Forum: Line Through Member Name Meaning

  • Thread starter DragonPetter
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the reasons why a member's name may have a line through it, which is typically an indication of being banned. The conversation also mentions the different ways a user can be banned, such as accumulating infraction points or creating multiple accounts. The conversation ends with a humorous poem about the various ways a user can be banned from the forum.
  • #1
What does it mean when a member's name has a line through it?
Physics news on
  • #2
DragonPetter said:
What does it mean when a member's name has a line through it?
They've been banned.
  • #3
Is that the only reason? Thanks for the answer
  • #4
DragonPetter said:
Is that the only reason? Thanks for the answer
Yes, it's the only reason.
  • #5
Alright, thanks again.
  • #6
Note that there are several ways a user can be banned:

1) A user may be banned temporarily. Usually (but not always), a user is banned for 10 days after he accumulated 8 infraction points.

2) A user may be banned permanently. This happens after a user accumulated 10 infraction points.

3) A user may have requested a ban.

A user may be banned for any of these 3 reasons.
  • #7
4) A user may get banned even before s/he types a single word. :biggrin:

[this happens only if you create more than one account, especially if they're of the same IP address]
  • #8
Gad said:
4) A user may get banned even before s/he types a single word. :biggrin:

[this happens only if you create more than one account, especially if they're of the same IP address]

That's not the only possibility. It can also happen if you register with an obviously inappropriate nick.

In general there are many ways someone can themselves banned. We have a list of these reasons, it is called forum rules.
  • #9
How can I ban thee? Let me count the ways.
Should thou fuss, clash, or fight
I ban thee to keep thee from our sight
To keep this forum an safe and fun place.
Behold the troll, who thinks himself clever:
In Politics and World Affairs, be polite!
If thy fiery passions go too left, or too right,
I ban the ten days or maybe forever.
Behold the crack’d pot compelled to abuse
This good forum to spread outlandish faith:
Thy user rights thou will eternally lose
Left to wander the innerwebs a homeless wraith.
Yet thou may appeal – and, if Greg choose,
Thou shall be reprieved from forum death.
  • #10
lisab said:
How can I ban thee? Let me count the ways.
Should thou fuss, clash, or fight
I ban thee to keep thee from our sight
To keep this forum an safe and fun place.
Behold the troll, who thinks himself clever:
In Politics and World Affairs, be polite!
If thy fiery passions go too left, or too right,
I ban the ten days or maybe forever.
Behold the crack’d pot compelled to abuse
This good forum to spread outlandish faith:
Thy user rights thou will eternally lose
Left to wander the innerwebs a homeless wraith.
Yet thou may appeal – and, if Greg choose,
Thou shall be reprieved from forum death.
  • #11
lisab said:
How can I ban thee? Let me count the ways.
Should thou fuss, clash, or fight
I ban thee to keep thee from our sight
To keep this forum an safe and fun place.
Behold the troll, who thinks himself clever:
In Politics and World Affairs, be polite!
If thy fiery passions go too left, or too right,
I ban the ten days or maybe forever.
Behold the crack’d pot compelled to abuse
This good forum to spread outlandish faith:
Thy user rights thou will eternally lose
Left to wander the innerwebs a homeless wraith.
Yet thou may appeal – and, if Greg choose,
Thou shall be reprieved from forum death.

Wow, wonderful!
  • #12
lisab said:
How can I ban thee? Let me count the ways.
Should thou fuss, clash, or fight
I ban thee to keep thee from our sight
To keep this forum an safe and fun place.
Behold the troll, who thinks himself clever:
In Politics and World Affairs, be polite!
If thy fiery passions go too left, or too right,
I ban the ten days or maybe forever.
Behold the crack’d pot compelled to abuse
This good forum to spread outlandish faith:
Thy user rights thou will eternally lose
Left to wander the innerwebs a homeless wraith.
Yet thou may appeal – and, if Greg choose,
Thou shall be reprieved from forum death.

Well, almost. Add a line about posting spam links to a site where you can watch the latest TV shows and then it would be perfect!
  • #13
Gad said:
4) A user may get banned even before s/he types a single word. :biggrin:

[this happens only if you create more than one account, especially if they're of the same IP address]

What happens if two family members, often sharing a common computer, both want to participate in PF? (I don't know of such case, but do know of a case where this created issues on a chess site) It seems unfortunate to rule this out.
  • #14
PAllen said:
What happens if two family members, often sharing a common computer, both want to participate in PF? (I don't know of such case, but do know of a case where this created issues on a chess site) It seems unfortunate to rule this out.

It happens quite a lot here. We usually send something to the user asking them if they are related.
It would be nice if the users themselves send us something about them being relate, but this rarely happens.
  • #15
Gad said:
[this happens only if you create more than one account, especially if they're of the same IP address]
People using the same IP address (not simultaneously) could just be two totally unrelated persons who use the same Internet Service Provider. My IP address changes every day.
  • #16
lisab said:
How can I ban thee? Let me count the ways.
Should thou fuss, clash, or fight
I ban thee to keep thee from our sight
To keep this forum an safe and fun place.
Behold the troll, who thinks himself clever:
In Politics and World Affairs, be polite!
If thy fiery passions go too left, or too right,
I ban the ten days or maybe forever.
Behold the crack’d pot compelled to abuse
This good forum to spread outlandish faith:
Thy user rights thou will eternally lose
Left to wander the innerwebs a homeless wraith.
Yet thou may appeal – and, if Greg choose,
Thou shall be reprieved from forum death.

If you weren't already gold, you should be.
  • #17
DrGreg said:
My IP address changes every day.

