Fairly simple dimensional analysis- somehow gone wrong

In summary, the French government attempted to base measures of time on multiples of ten after the French Revolution, with one week consisting of 10 days, one day consisting of 10 hours, one hour consisting of 100 minutes, and one minute consisting of 100 seconds. The ratios of the French decimal week to the standard week and the French decimal second to the standard second are 1.43 and 1/100,000 respectively. To find the correct ratio, the number of normal seconds and revolutionary seconds in the same period must be compared.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For about 10 years after the French Revolution, the French government attempted to base measures of time on multiples of ten: One week consisted of 10 days, one day consisted of 10 hours, one hour consisted of 100 minutes, and one minute consisted of 100 seconds. What are the ratios of (a) the French decimal week to the standard week and (b) the French decimal second to the standard second? Assume that the definition of a "day" remains the same.

Homework Equations

i know that for part A, you can do a simple ratio of 10/7 to get the correct answer of 1.43

for part B, I converted 1 french week into 1,000,000 french seconds
and 1 standard week into 86,400 seconds, originally, but i thought i had messed up.. so i got 604,800 the second time. i know that the first value i got is correct, because the correct answer is .864. I'm just having trouble recalling how i got that number, because i erased my work.. and, furthermore, i thought that the ratio was of french to standard, not vice versa. either way, 86400/1000000 is not .864, it is .0864. so obviously some number must be wrong, whether it is 1,000,000 or 86,400, but i have done the calculation over many times, and cannot find my mistake..as silly as that sounds :X

The Attempt at a Solution

woops.. see above!
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  • #2
tigerlili said:
[ i thought that the ratio was of french to standard, not vice versa.
That's what you wrote in the statement of the problem.

To get the correct answer, you must compare the number of normal seconds and revolutionary seconds in the same period, for example a day. You have compared the number in a normal week and a revolutionary week, which are different periods.
  • #3
okay, so i found my mistakes.. but, still, the question says to do a ratio of french to standard.. but 100,000/86,400 is not .864 which is the textbook's correct answer. it would have to be 86,400/100,000.. which is not what the question asks for, which is why i am confused

thanks for your help
  • #4
1 French second = 1/100,000 day.


French second / standard second
= ( ? days) / ( ? days)​

Note the "days" units cancel, leaving a numerical ratio.
  • #5
ahh i get it now, thanks so much!

FAQ: Fairly simple dimensional analysis- somehow gone wrong

1. What is dimensional analysis and why is it important?

Dimensional analysis is a method used in science to check the validity of equations and calculations by ensuring that the units on both sides of the equation are consistent. It is important because it helps to prevent errors and ensure accuracy in scientific calculations.

2. How can dimensional analysis go wrong?

Dimensional analysis can go wrong when the units are not properly converted or when the incorrect conversion factor is used. It can also go wrong when the dimensions of the variables are not properly identified or when there is an error in the original equation.

3. What are some common mistakes made in dimensional analysis?

Some common mistakes in dimensional analysis include forgetting to convert units, using the wrong conversion factor, not identifying the correct dimensions of the variables, and not checking for consistency in units throughout the equation.

4. How can you avoid making mistakes in dimensional analysis?

To avoid mistakes in dimensional analysis, it is important to pay close attention to the units and ensure they are properly converted. It is also helpful to double check the conversion factors and to clearly identify the dimensions of the variables in the equation. It is also important to practice and familiarize oneself with dimensional analysis techniques.

5. What are the consequences of getting dimensional analysis wrong?

If dimensional analysis is done incorrectly, it can lead to incorrect results and potentially significant errors in scientific calculations. This can have serious consequences, especially in fields such as engineering or medicine where precision is crucial. It can also lead to a waste of time and resources if the errors are not caught and corrected.
