Having trouble connecting Lorentz transformations with my problem

In summary: But in the u_z equation, v is the velocity of the frame of reference in the y direction (because that's how the y direction was defined). And in the u_x' and u_y' equations, v is the velocity of the frame of reference in the z direction (because that's how the z direction was defined).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A ship is moving at 0.45c with respect to earth, and a beacon is fired perpendicular to the ship at 0.65c with respect to the ship. Find the velocity of the beacon with respect to earth.

Homework Equations



The Attempt at a Solution

My main problem here is seeing which numbers go where in the equations. My book basically just shows them, then has an example of adding velocities in one dimension >_>.

From what I gather, ux and uy are the components of the velocity of the beacon with respect to earth. u'x and u'y are the components of the velocity in the ship's frame, making u'x = 0 and u'y = 0.65c
This however makes the v's in the denominator cancel out, and I get ux = v and uy = 0.65[tex]\sqrt{1/ (v^{2}/c^{2}})[/tex]
Plugging in my value of ux for v I get uy = 0.65[tex]\sqrt{1/ (u_{x}^{2}/c^{2}})[/tex] which doesn't lead me anywhere.
Its pretty clear that I'm doing something wrong, I just ned a nudge in the right direction. Here's my picture of the problem (not to scale =P)

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Hi m00npirate,

What does v represent in this problem? What numerical value does it have?
  • #3
v is the velocity of the beacon with respect to earth, which I am ultimately trying to find.
  • #4
m00npirate said:
v is the velocity of the beacon with respect to earth, which I am ultimately trying to find.

No, I believe v is the velocity of the reference frame of the ship (relative to the earth). The primed velocities are the velocity of the beacon in the ship's reference frame; so what is v?
  • #5
Since the beacon is fired in perpendicular direction, vperpendicular= 0.65c with respect to rocket, and since the rocket is moving at 0m/s in perpendicular axis with respect to earth, applying lorentz transformation in that perpendicular axis will still give beacon velocity of 0.65c
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  • #6
Hi ice ace,

ice ace said:
Since the beacon is fired in perpendicular direction, vperpendicular= 0.65c with respect to earth, since the rocket is moving at 0m/s in perpendicular axis with respect to earth. Applying lorentz transformation in that perpendicular axis with v= 0c (rocket v in that direction wrt earth), you'll obtain u'x=ux=0.65c

I don't think that is right. Those particular velocity equations were derived assuming that the reference frame moved with speed v along the x (and x') axis, so v would not be zero.
  • #7
Maybe I'm wrong, but I know that v= 0.45c in that axis that the Earth and spaceship travel in, but v in the perpendicular axis is 0, is it not?=>spaceship is not moving in the perpendicular axis with respect to earth.
  • #8
ice ace said:
Maybe I'm wrong, but I know that v= 0.45c in that axis that the Earth and spaceship travel in, but v in the perpendicular axis is 0, is it not?=>spaceship is not moving in the perpendicular axis with respect to earth.

I don't think that's the way those equations were derived. First you say that you have one frame move with velocity v relative to another. Then the direction of that velocity v defines the x (and x') axis, and the y and z (and y' and z') axes are perpendicular to the direction of v.

So the meaning of v in all the equations is the same; in both the u_x and u_y equations v is the velocity of the frame of reference in the x direction (because that's how the x direction was defined).

FAQ: Having trouble connecting Lorentz transformations with my problem

1. How are Lorentz transformations relevant to my problem?

Lorentz transformations are a set of mathematical equations that describe the relationship between space and time in special relativity. They are relevant to your problem if it involves objects moving at high speeds or in different reference frames, as they allow you to accurately calculate measurements such as time dilation and length contraction.

2. What is the purpose of Lorentz transformations?

The purpose of Lorentz transformations is to reconcile the differences between observations made by different observers in relative motion. They allow for the preservation of the laws of physics in all inertial reference frames, providing a consistent framework for understanding the effects of special relativity.

3. How do I apply Lorentz transformations to my problem?

To apply Lorentz transformations, you will need to know the relative velocity between two reference frames and the initial measurements of an event in one frame. You can then use the equations to calculate the measurements in the other frame. It is important to carefully consider which frame is the "moving" frame and which is the "stationary" frame in your problem.

4. Can Lorentz transformations be used for non-relativistic problems?

While Lorentz transformations were initially developed for problems involving high speeds and special relativity, they can also be used for non-relativistic problems. In these cases, the equations simplify to the classical Galilean transformations, which describe the relationship between measurements in different reference frames in classical mechanics.

5. What are some common misconceptions about Lorentz transformations?

One common misconception is that Lorentz transformations only apply to objects moving at the speed of light. In reality, they can be applied to any relative velocity, as long as the objects are moving at a constant speed. Another misconception is that Lorentz transformations only apply to time and length measurements, when in fact they can also be used to calculate other quantities such as momentum and energy.
