Finding determinant with upper triangular matrix

In summary, you can find the determinant of a matrix by row reducing it to upper triangular form, and then taking the product of the numbers on the diagonal. If you are unsure how to row reduce it, you can try replacing a row in the matrix with a scalar, and see how the determinant changes. If all you want to know is whether the matrix is invertible, you don't need to keep track.
  • #1
So. I've been told by my prof that the best way to find the determinant of a matrix is to row reduce it to upper triangular and then take the product of the numbers on the diagonal. That's fine, BUT, how do you know how to reduce it?

Depending on what row operations you do, you get different numbers on the diagonal, and a different product..

How do I go about this? :confused:
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  • #2
You should never get a different product, because the determinant doesn't change when you do row operations. If you type up the two different ways that you row reduced it, we can tell you where you made your mistake
  • #3
Perhaps I'm understanding how to reduce to upper triangular form wrong.

This first one comes from my Professor, so I'm assuming it is right:

0 2 1
-3 2 1
3 6 9

3 6 9 (rearrange rows)
-3 2 1
0 2 1

1 2 3 (r1 / 3)
-3 2 1
0 2 1

1 2 3
0 8 10 (r2 + 3(r1))
0 2 1

1 2 3
0 2 1
0 8 10 (swap r2 and r3)

1 2 3
0 2 1
0 0 6 (r3 - 4(r2))

Okay, so that's alright then. The determinant of this matrix is (6)(2)(1) = 12.

What if I backtrack two steps, and don't swap r2 and r3?

1 2 3
0 8 10
0 2 1

1 2 3
0 8 10
0 0 -6 (4(r3) - r2)

So now I'm stuck. I guess this isn't reduced enough to determine the determinant. Where do I go from here? In general, what is required of an upper triangular matrix in order to find the determinant? I don't understand why this one is not acceptable, and I guess that's where I'm going wrong.

Thank you so much.
  • #4
Replacing r(3) with 4r(3)-r(2) isn't a row operation.

Also I lied in my previous post. Row operations do change the determinant, either by a -1 or by multiplying by a scalar if you scale a row. Sorry about that
  • #5
multiplying a row by a non zero scalar multiplies the determinant by that same scalar. interchanging two rows multiplies the determinant by -1. Adding a scalar multiple of one row to a different row does not change the determinant. With these rules you can somewhat tediously keep track of how the determinant changes under row reduction.

E.g. Replacing r(3) with 4r(3)-r(2) is a combination of two row operations that multiplies the determinant by 4.

If all you want to know however is whether the matrix is invertible, you don't need to keep track. it will just depend on whether any zeroes wind up on the diagonal at the end of the reduction process. E.g. if you ever get a zero row or two dependent rows, the determinant is zero, so stop.
  • #6
You have to know all the effects of row operations. Some row operations alter the determinant, e.g. multiplying a row by a scalar c also multiplies the determinant by c.

To keep track of these changes you can write the inverse of the scalar in front of the determinant, e.g.
det(A) = 1/c *det(B) where B has one row multiplied by c in comparison to A.


4 & 1 \\
3 & 5 \\
\end{vmatrix} =


8 & 2 \\
3 & 5 \\


Here, I have multiplied the first row by c=2, thus I have to multiply the determinant by 1/c=1/2.

This is explained very detailed in Paul's Online Math Notes, section" .

More material:


A youtube video by burny1 demonstrating all rules by an example.

A youtube video by Salman Khan demonstrating mulitplication of one row for a 3x3 determinant and the general case.
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  • #7
Thanks heaps for all the help guys, that got my issue cleared up!

FAQ: Finding determinant with upper triangular matrix

1. What is a determinant?

A determinant is a mathematical value that is calculated from a square matrix. It can be thought of as a scaling factor for the matrix and is often used in linear algebra to solve systems of equations and determine properties of a matrix.

2. How do you find the determinant of an upper triangular matrix?

To find the determinant of an upper triangular matrix, you can use the diagonal rule method. This involves multiplying the values on the main diagonal of the matrix and subtracting the product of the values on the secondary diagonal. If the matrix is larger than 2x2, you can continue this process by creating smaller sub-matrices until you reach a 2x2 matrix, which can be solved using the cross-multiplication method.

3. Can an upper triangular matrix have a determinant of 0?

Yes, an upper triangular matrix can have a determinant of 0. This occurs when the values on the main diagonal are all 0, or when there is a row of all 0s in the matrix. This means that the matrix is not invertible and has no unique solution.

4. What is the significance of the determinant of an upper triangular matrix?

The determinant of an upper triangular matrix can tell us several important things about the matrix. It can determine if the matrix is invertible, if the system of equations represented by the matrix has a unique solution, and the scaling factor of the matrix. It can also be used to find the eigenvalues of the matrix, which have applications in many fields of science and engineering.

5. Are there any shortcuts or tricks for finding the determinant of an upper triangular matrix?

Yes, there are a few shortcuts or tricks that can be used to find the determinant of an upper triangular matrix. One method is to use the fact that the determinant of a diagonal matrix is equal to the product of the diagonal elements. Another method is to use the fact that the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is equal to the product of the diagonal elements. Finally, you can also use Gaussian elimination to transform the matrix into an upper triangular form, making it easier to calculate the determinant.
