How Do You Calculate Average Angular Acceleration?

In summary: However, in this case, a and b are the final and initial angular momentum, respectively. So the ratio is Lf/Li, or 11/7.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rolling wheel moving to the right initially has an angular speed of 7.0 rad/s but after making 3
complete revolutions the wheel has a final angular speed of 11.0 rad/s. What is the magnitude and direction of the average angular acceleration of the wheel?

Homework Equations

(w2-w1)/(t2-t1) or maybe I need to use that equation and some rotational kinematics equations, not positive.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried saying my time was 3 seconds but I am having trouble identifying the time. Not really sure where to start with this problem.
Physics news on
  • #2
The wheel makes 3 complete revolutions ... so the angular displacement is:
You are right, you need kinematics. You know initial velocity, final velocity, and displacement: what is the equation that gives you the acceleration (hint: it does not have time in it)?
  • #3
Awesome ty,

11^2 = 7^2 +2a(6pi)
a = 6pi
  • #4
New question, well a continuation question:

For the speeds given in problem #6 above, what is the ratio of the wheel‟s final angular
momentum to the initial angular momentum?

L = rmvsin(theta)

I know the answer is 1.6 which is 11/7 however, I am not sure why that is. The question gave me a change in theta of 6pi and two speeds. Okay, so wouldn't dividing the speeds give you the ratio of the initial speed and final speed, not the momentum? Or is the speed also the momentum? I am confused.
  • #5
vysero said:
a = 6pi
Not quite. Try that last step again.
For the speeds given in problem #6 above, what is the ratio of the wheel‟s final angular
momentum to the initial angular momentum?

L = rmvsin(theta)

I know the answer is 1.6 which is 11/7 however, I am not sure why that is. The question gave me a change in theta of 6pi and two speeds. Okay, so wouldn't dividing the speeds give you the ratio of the initial speed and final speed, not the momentum? Or is the speed also the momentum?
angular momentum = moment of inertia * angular velocity, right?
Has the moment of inertia changed?
  • #6
vysero said:
Awesome ty,

11^2 = 7^2 +2a(6pi)
a = 6pi
It helps to do the algebra before subbing in the numbers. So you are starting from: ##\omega_f^2=\omega_i^2+2\alpha\theta## and you want to solve for ##\alpha##.

vysero said:
New question, well a continuation question:

For the speeds given in problem #6 above, what is the ratio of the wheel‟s final angular
momentum to the initial angular momentum?
The whole exercise is trying to get you to think in terms of angular thingies. So momentum is "normally" ##p=mv##, and the "initial momentum" would be written ##p_i=m_iv_i## but if the mass does not change you just write ##p_i=mv_i## ... so, in angular stuff, it is: ##L=I\omega## ...

Remember to do the algebra before subbing in the numbers: - what is ##L_f/L_i##?
  • #7
So, Lf = IWf and Li = IWi? So, IWf/IWi = Wf/Wi?
  • #8
vysero said:
So, Lf = IWf and Li = IWi? So, IWf/IWi = Wf/Wi?
Well done!

When a physics question asks for "the ratio between a and b" they usually want a/b.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Average Angular Acceleration?

1. What is rotational motion?

Rotational motion is the movement of an object around an axis or point. It is also known as circular motion and can be seen in objects such as a spinning top, a Ferris wheel, or a rotating planet.

2. What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is the rate at which an object rotates around an axis, usually measured in radians per second. It is calculated by dividing the change in angle by the change in time. Angular velocity is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

3. How is rotational motion different from linear motion?

Rotational motion involves movement around an axis or point, while linear motion involves movement in a straight line. In rotational motion, the distance from the axis or point is important, whereas in linear motion, the total distance traveled is more relevant.

4. What is moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. It is similar to mass in linear motion and is affected by an object's mass and distribution of mass around its axis of rotation. The larger the moment of inertia, the more difficult it is to change an object's rotation.

5. How do you solve rotational motion problems?

To solve rotational motion problems, you can use equations such as Newton's laws of motion, torque, and conservation of angular momentum. It is important to identify the axis of rotation, consider all forces and torques acting on the object, and use the appropriate equations to solve for the desired variable.
