Help evaluate the ball lightning energy

In summary, during a school lesson in Frijazino city in 1976, a ball lightning with a diameter of 10cm and a discharge duration of 30 seconds caused a 7cm round hole in a window glass with a thickness of 3mm. To estimate the energy needed for the glass to vaporize, the volume of the glass needs to be calculated and the vaporization energy required. However, it is more likely that the glass was a mixture of molten glass and glass vapor, in which case the calculation should be done with 50% liquid and 50% vapor. This is a rough estimate but will provide an idea of the energy needed.
  • #1
Input data:

window glass thickness: 3mm
ball lightning diameter: 10cm
discharge duration 30 seconds

After the discharge there was 7cm round hole in the window glass (after freezing to atmosfere temperature).

It was a real case in 1976 year in Frijazino city, near Moscow during school lesson.
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  • #2
a rough estimate would be to calculate the energy needed to vaporize the said volume of commen glass.

Calculate the volume, then find the vaporisation energy required for the glass.

In reality, I'm sure it was not purely vaporised, but a mixture of molten glass and glass vapor. In this case reproduce the said calculation with 50% liquid and 50% vapor.

A rough estimate but will give you an idea.
  • #3

Based on the input data provided, it is difficult to accurately evaluate the energy of the ball lightning without additional information. However, we can make some estimations based on the data given.

Firstly, the 3mm thickness of the window glass suggests that it is likely a standard glass used in buildings, which typically has a density of around 2500 kg/m^3.

Next, the diameter of the ball lightning is stated to be 10cm, which gives us a volume of approximately 523.6 cm^3 (assuming a perfect spherical shape).

The discharge duration of 30 seconds is also provided, indicating the length of time the energy was released.

Lastly, the 7cm round hole in the window glass after freezing to atmospheric temperature gives us an idea of the energy released by the ball lightning. The size of the hole suggests that the energy of the ball lightning was enough to melt and vaporize the glass in that area, causing it to form a hole.

To accurately evaluate the energy of the ball lightning, we would need to know the exact composition and density of the ball lightning, the temperature and pressure at which it was formed, and the specific heat capacity and melting point of the glass. We would also need to consider any other factors that may have influenced the energy release, such as the distance between the ball lightning and the window glass.

In conclusion, while the data provided gives us some insight into the energy of the ball lightning, it is not enough to make a precise evaluation. Further research and data collection would be needed to accurately determine the energy of the ball lightning in this case.

FAQ: Help evaluate the ball lightning energy

1) What is ball lightning energy?

Ball lightning energy refers to the electrical energy released during the appearance and disappearance of ball lightning, a rare and mysterious phenomenon in which a glowing sphere of light appears during a thunderstorm.

2) How is ball lightning energy measured?

Currently, there is no standardized method for measuring ball lightning energy. However, scientists have used electromagnetic field measurements and temperature changes to estimate the energy released during these events.

3) What are some potential uses for ball lightning energy?

There is still much to be understood about ball lightning energy and its properties. However, some scientists have proposed potential uses for this energy, such as powering small electronics or even as a potential source of renewable energy.

4) How does ball lightning energy compare to other types of lightning?

Ball lightning energy is still not well understood and its properties can vary greatly. However, some studies suggest that ball lightning energy may be less powerful than traditional lightning strikes, but can last for longer periods of time.

5) What are some current research efforts focused on ball lightning energy?

There are several ongoing research efforts to better understand ball lightning energy, including laboratory experiments to recreate the phenomenon and field studies to observe and record ball lightning events. Additionally, some scientists are exploring potential applications for this energy and its potential role in atmospheric phenomena.

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