[HELP]What is the difference between renormalized mass and the running mass

In summary, the difference between renormalized mass (also known as physical mass) and running mass is that renormalized mass is the mass parameter after UV divergences have been subtracted, while running mass is a mass that varies with energy and is used to sum up large logarithms in perturbation theory calculations. Pole mass is a specific renormalization scheme where the renormalized mass is defined as the point where the propagator blows up.
  • #1
What is the difference between renormalized mass and the running mass? And physical mass,pole mass?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
"renormalized mass" (also called "physical mass" sometimes) is the mass parameter AFTER you have subtracted your UV divergences.

"running mass" is a funny, and somewhat misleading, term. It is a mass that is a function of the energy. Roughly speaking, when you compute cross sections, you often find your answer involves logarithms that are large (for example, log(Q/m) where Q is the CM energy and m is the mass - if you're talking about scattering 1 GeV mass particles at the LHC, for example, this is a large ratio). These large logs can cause trouble, since if they get too large, they detroy perturbation theory! So using something called "Renormalization group" we can sum up these logs into functions we call "running couplings" (including mass).

As a simple example of how this works, think of calculating something in perturbation theory. You get an answer:


Now this is perturbation theory, so you know this should not make sense if x > 1. But you might also recognize this series as [itex](1-x)^{-1}[/itex], which is valid for MUCH larger x (!) So you "resum" the series into this form and your calcuation will be valid for larger x. These resummed quantities are called "running couplings", but really they're just factors in cross sections and lifetimes.

Pole mass: this is a SPECIFIC renormalization scheme where you define your renormalized mass to be the place where the propogator [itex](p^2-m_{\rm pole}^2)^{-1}[/itex] blows up.

Hope that helps!
  • #3

Renormalized mass and running mass are both concepts in quantum field theory that describe the effective mass of a particle. However, they differ in the way they are calculated and their physical interpretation.

Renormalized mass is the mass of a particle that has been adjusted or "renormalized" to account for the effects of quantum fluctuations. In other words, it is the mass that is observed experimentally and takes into account the interactions of the particle with its surrounding environment. This mass is usually defined at a specific energy scale or momentum transfer, and it can vary depending on the energy scale at which it is measured.

On the other hand, running mass is a theoretical concept that takes into account the effects of quantum corrections on the mass of a particle. It is calculated by considering the mass at different energy scales and taking into account the changes due to quantum fluctuations. Running mass is a continuous function of the energy scale and can change significantly as the energy scale increases.

Both renormalized mass and running mass are related to the physical mass and pole mass of a particle. Physical mass is the mass that is observed in experiments, while pole mass is a theoretical concept that describes the mass of a particle in a simplified, idealized scenario. In general, physical mass and pole mass are not equal, and their relationship depends on the specific particle and the theoretical framework being used.

In summary, renormalized mass and running mass describe the effective mass of a particle in different ways, while physical mass and pole mass are related to these concepts but have different meanings and interpretations.

FAQ: [HELP]What is the difference between renormalized mass and the running mass

1. What is renormalized mass?

Renormalized mass is a concept in quantum field theory that refers to the mass of a particle after taking into account the effects of quantum corrections on the bare mass value. It is a more accurate representation of the mass of a particle in the real world, as it takes into account the interactions with other particles and fields.

2. What is running mass?

Running mass is also a concept in quantum field theory that refers to the mass of a particle as it changes with energy scale. It takes into account the effects of quantum fluctuations and interactions at different energy levels, and is represented as a continuous function rather than a fixed value.

3. What is the difference between renormalized mass and running mass?

The main difference between renormalized mass and running mass is that renormalized mass takes into account all the quantum corrections and interactions with other particles, while running mass considers the effects of quantum fluctuations at different energy levels. Renormalized mass is a more precise value, while running mass is a continuously changing value.

4. How are renormalized mass and running mass calculated?

Renormalized mass is calculated using various mathematical techniques, such as perturbation theory and renormalization group equations, to account for the effects of quantum corrections. Running mass is calculated using the concept of the running coupling constant, which describes how the strength of the interaction between particles changes with energy scale.

5. Why is it important to distinguish between renormalized mass and running mass?

It is important to distinguish between renormalized mass and running mass because they have different physical interpretations and implications. Renormalized mass is a more accurate representation of the mass of a particle in the real world, while running mass is a theoretical concept that helps us understand how particles interact at different energy scales. Understanding the difference between the two can lead to a better understanding of the fundamental nature of particles and their interactions.

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