Hawking Raditation and particle-antiparticle pairs

  • Thread starter Sir_Arthur
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In summary, Hawking Radiation is a theoretical process proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking in which black holes emit radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon. This process involves the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs near the edge of the black hole, with one particle being captured by the black hole and the other escaping into space as radiation. This process could eventually lead to the evaporation of black holes over time, a concept that has significant implications for our understanding of the universe.
  • #1
The way I understand it it, black holes decay because particle-antiparticle pairs appear so close to the black hole that the particle gets away, but the antiparticle falls in and annihilates part of the black hole (Hawking Radiation), but there are two things I don't understand:
1) When the antiparticle falls in, doesn't it add energy to the black hole (because energy is always positive) and shouldn't it increase the size?
2) Why would more antiparticles fall in than regular particles, since the eruption of pairs from the vacuum is random, shouldn't equal numbers of both fall in while equal numbers of particles and antiparticles escape as radiation? Wouldn't this mean that the black hole's size shouldn't change (or if my understanding of 1 was right, get bigger).
Any insight would be appreciated.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #3
Read the stuff at the link that cristo gave.

Particles and anti-particles are equally likely to fall into the black hole, and, yes, both real particles and anti-particle have positive mass/energy. Virtual particles and anti-particles can be off-shell, and even can have negative energy, If a negative energy particle or anti-particle falls into the black hole, the mas of the black hole decreases.
  • #4
@cristo: Nice link!

FAQ: Hawking Raditation and particle-antiparticle pairs

What is Hawking Radiation?

Hawking radiation is a theoretical form of radiation proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking, which suggests that black holes emit particles and energy over time, eventually leading to their eventual evaporation.

How is Hawking Radiation produced?

Hawking radiation is produced through a process called pair production, where virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are created near the event horizon of a black hole. One particle escapes and the other falls into the black hole, resulting in a net loss of energy and mass for the black hole.

What is the significance of Hawking Radiation?

Hawking radiation is significant because it challenges the idea that black holes are completely black and do not emit any sort of radiation. It also provides a potential mechanism for black holes to lose mass and eventually evaporate, which was previously thought to be impossible.

Can Hawking Radiation be observed?

Currently, Hawking radiation has not been directly observed, as it is very faint and difficult to detect. However, scientists are working on developing new technologies and methods to detect the radiation from black holes.

What is the relationship between Hawking Radiation and particle-antiparticle pairs?

Hawking radiation is closely related to particle-antiparticle pairs because it is produced through the creation and separation of these pairs near the event horizon of a black hole. The escaping particle is the radiation, while the other particle falls into the black hole.
