Extending the basis of a T-invariant subspace

In summary, the conversation discusses a linear map on a finite-dimensional vector space that has a T-invariant subspace. It is possible to extend the basis of the subspace to a basis for the entire vector space, where the intersection with another set is empty. The question asks if the extended subspace is also T-invariant, but it is proven to be false with a counterexample.
  • #1
Let ##T: V → V ## be a linear map on a finite-dimensional vector space ##V##.
Let ##W## be a T-invariant subspace of ##V##.
Let ##γ## be a basis for ##W##.

Then we can extend ##γ## to ##γ \cup S##, a basis for ##V##, where ##γ \cap S = ∅ ##, so that ## W \bigoplus span(S) = V ##.

My question:
Is ##span(S)## a T-invariant subspace of ##V##?

I've been trying to prove it is, but am not sure. I would like some assistance, so I know where I might steer my proof. Thanks!

EDIT: Never mind just solved it. It's false!

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  • #2
This is not true. As a simple counterexample, let ##V=\Bbb R^2##, and let (##\bf e_1,e_2##) be the standard basis in ##\Bbb R^2##, and let ##W=span\{\bf e_1\}##, and let ##T## be defined by its action on the basis vectors: ##T(\bf e_1\rm)=\it T(\bf e_2\rm)=\bf e_1##. Then, ##W## is ##T##-invariant, and we can take ##S=\{\bf e_2\it\}##, and it satisfies your assumptions, but ##span \,S## is not ##T##-invariant.

FAQ: Extending the basis of a T-invariant subspace

1. What is a T-invariant subspace?

A T-invariant subspace is a subspace of a vector space that remains invariant under the linear transformation T. This means that for any vector x in the subspace, the vector Tx is also in the subspace.

2. Why is it important to extend the basis of a T-invariant subspace?

Extending the basis of a T-invariant subspace allows for a better understanding of the linear transformation T and its properties. It also helps in solving problems related to T and its associated vector space.

3. How can a T-invariant subspace be extended?

A T-invariant subspace can be extended by finding additional vectors that are also invariant under T and adding them to the existing basis of the subspace. This can be done through various methods such as using the null space of T or the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T.

4. Can a T-invariant subspace be extended indefinitely?

No, a T-invariant subspace cannot be extended indefinitely. It can only be extended until it spans the entire vector space on which T is defined. This is because a T-invariant subspace must always remain a subspace of the original vector space and cannot contain vectors that are not invariant under T.

5. What are the applications of extending the basis of a T-invariant subspace?

The extension of a T-invariant subspace has various applications in different fields of science and mathematics. It is used in solving systems of linear equations, understanding the behavior of linear transformations in physics and engineering, and in analyzing the properties of matrices and their associated vector spaces.
