times to obtain an average value. It is also important to properly account for and incorporate uncertainties in the input values in the calculation process.
