How do axioms hinder scientific progress and benefit society?

  • Thread starter kmarinas86
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In summary, axioms are fundamental principles in science that cannot be falsified or verified by experiments. However, they can be questioned by non-scientists and conspiracy theorists when required by theories. Axioms also make scientific notions speculative rather than conclusive. While they promote a pragmatic way of thinking, they can also limit possibilities and do not directly lead to benefits for the welfare or liberation of people. Despite this, axioms are crucial in the field of mathematics and science.
  • #1
Axioms, as long as they remain axioms:
1) Are not falsifiable by experiment
2) Are not verifiable by experiment
3) When required by theories, are subject to questioning by non-scientists and conspiracy theorists
4) Make theoretical scientific notions which need them speculative rather than conclusive
5) Though they lead to a pragmatic way of thinking though possibilities, especially while ignoring those possibilities made irrelevant or insignificant by the axioms, axioms do not in themselves lead to any great benefits to the welfare or liberation of people.

"There are no axioms in science" is an axiom.

"One of the most fundamental axioms in science is that the components of a theory must be at least in principle "falsifiable" to qualify as science in the first place." -implication-> Being in science does not make it science.
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  • #2
kmarinas86 said:
Axioms, as long as they remain axioms:
1) Are not falsifiable by experiment
You're satement, while technically correct, is basically equivilant to "Axioms, as long as they are not falsified, can not be falsified by experiment" If you are referring to axioms in mathematics, then of course these axioms are not falsifiable by experiments performed in the physical world because they are not statements about the physical world.

kmarinas86 said:
5) Though they lead to a pragmatic way of thinking though possibilities, especially while ignoring those possibilities made irrelevant or insignificant by the axioms, axioms do not in themselves lead to any great benefits to the welfare or liberation of people.

How can you say that axioms do not lead to great benefits to the welfare of the people? How far can you get in science without math?
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  • #3

I would argue that axioms can both hinder scientific progress and benefit society in different ways. On one hand, axioms can limit scientific inquiry by restricting the range of hypotheses that can be tested and therefore hindering the discovery of new knowledge. This is because axioms, by definition, are statements that are considered to be self-evident and do not require proof or experimentation. This can lead to a lack of creativity and innovation in scientific research as scientists may be confined to a certain set of assumptions and ideas.

On the other hand, axioms can also benefit society by providing a foundation for scientific theories and principles. They serve as the starting point for scientific investigations and help to establish a common understanding and language among scientists. This allows for efficient communication and collaboration, leading to advancements in scientific knowledge and technology.

Furthermore, axioms can also benefit society by providing a basis for critical thinking and problem-solving. By accepting certain axioms as true, we are able to make logical deductions and draw conclusions based on these assumptions. This can be especially useful in fields such as mathematics and physics, where axioms are used to build complex theories and models.

However, it is important to note that axioms should not be seen as absolute truths and should be open to questioning and potential revision. This is because, as mentioned in the statement, axioms are not falsifiable or verifiable by experiment. Therefore, they should not be immune to scrutiny and should be subject to constant evaluation and refinement as scientific knowledge progresses.

In terms of society, axioms can also be problematic when they are used to support certain ideologies or agendas. This can lead to the dismissal of scientific evidence that goes against these axioms, and can contribute to the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories. This highlights the importance of promoting critical thinking and scientific literacy in society, so that individuals can distinguish between evidence-based knowledge and baseless claims.

In conclusion, while axioms may have their limitations in scientific progress, they also play an important role in shaping our understanding of the world and driving scientific advancements. It is crucial for scientists to continually question and challenge axioms in order to push the boundaries of knowledge, while also recognizing their value in providing a foundation for scientific inquiry.

FAQ: How do axioms hinder scientific progress and benefit society?

1. How do axioms impact scientific progress?

Axioms are fundamental principles or assumptions that are accepted without proof. In science, axioms are the foundation of theories and serve as starting points for further investigation. However, they can also limit scientific progress by constraining the scope of research and preventing scientists from questioning the underlying assumptions.

2. Can axioms benefit society?

Yes, axioms can benefit society by providing a basis for understanding and predicting natural phenomena. For example, the laws of thermodynamics are axioms that have led to the development of technologies such as refrigeration and electricity, which have greatly benefited society.

3. How do axioms differ from scientific laws?

Axioms are basic assumptions that are not proven, while scientific laws are well-supported theories that have been extensively tested and proven to be true. Axioms are often used to derive scientific laws, but they can also be revised or replaced if new evidence challenges their validity.

4. Do axioms hinder scientific creativity?

It depends on the context. Axioms can provide a solid framework for scientific inquiry, but they can also limit creativity if scientists are unwilling to question or challenge them. It is important for scientists to critically evaluate axioms and be open to revising or discarding them if new evidence warrants it.

5. How can we ensure that axioms do not hinder scientific progress?

One way to prevent axioms from hindering scientific progress is to encourage diverse perspectives and open-mindedness in the scientific community. Scientists should be willing to question and challenge axioms and be open to new ideas and evidence. Additionally, continuous evaluation and testing of axioms can help ensure that they align with current knowledge and understanding.

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