High energy protons and electrons to gamma radiation

In summary, high energy protons and electrons can be absorbed and their energies remitted by photons. However, the typical ranges of energies emitted and the direction in which they are heading depends on the type of particle shower produced. Electrons produce electromagnetic showers while protons produce hadronic showers. It is not possible for protons and electrons to give off just photons, as they must maintain color neutrality. In general, high energy electrons hitting matter emit their energy as photons, specifically x-rays or gamma rays. These photons are indistinguishable from the electrons that were already present in the material. In a scenario where high energy particles hit a plate, the radiation would continue in a similar trajectory as before, with some possible deflection depending on the material
  • #1
Can high energy incoming protons and electrons be absorbed and their energies remitted by photons? If so what are the typical ranges of energies emitted and are they heading in the same direction as the original emission if we had a sheet of metal being bombarded by those protons and electrons?
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  • #2
They form particle showers, including photons but also other particles. Electrons produce electromagnetic showers, protons produce hadronic showers.
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  • #3
DarkBabylon said:
Can high energy incoming protons and electrons be absorbed and their energies remitted by photons?
the basic possible interaction between an electron and a proton is the inverse beta decay, where the result is a neutron and an electron neutrino. It also happens spontaneously within some atoms (electron capture).
In general protons and electrons cannot give just photons. Hadrons (such as protons) must be color neutral. By erasing a quark out of them (to annihilate with the electron) would result to a non-color neutral state... so indeed they give hadronic showers instead (which of course could additionally produce photons, eg the neutral pion decays). But there is a stronger reason:
Now if you say "ok, I cannot erase one thing at a time, could I erase the whole proton at once?" again the answer is no. In fact the interaction:
[itex]e + p \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma[/itex]
is forbidden in the Standard Model of Particle Physics by the conservation of Lepton and Baryon Numbers...at the left hand side you have electron lepton number +1 while on the right hand side you have 0... similarily for the baryon number.
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  • #4
On the other hand, high energy electrons hitting matter do emit their energy as photons, called x-rays but indistinguishable from gamma rays. They do not cease to exist, but they do stop in the electrode and are absorbed by electrode, becoming indistinguishable from the electrons that already were in Fermi sea.
  • #5
The answers up to now are all well and good, and personally really do say where the energy goes, however I would like to know, the radiation comes from one uniform direction onto say a plate, how much deflection should we see, if occurs, as in, electrons and protons come in a velocity vector parallel to the x-axis towards the positive values of x and hit the plate, would the radiation continue the same trajectory it had before or some would be deflected?
and what dictates this deflection (not on atom by atom scale, but the material being hit as a whole)?
  • #6
In a x-ray tube, where electron energies are small compared to rest mass of electrons and of target nuclei, photons are generally emitted in roughly all directions, and photons in unwanted directions are absorbed.

FAQ: High energy protons and electrons to gamma radiation

1. What are high energy protons and electrons?

High energy protons and electrons are subatomic particles that have been accelerated to high speeds, typically close to the speed of light. They are found in various natural phenomena, such as cosmic rays, and can also be produced in laboratory settings through particle accelerators.

2. How are high energy protons and electrons related to gamma radiation?

High energy protons and electrons can interact with matter and produce high energy photons, including gamma radiation. This is known as bremsstrahlung radiation, where the acceleration of the particles causes them to emit photons as they decelerate.

3. What are the potential uses of high energy protons and electrons?

High energy protons and electrons have various potential uses in fields such as medicine, industry, and research. They can be used in radiation therapy for cancer treatment, sterilization of medical equipment, and studying the properties of matter at the atomic level.

4. How are high energy protons and electrons detected?

High energy protons and electrons can be detected using various instruments such as particle detectors, scintillators, and calorimeters. These instruments are designed to measure the energy, position, and direction of the particles, allowing scientists to study their properties and interactions.

5. Are there any potential risks associated with high energy protons and electrons?

High energy protons and electrons can pose a risk to human health and the environment if not properly contained or shielded. Exposure to high levels of radiation can damage living cells and tissues, leading to potential health effects. Therefore, strict safety measures are necessary when working with high energy particles and radiation.

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