Goodbye Classic Skin - PF Prime Now Available

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, the Classic skin went into retirement late last year. The time has come to put Classic to rest. Later tonight PF Prime will replace Classic as the alternative skin. I really like PF Prime, good job on it! Thanks again. :)
  • #1
PF Classic Skin went into retirement late last year. However the time has come to put Classic to rest. Later tonight PF Prime will replace Classic as the alternative skin.
Physics news on
  • #2
I really like PF Prime, good job on it! :approve:
  • #3
This is a sad day! Another milestone for PF. I have to say that I do like Prime a lot. Thanks again. :)
  • #5
Nooooooooooooooooooo... :frown:
  • #6
i do not like the two options. in fact i cannot stand them. they are really unusable, hard on the eys and slower loading. hence i am also in retirement for the time being, until i grow a new thicker skin.thanks for the memories. and good night missus calabash...(explain it to them, reaaally old guys.)
  • #7
Oh come on, you can't have any complaints against prime.
  • #8
I agree with mathwonk, I for another cannot stand Prime and miss the Classic skin. Why did it have to go? Cannot it be kept as an option?

  • #9
If you two could be more descriptive on what things you don't like. I can see someone being indifferent to the skin, but it's a neutral skin with "cool" colors with no flash and less intensive graphics. How can you "hate" that?
  • #10
Come on guys! You get to like this new skin even more than the classic. You know at first I couldn't stand the new skin and thought the colors are intolerable. But now I really get used to it. Anyway I guess you miss the classic skin because of your PF memories!
  • #11
The new skins are too flashy and hard on the eyes. The old one was infinitely better.
  • #12
If we have a selection of skins with different personal preferences for each, why delete one option that some find easiest on the eyes?

  • #13
I wasn't too keen on the new skin when it first came out, but after a week or two it'd really grown on me. Give them a while to get used to them, and then see what you think.
  • #14
I do like Prime, it is not as grey and dark as Nexus :smile:
  • #15
Garth said:
If we have a selection of skins with different personal preferences for each, why delete one option that some find easiest on the eyes?

My sentiments exactly. When my page loaded today I couldn't believe that there was no Classic skin :frown:
  • #16
It is the same for me, I just switched to using Opera as a browser and was looking all over for how to change back to classic. I suppose I just have to say I am not a fan of everything trying to appear chrome.
  • #17
At least all the contrasting lines have gone, this is much easier on the eyes. I especially like the low-profile edit/quote buttons. Sleek :wink: I do agree it the chrome is still dark, I wouldn't mind for the light grey to be a tone lighter (even though it is already lighter than the Nexus).
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  • #18
Prime is acceptable, but I am one of those who stayed with the older classic.

I prefer simplicity and I like the blue - or rather my visual cortex prefers the neurological response associated with the Classic scheme. :biggrin:

But I will adapt. :smile:
  • #19
Indeed! Seconds, to that.
Where is the spectrum of choice for color options? ...

Originally Posted by Garth
If we have a selection of skins with different personal preferences for each, why delete one option that some find easiest on the eyes?

My sentiments exactly. When my page loaded today I couldn't believe that there was no Classic skin
  • #20
Most forums don't even offer a choice and you people are complaining that you have two to choose from! How about thanking Greg for going out of his way to create a second "no frills" skin?
  • #21
That's it, I'm out of here.
  • #22
Now we are like most forums, in terms of color choice.
And thanks to Greg, for the creativity, now and in the future. :-)

Evo Quote:
Most forums don't even offer a choice and you people are complaining that you have two to choose from! How about thanking Greg for going out of his way to create a second "no frills" skin?
I have Golden Mouse ears. °o°
  • #23
I wasn't complaining about the Prime skin, and thank you Greg for being creative; many people like it.

It's just as I happen to prefer the old Classic why did it have to be deleted?

  • #24
Because it is a lot of work to integrate the new features as they get added, when the two skins are too different.
  • #25
Monique said:
Because it is a lot of work to integrate the new features as they get added, when the two skins are too different.
OK, thank you, that is all I wanted, an explanation. :smile:

  • #26
Hmm, I hadn't tried Prime before now. It's simpler than nexus, very good! Would it be hard to allow users to customize their own choice of colours, or to just allow a few different options with the same layout? I'd expect this could satisfy some of the 'hard on the eyes complaints'. A choice of this simpler skin is very much appreciated though!

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the columns in the forum index page aren't lining up with Prime. I mean between the "Science Education", "Physics", etc. categories, each seems to adjust the widths of the "forum", "last post", "threads", etc. columns seperately. (I'm using Firefox if it matters)
  • #27
Evo said:
Most forums don't even offer a choice and you people are complaining that you have two to choose from! How about thanking Greg for going out of his way to create a second "no frills" skin?

Evo's right! Where are my manners!?

I am certainly thankful for the effort Greg and Warren (and Mentors) put into the forum.

I provided feedback without the appropriate acknowledgment of gratitude.

Thanks Greg!
  • #28
I just noticed today that when I logged in, my "classic" skin was gone. Here is yet another vote for keeping it (the old "traditional skin") around if it is technically feasible.

If it is just a matter of not deleting some old files, _please_ keep the old skin availabe for us die-hards who like it.
  • #29
Well there ever be any more skins created in the future?
  • #30
scott1 said:
Well there ever be any more skins created in the future?

Maybe in 2-3 years.
  • #31
Evo said:
Plays "Taps".

go to "click here for a sound file of taps"

A moment of silence please.

I prefer the printable type, so I could y'know sing it.

Greg Bernhardt said:
If you two could be more descriptive on what things you don't like. I can see someone being indifferent to the skin, but it's a neutral skin with "cool" colors with no flash and less intensive graphics. How can you "hate" that?

for me, it's the grey color. it's just bland (imho) which is why i prefer the plain blue-white color of the classic skin. but you know do what you have to do. no biggie
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  • #32
shmoe said:
Hmm, I hadn't tried Prime before now. It's simpler than nexus, very good! Would it be hard to allow users to customize their own choice of colours, or to just allow a few different options with the same layout? I'd expect this could satisfy some of the 'hard on the eyes complaints'. A choice of this simpler skin is very much appreciated though!

Agree, the simple prime format is nice,
...liked the classic blue color though,
glad Opera has the yellow User mode, ...sunshine
:wink: :smile:
  • #33
I also don't like the bland grey color. Its not only that its a little bit too bright to comfortably look at for long periods, but it makes the whole forum look boring.
  • #34
OK, I am adapting to Prime.

However, it appears that the Journals area is not visible in the Prime skin, or am I being somewhat imperceptive?

And in the Nexus skin, I don't see the FAQ link.
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  • #35
Astronuc said:
However, it appears that the Journals area is not visible in the Prime skin
Yep, Greg is fixing it.

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