Ban him. :biggrin:
  • #18
Which brings another question: what if the IP address is blocked? :biggrin:
  • #19
Gad said:
Which brings another question: what if the IP address is blocked? :biggrin:
That blocks them if they have a static IP.
  • #20
so who polices the police here?
  • #21
rbj said:
so who polices the police here?

All mentor action can be seen and reviewed by other mentors. So if one mentor does something wrong, then the other mentors will correct him.
In particular, Greg sees everything we do and can correct us if necessary. Complaints can always be sent to other mentors or Greg.

So we are policed by the other mentors. And if necessary, we are policed by Greg.

And who polices Greg?? Nobody needs to, because it's his forum.
  • #22
rbj said:
so who polices the police here?
There's a hierarchy amongst us police, mentors < admins < Greg. A rogue mentor can be removed by an admin or Greg, a rogue admin can be removed by Greg. A rogue Greg? Well, it's his site.

We do not act unilaterally except in the most obvious of cases: Spammers, hackers, sockpuppets of previously banned members, the most obvious of cranks, and people who post or PM the most incredibly vile/vulgar/threatening garbage. Otherwise we work to a consensus before taking action. In general, the more extreme the action (banning someone is most extreme), the more we look for consensus.
  • #23
micromass said:
… And who polices Greg??

Greg'sDad ? :smile:
  • #24
D H said:
There's a hierarchy amongst us police, mentors < admins < Greg. A rogue mentor can be removed by an admin or Greg, a rogue admin can be removed by Greg. A rogue Greg? Well, it's his site.

We do not act unilaterally except in the most obvious of cases: Spammers, hackers, sockpuppets of previously banned members, the most obvious of cranks, and people who post or PM the most incredibly vile/vulgar/threatening garbage. Otherwise we work to a consensus before taking action. In general, the more extreme the action (banning someone is most extreme), the more we look for consensus.
Actually, the mentors and "admins" are the same, admins are not above mentors, Admins can approve passwords, reboot the server, and ban specific IP addresses. Aside from this they are the same as mentors. The hierarchy is mentors/admins < Greg. Greg is the only one that can overide a mentor/admin.

The admins just have the ability to do some of the technical stuff so that we don't have to try to reach Greg every time we need something done.

Micro is correct, the mentors (this includes admins) do a good job of policing ourselves. Greg is the Police Chief.
Last edited:
  • #25
I only asked because someone who is respected in the physics field (no, I will not reveal the identity) and who is also very helpful on this forum may have received a ban, and I was hoping it was a mistake.
  • #26
DragonPetter said:
I only asked because someone who is respected in the physics field (no, I will not reveal the identity) and who is also very helpful on this forum may have received a ban, and I was hoping it was a mistake.
I'm not aware of anyone like that being banned. Can you hit the report button and tell us the name you are concerned about? The report only goes to the mentors and perhaps we can privately answer your question.
  • #27
I too have one question. Even if some members are banned, why they are shown in the "Active users" list on the home page?

Also, a few days ago, my IP was banned for a few hours, i even sent a message regarding this and this happened twice. I did not receive any reply too.
  • #28
Pranav-Arora said:
I too have one question. Even if some members are banned, why they are shown in the "Active users" list on the home page?
Even though they were banned, they're still lurking.

Also, a few days ago, my IP was banned for a few hours, i even sent a message regarding this and this happened twice. I did not receive any reply too.
A few days days ago, the server was down for a couple of hours and no one could get in. You have no bans on your record.
  • #29
Evo said:
You have no bans on your record.

Oh maybe but I was greeted with a message "Sorry, the administrator has banned your IP address. Click here to send a message.".
  • #30
Pranav-Arora said:
Oh maybe but I was greeted with a message "Sorry, the administrator has banned your IP address. Click here to send a message.".

Then could be you are assigned IP dynamically and you happened to be assign an IP that was earlier used by a banned spammer.
  • #31
Pranav-Arora said:
I too have one question. Even if some members are banned, why they are shown in the "Active users" list on the home page?

Also, a few days ago, my IP was banned for a few hours, i even sent a message regarding this and this happened twice. I did not receive any reply too.
Sorry about that!

Borek said:
Then could be you are assigned IP dynamically and you happened to be assign an IP that was earlier used by a banned spammer.
That is the case.

Some ISPs are used by a lot of spammers. We try to block the spammers without disrupting access of legitimate members. And sometimes, members are assigned IP addresses that we have blocked because of spammers.
  • #32
Evo said:
I'm not aware of anyone like that being banned. Can you hit the report button and tell us the name you are concerned about? The report only goes to the mentors and perhaps we can privately answer your question.

I hit the report button last week, but never got any feedback. Did mods receive my report or should I not expect a reply from someone about my report? The user of whom I was concerned about still appears to be banned.

FAQ: Forum: Line Through Member Name Meaning

1. What is the meaning of a line through a member's name in a forum?

A line through a member's name in a forum typically indicates that the user is currently offline or inactive. It could also mean that the user's account has been suspended or banned.

2. Why do some forum members have a line through their name while others do not?

The line through a member's name is usually determined by their current activity status. If a member is currently online and active, their name will not have a line through it. However, if a member is offline or inactive, the line will appear through their name.

3. Can a member choose to have a line through their name in a forum?

No, the line through a member's name is automatically generated by the forum software based on their activity status. Members do not have the option to add or remove the line.

4. Is there a way to see a list of all members who have a line through their name in a forum?

This depends on the specific forum software being used. Some forums may have a feature that allows you to filter or sort members based on their activity status. If this feature is not available, you can manually check each member's name to see if they have a line through it.

5. Can a member still participate in a forum if their name has a line through it?

Yes, a member can still participate in a forum even if their name has a line through it. However, they may not be currently active or online, so their responses may not be immediate. It is also possible that the member's account has been suspended or banned, in which case they would not be able to participate.

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