Exploring the Possibilities of Quantum Gravitons and Their Decay Products

In summary: The photon is the gauge boson of the U(1) symmetry associated with electromagnetism. The 8 gluons are the gauge bosons of the SU(3) symmetry associated with the strong force. The weak force is SU(2), and it is the group structure of that symmetry which dictates the presence of three bosons and their properties.Gravity is something different -- and it just so happens that the group structure of GR leads to a spin-2 particle. This is not related to the number of particles in any way.Originally posted by Hurkyl Gravity is something different -- and it just so happens that the group structure of GR leads to a spin-2 particle. This is not related to
  • #1

Given that the Standard Model states that only three families exist, and given that gravitons can exist with mass, why could it not be implied that there are also three graviton types?:

[tex]g^0_e[/tex] - electro-graviton
[tex]g^0_\mu[/tex] - mu-graviton
[tex]g^0_\tau[/tex] - tau-graviton

Given that no primordial graviton Cosmic Background Radiation exists, can it also be implied that all 'implied gravitons' must have a short 'lifetime'?

Given that gravitons have a short 'lifetime', what could have been their most probable decay products?

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  • #2
The standard model doesn't state that only three families exist. It just seems so from the experimental data so far. (See here for a fit of the data to the standard model calculations)

The fact that there are (probably) 3 families has to do with the weak force. Why should this influence the gravitational force as well? After all, there is also only one type of photon.

Why is it 'given that no primordial graviton Cosmic Background Radiation exists'? Experiments are still running (it's just hard to measure gravitons: their interaction is quite weak to say the least)...

Why is it 'given that a graviton has a short lifetime'?
  • #3
Originally posted by Orion1

Given that the Standard Model states that only three families exist, and given that gravitons can exist with mass, why could it not be implied that there are also three graviton types?:

The Standard Model calls for three families of fermions. The fundamental forces are mediated by gauge bosons, of which the graviton is a "member" (spin-2). The number of bosons which correspond to a particular force is determined in part by the number of generators of the symmetry group, hence why there is 1 photon, 3 weak vector bosons, and 8 gluons.
  • #4

Originally posted by GRQC
The Standard Model calls for three families of fermions.

Are you sure? I always thought that the number of families is not dictated by the standard model. See also this thread.
  • #5

Originally posted by suyver
Are you sure? I always thought that the number of families is not dictated by the standard model. See also this thread.

The Standard Model has three generations of fermions. If there are shown to be more than three, then the Standard Model is incorrect and needs to be adjusted. Calling for a fourth sterile neutrino, for example, constitutes an extension of the current Standard Model.

I suppose it's largely an issue of semantics.
  • #6
Originally posted by Orion1

Given that gravitons have a short 'lifetime', what could have been their most probable decay products?

If gravitons have a short lifetime, then how can gravitation be a long-range force?
  • #7
We don't know the amplitude of a graviton. What we do know, is that to first order, it pops out something very close to general relativity

However, it is the case that they may exist graviton partners in some symmetry group. For instance, SUGRA outputs a supersymmetric partner, called the gravitino.

As far as the 3 families in the SDM, it is not known why they are there, you have to go to theories beyond the SDM to get that.
  • #8
Originally posted by Haelfix
However, it is the case that they may exist graviton partners in some symmetry group. For instance, SUGRA outputs a supersymmetric partner, called the gravitino.

Only if you believe SUSY. But hey, it's 50% verified at this point, right? :smile:
  • #9
The Standard Model calls for three families of fermions. The fundamental forces are mediated by gauge bosons, of which the graviton is a "member" (spin-2). The number of bosons which correspond to a particular force is determined in part by the number of generators of the symmetry group, hence why there is 1 photon, 3 weak vector bosons, and 8 gluons.

However, it is the case that they may exist graviton partners in some symmetry group. For instance, SUGRA outputs a supersymmetric partner, called the gravitino.

Given that a graviton is a spin-2 gauge boson and there are 3 vector bosons, could it be implied that there are also 3 vector gravitons with 3 gravitinos?

Symmetry Generator# = Fermion Family#

3 vector gravitons: (mass symmetry)
[tex]g^0_e[/tex] - electro-graviton
[tex]g^0_\mu[/tex] - mu-graviton
[tex]g^0_\tau[/tex] - tau-graviton

3 vector gravitinos: (supersymmetry)
[tex]gv^0_e[/tex] - electro-gravitino
[tex]gv^0_\mu[/tex] - mu-gravitino
[tex]gv^0_\tau[/tex] - tau-gravitino

I suppose such a system may be trans-Standard Model, I am only implying that 'leptonic-like' gauge vector gravitons with supersymmetry may exist with mass gauged bosonic gravitons.

According to my understanding, there are several types and classes of graviton theories, including a String Theory model, which are primarily based upon five theories:

1. Newton's Theorem (Gravitation) (relative spin)
2. Curved-Space-Time (general relativity) (spin 2 ?)
3. Graviton Waves (inverted Space-Time Waves), (supernovae produced) (spin 2 ?)
4. Graviton Gauge Bosons (mass, field exchange particles) (spin 2)
5. String Theory (vibrating strings) (spin 2)

If gravitation is really a product of the field exchange of Graviton Gauge Bosons, they why would it be necessary to curve space-time for this effect?

If gravitation is really a product of Graviton Waves (inverted Space-Time Waves), supernovae should produce enormous inverted amplitudes, which should have been optically detectable via the lensing effect.

If gravitation is really a product of first order Graviton Gauge Bosons, it is reasonable to imply that Graviton Gauge Bosons with, or without mass or charge must exist at higher orders to complete Gauge Theory or GUT, or TOE.

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  • #10
Originally posted by Orion1
Given that a graviton is a spin-2 gauge boson and there are 3 vector bosons, could it be implied that there are also 3 vector gravitons with 3 gravitinos?

There are 3 bosons for weak interactions, because that is the associated group structure. The three weak bosons (Z, W+, W-) have nothing to do with the three families of leptons, short of being responsible for flavor-changing interactions.

There is 1 photon and 8 gluons -- which has even less of a correlation.

FAQ: Exploring the Possibilities of Quantum Gravitons and Their Decay Products

1. What are quantum gravitons and their decay products?

Quantum gravitons are hypothetical particles that are believed to be the carriers of the gravitational force in quantum gravity theories. Their decay products refer to the particles that are produced when a quantum graviton decays.

2. How are quantum gravitons different from regular gravitons?

Quantum gravitons differ from regular gravitons in that they are described by quantum mechanics, while regular gravitons are described by classical physics. Quantum gravitons also have spin-2, while regular gravitons have spin-2 or spin-0.

3. Why is exploring quantum gravitons and their decay products important?

Studying quantum gravitons and their decay products can provide insights into the nature of gravity at a quantum level and help bridge the gap between quantum mechanics and general relativity. It can also potentially lead to a unified theory of physics.

4. How do scientists detect quantum gravitons and their decay products?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of quantum gravitons and their decay products. However, scientists are working on developing more advanced technologies, such as high-energy particle colliders, to hopefully detect these elusive particles in the future.

5. What are some potential applications of understanding quantum gravitons and their decay products?

If quantum gravitons and their decay products are successfully detected and understood, it could have significant implications for various fields, including cosmology, high-energy physics, and quantum computing. It could also potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in space exploration.

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