From the peanut gallery, its about time.

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In summary, "From the peanut gallery, its about time." is a phrase commonly used to express impatience or frustration with a situation that is taking too long. It originated in vaudeville theater in the early 1900s and is still used today in informal or colloquial settings. The tone or connotation of the phrase can vary, but it is often perceived as being sarcastic or impatient. It is not appropriate to use in professional or formal settings.
  • #1
Being an enthusiast of theortical physics, I watch excitedly as we near a theory of everything. I grasp at every non-physicist version of literature to keep up with what’s happening at the particle accelerators around the world… Is Higgs there yet? is SUSY alive and well?

Yet sometimes I also like to pull back from all the talk about extra-dimensions and elegant mathematical formulation, and try to regain a little bit of perspective, consider something that may get lost as we focus intently on the prize… and what struck me this time, is time.

We don’t even understand Time very well, so can we really expect to achieve a theory of everything without it?

Also, do all dimensions outside of our ‘time’ have to be spatial? Might some others be time-like as well, or something even more exotic? If the answer is yes, how does effect things?

Gravity is still a mystery, but maybe gravity isn’t a force but another time-like dimension that cuts through our universe, interacting enough to leave dark matter twirling in it wake, reversing entropy and flinging together matter and making galaxies.

I am talking crazy here? Or is there something I am missing?

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  • #2
, this is a great question and one that many scientists are also pondering. Time, as we experience it, is a fundamental aspect of our existence and yet we still do not fully understand it. It is a concept that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries. In the search for a theory of everything, it is important to consider the role of time and how it fits into the larger picture.

Firstly, let me address your question about dimensions outside of our time. In theoretical physics, dimensions are often thought of as spatial dimensions, but this is not always the case. In some theories, there can be additional time-like dimensions that exist alongside our own. These dimensions may have different properties and behaviors compared to our familiar time dimension. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities and raises interesting questions about how time operates in these dimensions.

As for your idea about gravity being a time-like dimension, this is a concept that has been explored by some scientists. In fact, in certain theories, gravity is considered to be a curvature in the fabric of space and time, known as spacetime. This means that gravity is not a force in the traditional sense, but rather a result of the bending of spacetime by massive objects. This idea has been supported by various experiments and observations, including the bending of light by massive objects and the detection of gravitational waves.

However, the idea of gravity being a time-like dimension is still a topic of debate and further research is needed to fully understand its role in the universe. It is possible that there are other factors at play that contribute to the effects of gravity, and it may not be solely due to a time-like dimension. But your thinking is not crazy, as scientists are constantly exploring new and unconventional ideas in their search for a theory of everything.

In summary, time is a crucial aspect to consider in the search for a theory of everything. It is possible that there are dimensions beyond our own time that may have a significant impact on the universe and our understanding of it. The concept of gravity as a time-like dimension is a valid idea that is being explored by scientists, but there is still much to learn and uncover about this mysterious force. Keep asking questions and exploring these ideas, as it is through curiosity and imagination that we make progress in science.

FAQ: From the peanut gallery, its about time.

What is the meaning of "From the peanut gallery, its about time."?

This phrase is often used to express impatience or frustration with a situation that is taking too long to occur or be resolved.

Where did the phrase "From the peanut gallery, its about time." originate?

The phrase originated in the early 1900s in vaudeville theater, where cheap seats were referred to as the "peanut gallery." It was often used by hecklers to express their impatience with the performers.

Is "From the peanut gallery, its about time." a commonly used phrase?

While it may have been more commonly used in the past, the phrase is still used today, particularly in informal or colloquial settings.

What is the tone or connotation of "From the peanut gallery, its about time."?

The tone or connotation of this phrase can vary depending on the context and tone in which it is used. However, it is often perceived as being sarcastic or impatient.

Can "From the peanut gallery, its about time." be used in a professional or formal setting?

No, this phrase is considered informal and is not appropriate to use in professional or formal settings.

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