Exploring the Relationship Between Electric Potential Energy and Capacitors

In summary, the conversation discusses the energy stored in a capacitor, which is represented by QV and is proportional to Q and V according to Q=CV. The change in energy is also represented by dU=Vdq=CVdV. It is clarified that the energy imparted to the charge by a battery is QV, but the energy stored in the capacitor is only half of that.
  • #1
all my question is listed in the file below

thanks for your help


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  • #2
1/2 QV is the energy stored in the capacitor. The other half of the energy was dissipated during charging as heat or radiation.
  • #3
Q and V for a capacitor are proportional to each other by Q=CV so the simple E=QV does not apply. The change in energy is dU=Vdq=CVdV.
Then [tex]U=\int_0^VCV'dV'=(1/2)CV^2=(1/2)QV.[/tex]
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  • #4
Clem is, of course, correct. Perhaps I misinterpreted your question (or just answered a different question!) about charging a capacitor with a battery. The energy imparted to the charge by the battery is QV, but the energy stored in the capacitor only half that. Sorry about that!

FAQ: Exploring the Relationship Between Electric Potential Energy and Capacitors

What is electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy is the energy that is stored in an object as a result of its position in an electric field. It is a type of potential energy that is associated with the electric charges of the object.

How is electric potential energy calculated?

Electric potential energy is calculated as the product of the charge of an object, the electric potential at its position, and the distance between the object and the source of the electric field. The formula for calculating electric potential energy is: U = qVd, where U is the electric potential energy, q is the charge, V is the electric potential, and d is the distance.

What factors affect the electric potential energy of an object?

The electric potential energy of an object is affected by its charge, the electric potential at its position, and the distance between the object and the source of the electric field. The greater the charge and electric potential, and the closer the distance, the higher the electric potential energy.

How is electric potential energy related to work?

Electric potential energy is related to work because it is a type of potential energy that can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, through the process of work. When an object with electric potential energy is moved by an external force, work is done and the object's energy is changed.

What are some real-life applications of electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy has many real-life applications, such as in batteries, which use chemical reactions to create and store electric potential energy. It is also used in generators to convert mechanical energy into electric energy, and in capacitors to store electric potential energy. Additionally, electric potential energy is utilized in everyday devices like cell phones and laptops, which use it to power their circuits.
