French applying for a 6 month internship in Australia

In summary: I'll leave it up to you.In summary, the student is looking for a 6-month internship abroad, and he is interested in Neural physics. The student has made some changes to his cover letter and resume based on the mentor's feedback. The student is applying to a research department, and he has basic knowledge in two programming languages. The student is looking to improve his English and spelling skills.
  • #1
Mentor note: removed the attachments, see post 3

Hi everyone,
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, if I am wrong I will delete this thread as soon as possible.

I am a french student, currently looking for a 6-months internship abroad, required by my school.
Being interested in Neural physics, i found a lab in Sydney that looks interesting, and wanted to know if you could help me correcting my résumé and "research interest" (as a student, it is not really developped...).

Thank you very much for your help,

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  • #2
Experience listed most recent first, then second most recent, etc. You have the oldest at the top.

On your cover letter, the word "as" after "Dear Sir" should be capitalized. Like so.

Dear Sir,

As a student ...

I think you may be getting tripped up on English/French spelling. Maybe you have your spell checker set to French? Crystal not cristal. I think you meant to say programming not programmation.

I like that you have a cover letter that asks for a specific thing, with specific dates. It helps a busy person at the other end to know what it is they are supposed to decide.
I like that your Resume fits on one page. I like that you included contact info, languages spoken, nationality. These are important if the school is to have you work for them.

I have no real idea what the school you are applying to wants. So I don't know if these are the correct things to emphasize. Possibly you can Google the school you are interested in and see if there is anything on their web pages that you may have missed. Maybe you can even find some email contacts for potential profs to work for.
  • #3
Thank you very much, I made the changes you suggested !

In fact I am not applying to a school but directly to the research department. I have found a page with a "contact the research expert" form, but I also found the email of the responsible of the department, so I don't really know what contact I should use (mostly because I think the form is for people applying for long-term research positions)
  • #4
Are you sure you want to share all your personal data? Google finds it, and your potential future employer can find it as well together with everyone else.
I removed the attachments for now - if you really want to share them like this just tell me and I can add them again. Or (which is a way better option) remove your name and address and so on, just keep the things interesting for the thread here. I can put new versions into the first post if you like.

Concerning the content:
In the research interest, I would not mention that you need such an internship. It reads like "oh well, I have to do something, can I please spend 6 months at your lab to get it done?"
I don't know the French system, will you do some lab/theory work (more than 1-2 weeks) and write a thesis for the BSc before February 2016? That should go into the CV even if it is not done yet.

If "computing" is one of the two interests listed (I don't think this list helps), you should have more than basic knowledge in two programming languages ("basic knowledge of syntax" sounds like you wrote a hello world program). "graphical user interfaces and instrument interfaces" means programming them? I would add that word.

Fluent knowledge of English and spelling errors just don't fit. Also, where does the fluent knowledge come from without some stay abroad? The French accent can be tricky.
  • #5
Thank you for removing the files, i don't think there's much of interest to learn here but still i'll do a new version without informations !

I won't have any experimental/theoretical experience by then, this internship is supposed to be our first real contact with the research domain.

About the programming, I mostly write some Python scripts to simulate some physical situation described in homeworks (especially simple statistical physics models) and during the month long internship I wrote a script with a GUI to control some arbitrary waveform generator. The other languages I only know basics, but never really used them since I already know Python.
And yes I think i can skip this list, just mention I already used Python.

The spelling mistakes are to be corrected of course. In Classe Preparatoires we had weekly individual oral examinations in english, so it helped me work on my accent. But I can remove the "fluent" mention if you think I should.
  • #6
I know French speakers who spoke English every day for years, and are still hard to understand even for native speakers. Sure, those are outliers, but they exist.
Weekly oral exams, probably mainly by other Frenchs, don't give fluency in English. You can mention those exams in the CV, however.
  • #7
Ok, for me "fluent" just meant that I could hold a conversation without stopping to find my words.
So, my bad, I remove that.

Do you think that replacing "required" by "encouraged" or "given the opportunity" would be better? Because I think it is important to keep the fact that the internship is part of my studies.
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FAQ: French applying for a 6 month internship in Australia

What are the requirements for a French citizen to apply for a 6 month internship in Australia?

The requirements for a French citizen to apply for a 6 month internship in Australia may vary depending on the specific internship program and company. Generally, you will need a valid passport, a visa for the duration of your stay, and proof of enrollment in a French university. Some companies may also require a certain level of proficiency in English. It is important to research the specific requirements of the internship before applying.

Is it necessary to have previous work experience to apply for a 6 month internship in Australia?

Previous work experience is not always necessary, but it can be beneficial to have some relevant experience in your field of study. Companies may also consider other factors such as academic achievements and extracurricular activities when reviewing internship applications. It is important to highlight any relevant experience or skills in your application.

How can I find and apply for internships in Australia as a French citizen?

There are various resources available for finding and applying for internships in Australia. You can search for internships on job search websites, university career centers, or through professional networking platforms. It is also helpful to reach out to companies directly to inquire about internship opportunities. When applying, make sure to carefully follow the application instructions and provide all necessary documents.

Will I need to obtain a visa to participate in a 6 month internship in Australia?

Yes, as a French citizen, you will need to obtain a visa to participate in a 6 month internship in Australia. The type of visa you will need will depend on the duration and nature of your internship. The most common visas for internships are the Temporary Work (International Relations) visa and the Training visa. It is important to research the visa requirements and application process well in advance of your internship start date.

Can I receive academic credit for my internship in Australia?

It is possible to receive academic credit for your internship in Australia, but this will depend on the policies of your university and the internship program. Some programs may offer the option to receive academic credit, while others may not. It is important to discuss this with your university and the internship program beforehand to determine if credit is possible and what steps need to be taken to receive it.

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