Find the composition of a multivariate function with itself

In summary: Reflection or involution. These terms already suggest their usage. Any reflection satisfies and other examples for involutions are matrix transposition, complex conjugation or the Legendre transformation.
  • #1
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Solution attempt:


is the map given by

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  • #2
I observe for x=-1,y=0, u=0/0,v=0/0 not defined so this point should be excluded.
  • #3
docnet said:
Homework Statement:: psb
Relevant Equations:: psb

View attachment 278552Solution attempt:


is the map given by

No. The map is given if you express ##z=z(u,v)=z(u(x,y),v(x,y))=z(x,y)##. You have to substitute the ##u,v## with their definitions in terms of ##x,y##.
  • #4
fresh_42 said:
You have to substitute the with their definitions in terms of .
I assume after the substitution he got this result
  • #5
mitochan said:
I assume after the substitution he got this result
Maybe, but I guess there is no way but calculation to be sure. It looks a bit like a local Lie group.
  • #6
I should appreciate it if you would tell me what kind of transformation this ##F = F^{-1}## is. Named? Usage?
  • #7
It is called reflection, or involution.
  • #8
Thanks. And for this special idempotent transformation, is it used in Physics ?
  • #9
mitochan said:
Thanks. And for this special idempotent transformation, is it used in Physics ?
I corrected it. Idempotent functions are ##F^2=F##. We have theoretically ##F^3=F## and any element with ##F^n=F## qualifies to be idempotent, but Wiki said idempotent functions are those with ##n=2##.

So let's call it reflection or involution. These terms already suggest their usage. Any reflection satisfies ##F^2=1:## reflected twice is the original. This is a geometric property but as such also used in physics whenever geometry plays a role (crystallography, particle physics, mechanics). Other examples for involutions are matrix transposition, complex conjugation or the Legendre transformation.
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  • #10
As Fresh_42 was explaining, ##F## is a "Möbius transformation" at its core, an involution about a circle in an offset coordinate system. That's how I got my answer by thinking ##F=F^{-1}##. Although my answer is probably wrong, because ##F## is not defined everywhere on the ##uv## plane to start with. I wonder if the composite map would be different if I computed everything out?

This problem was assigned last semester in differential geometry by the person who invented the Ricci flow and was partially credited for solving the Poincaré conjecture. This was probably too difficult to solve for most undergraduate students in differential geometry.
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  • #11
We can construct this transformation as follows. First, we have something simpler: $$u = \frac{2x}{x^2 + y^2}, \ \ v = \frac{2y}{x^2 + y^2}$$ Leads to the same inverse transformation: $$x = \frac{2u}{u^2 + v^2}, \ \ y =\frac{2v}{u^2 + v^2}$$ Now, if we let ##x' = x +1## and ##u' = u +1##, and we let:
$$u' = \frac{2x'}{x'^2 + y^2}, \ \ v = \frac{2y}{x'^2 + y^2}$$ With the same inverse transformation: $$x' = \frac{2u'}{u'^2 + v^2}, \ \ y =\frac{v}{u'^2 + v^2}$$ Then express that in terms of ##x, u## we have:
$$u +1 = \frac{2(x+1)}{(x+1)^2 + y^2}, \ \ v = \frac{2y}{(x+1)^2 + y^2}$$ With, again, the same inverse transformation. Finally, we re-express ##u##:
$$u = \frac{1 - x^2 - y^2}{(x+1)^2 + y^2}$$ And we see that it's the same transformation as above.
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  • #12
Thanks @PeroK
docnet said:
Although my answer is probably wrong, because is not defined everywhere on the plane to start with. I wonder if the composite map would be different if I computed everything out?
The transformation for (x,y)=(-1,0) ## u(-1,0)=-1, v(-1,0)=0##, otherwise as above mentioned would be defined for all xy, uv plane.

FAQ: Find the composition of a multivariate function with itself

What is a multivariate function?

A multivariate function is a mathematical function that takes in multiple variables as inputs and produces a single output. It is also known as a multivariable function or a function of several variables.

How do you find the composition of a multivariate function with itself?

To find the composition of a multivariate function with itself, you need to substitute the original function into itself. This means that the output of the first function will become the input of the second function, and the resulting output will be the composition of the two functions.

Why is finding the composition of a multivariate function with itself important?

Finding the composition of a multivariate function with itself is important because it allows us to simplify complex functions into a single function. This can make it easier to analyze and solve problems involving the function.

Are there any special rules to follow when finding the composition of a multivariate function with itself?

Yes, there are a few rules to follow when finding the composition of a multivariate function with itself. The most important rule is to ensure that the input and output variables of the two functions match up correctly. Additionally, you may need to apply the chain rule or other differentiation techniques to simplify the function.

Can the composition of a multivariate function with itself be applied to any type of function?

Yes, the composition of a multivariate function with itself can be applied to any type of function as long as the input and output variables match up correctly. This includes polynomial functions, exponential functions, trigonometric functions, and more.
