Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge

In summary, the player is stuck on level 25 of a 24 level gridlock game. The player is on the last level, level 41, which is blank. The player has beaten the game on normal mode and on spinning mode racing against a friend.
  • #1

I'm on level 24 right now and it's not easy.
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  • #2
I did eventually get 24, but now I'm stuck on 25. Here's the puzzle in case you don't want to play all the way to 25 to do it:
Each space is an empty quare, all letters of the same type are part of the same piece, and the XX is the blue rectangle (which you must move to the right by 3 spaces). The rules you can find by playing the first level of the flash game.
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  • #3
I'm at 28! wooo
  • #4
I got to 29 a few hours ago but stopped playing. You'll pass me soon I bet.

29's another tough one:
  C B
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  • #5
Ok now I finished the game because level 41 is blank.

Interestingly, I beat 36 because of a bug. I pulled a car right out of the grid! :smile:
  • #6
Good work!
  • #7
im stuck on 25
  • #8
As far as I can tell, that's not a bug, i.e. I believe it was intentional (that car that you can pull right out).
  • #9
I think it is a bug, how do you mean it is intentional?
There where a couple of blocks (at least two) in that level that I could move on top of other blocks...
  • #10
I think they intentionally designed it so that, in order to beat the level, you had to exploit that "bug." It doesn't seem to be something someone accidentally puts into the code. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the level couldn't be beat otherwise.
  • #11
I did the first 20 really easily, in like an hour last night, then i had to go to bed. Today its been really sucky. I'm stuck on 39 now... I'M SO CLOSE TO WINNING IT ALL! sucks... I've been doing 39 for like... ever.
  • #12
That game rules. I beat it all on normal mode, then on spinning mode racing against a friend. Fun stuff.

FAQ: Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge

1. What is Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge?

Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge is a puzzle game that requires logical thinking and problem-solving skills. It consists of a grid with colored blocks that need to be moved in a specific sequence to solve the puzzle.

2. How do you play Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge?

To play Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge, you must use your mouse or keyboard to move the colored blocks in the grid. The goal is to move the blocks in a specific sequence to free the red block and solve the puzzle.

3. Is Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge only for adults?

No, Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge can be played by people of all ages. It is a fun and challenging game that can improve critical thinking skills for both adults and children.

4. Are there any tips for solving Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge?

Yes, some tips for solving Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge include starting with the corners and edges of the grid, visualizing your moves before making them, and using trial and error to find the correct sequence.

5. Can Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge improve cognitive skills?

Yes, Gridlock Level 24 - Brain Teaser Challenge can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and spatial reasoning. It can also help improve memory and concentration.
