Exploring the Arecibo Observatory: An Adventure in Puerto Rico

  • Thread starter aychamo
  • Start date
In summary, the author went on vacation to Puerto Rico and visited the Arecibo Observatory. There was a display about the origins of the cosmos and some information about SETI @ Home.
  • #1
Hey guys ... :)

I just wanted to brag a bit. I just got back from a vacation. We hit Puerto Rico, and a couple of the carribean islands (St Maarten and Saba.)

In Puerto Rico, we went to the Arecibo Observatory. It is the huge satelite receiver that you saw in the movie Contact and one of the new James Bond movies. It was badass! It's 300m wide. That is over three football fields. To get there, we had a *long* drive through some winding roads that go UP and DOWN and get you a bit sick. Then you have to walk uphill for a good distance, it phased my parents quite a bit, the old folks :)

They had a nice big display at the observatory, it did a nice job of explaining the origin of the cosmos, in nice laymen terms. It was weird for my mother to read the stuff because she is still hanging on to a few threads of her christian upbringing of believing in creation, etc. The displays also talked about quasars, pulsars, black holes, and .. Seti @ Home!

A nice thing that they had was pictures of the displays that they had that they sent out into space on some old probes or something. The pictures tried to be blunt in showing that we have two sexes of humans, etc, really neat.

The satelite itself, was badass. It is so HUGE. You see it from up above, so you can see the entire thing, and you see the big thing on top of it hanging up there. The thing is so immense, that when you look at it you can't understand it's size, because it goes out so far and your eyes have a hard time understanding that it's like a 1000 feet across. You see all the panels that it is made of, and they look so small... until you look at one of the full size panels they have for reference.

It's really neat. I figured you guys woudl like to hear about it a bit, since maybe you run the seti @ home client.
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I can't even imagine a 300m wide satellite! I used to run the seti@home client in the early 2000s, but the project has been pretty quiet the past decade or so. Drop in funding? Anyone know why?

FAQ: Exploring the Arecibo Observatory: An Adventure in Puerto Rico

1. What is the Arecibo Observatory and where is it located?

The Arecibo Observatory is a radio telescope located in Puerto Rico. It is situated in the karst region of Puerto Rico's northern coast, about 16 kilometers south of the city of Arecibo.

2. What is the purpose of the Arecibo Observatory?

The Arecibo Observatory is used for radio astronomy and atmospheric studies. It is also used for planetary radar observations, helping to track and study near-Earth objects such as asteroids and comets.

3. How was the Arecibo Observatory constructed?

The Arecibo Observatory was constructed in the early 1960s, led by Cornell University and the National Science Foundation. It was built in a natural limestone sinkhole, with the dish being constructed by stretching steel cables across the sinkhole and filling it with perforated aluminum panels.

4. What are some notable discoveries made at the Arecibo Observatory?

The Arecibo Observatory has made many significant contributions to astronomy and space research. Some notable discoveries include the first direct measurement of the rotation rate of Mercury, the first detection of an extrasolar planet, and the discovery of the first binary pulsar, which led to further evidence supporting Einstein's theory of relativity.

5. Can the Arecibo Observatory be visited by the public?

Yes, the Arecibo Observatory offers guided tours for visitors to learn about the facility, its history, and its scientific contributions. However, the observatory is currently closed for repairs and is expected to reopen in late 2022.
