Finding Mass of Bicyclist and Bike for Unbanked Curve Travel

In summary, the smallest radius for an unbanked bicyclist is around 18 mph and the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road is .32. To find the radius, draw a freebody diagram and use the centripital force equation F=(mv^2)/r to find the radius.
  • #1
Here's the Prob:

What is the smallest raduis of an unbanked curve around which a bicyclist can travel if her speed is 18 mph and the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road is .32?

This was the response I got:

For the second one: draw a freebody diagram, label all the forces, then use the centripital force equation F=(mv^2)/r to find the radius.'s my question:

Thanks, but wait, I'm still a little confused on the bike problem. We need to know the mass of the bike and the rider, and that's something we don't know yet. How do you find the mass? wait...tell me if I'm doing this right...

g=gravity? So to find the mass would you use the equation g=G*me/re^2?? If not...still, how is the mass found??
Physics news on
  • #2
Just use the symbol m for mass and you will find that it cancels out in the end. Also, g is the local acceleration due to gravity which you can look up (certainly your textbook displays its value).

Now go back and try to follow the original advice!
  • #3
The mass will drop out once you combine equations.

This whole mass thing is a common problem. You have two choices: write out the equations in terms of a variable m for mass and see that they cancel eventually, or make up a value of mass and trust me that they cancel. I don't think I'd trust me if I were you.

  • #4
Thanks Soooooooo Much!
  • #5

I don't know if your prof/teacher is stressing that everything should be done in symbols until the last step. Even simple things like F=ma stuff. Once you get good at notation and solving in symbols you'll understand the units and what's going on more. You'll also be able to quicklly find if and where you made mistakes in canceling or simple algebra. (It also makes following your work eaiser to others i.e. tutors)

  • #6
uh, yeah. He kind of makes us do all the symbolism junk. It confuses me more than it should. Thanks for the advice. It'll come in handy later.
  • #7
Symbols are a godsend to somebody reading over your work. It saves them the trouble of having to guess what you did and then having to actually go and calculate it out to see if that's what you actually did. In particular, if one of the steps is wrong, you could confuse the reader so much that all he can say is "I have no idea how you got this number."

It also helps because calculating numbers takes extra time and extra tools (calculator?) than just reviewing symbols. I think you'll find that many people are more amenable to going over your work if they're not made to do it all over again, too. Although a good tutor really will work the problem on his own beforehand, I doubt you'll find many people doing it for free that are so dedicated to work that isn't their own.


FAQ: Finding Mass of Bicyclist and Bike for Unbanked Curve Travel

1. What is the purpose of finding the mass of a bicyclist and bike for unbanked curve travel?

The purpose of finding the mass of a bicyclist and bike for unbanked curve travel is to understand the relationship between the mass of the rider and the bike and how it affects their ability to navigate an unbanked curve. This information can be used to determine the appropriate speed and angle at which the rider should approach the curve in order to maintain stability and avoid accidents.

2. How is the mass of a bicyclist and bike determined?

The mass of a bicyclist and bike can be determined using a scale or by calculating the combined weight of the rider and the bike. It is important to accurately measure the mass in order to get a precise understanding of how it affects the rider's ability to navigate an unbanked curve.

3. What factors can affect the mass of a bicyclist and bike?

The mass of a bicyclist and bike can be affected by several factors such as the weight of the rider, the weight of the bike, and any additional items or equipment attached to the bike. Additionally, the terrain and road conditions can also impact the overall mass as it may require the rider to carry additional items or adjust their bike setup.

4. How does the mass of a bicyclist and bike impact their ability to navigate an unbanked curve?

The mass of a bicyclist and bike plays a crucial role in their ability to navigate an unbanked curve. A higher mass will require more force to change direction, making it more difficult for the rider to maintain control and stability while turning. On the other hand, a lower mass will make it easier for the rider to turn, but they may need to adjust their speed and angle in order to maintain balance.

5. Are there any safety considerations to keep in mind when determining the mass of a bicyclist and bike for unbanked curve travel?

Safety should always be a top priority when determining the mass of a bicyclist and bike for unbanked curve travel. It is important to ensure that the rider and bike are properly equipped and the mass is accurately measured in order to avoid accidents and maintain stability while navigating the curve. Additionally, riders should always follow safety guidelines and adjust their speed and angle accordingly to maintain control and avoid hazards on the road.
