How Do You Calculate the Uncertainty in Physical Measurements?

  • Thread starter physicsss
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In summary: So, in this equation, \delta n is the deviation of the density of air at standard temperature and pressure (STP) from the theoretical value of 1 kg/m3 at STP. Note that the density of air changes with temperature, so the density of air at 20 deg C is different from the density of air at 10 deg C.
  • #1
Can someone get me started with finding the approximate uncertainty of the area of a circle with a radius of 2.0 cm?

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  • #2
Ask yourself by what amount will the area of the circle change if you introduced a small error in the radius of the circle?
  • #3

Can you give me the answer so I know if I'm doing this right? (I need to show work for full credit anyway)
  • #4
Tell us what you did so far and I'm sure someone will provide further guidance! :-)
  • #5
I found the area of both pi*(2.0+0.1)^2 and pi*(2.0-0.1)^2, which is 13.9 and 11.3, respectively. I also found the area of pi*(2.0)^2, which is 12.6. Then I got stuck.
  • #6
That's a good start! Generally, the error in area will be related to the error in measuring the radius by [itex]\delta A = 2\pi r \delta r[/tex] which is essentially what you have for the specific case that [itex]\delta r = 0.1[/itex] and [itex]r = 2[/itex]. ([itex]\delta[/itex] means "error" or "deviation.")
  • #7
So the final answer is 2.8 X 10^9 +/- 1.3?
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  • #8
I would refine it just a little. The radius was given to two significant digits meaning that it is given to the nearest 0.1 centimeters from which I would use [itex]\pm 0.5[/itex] for the error in r.
  • #9
Thank you for your help, Tide!
  • #10
I'm being asked to compute the uncertantity of air density that i calculated using pv=nrt. I have a uncertainty of .1 on the barometer, and .5 degrees for temperature, but the equation in my fluid mechanics book is too complicated. I can't draw what they're trying to say. The formula has to do with like 3 terms squared to the ^1/2 power. I just can't get over all the complicated lingo, I know its really easy. My recitation teacher explained it, but I'm having a brain freeze, anybody?
  • #11
It appears you should be using the formula
[tex]D =\frac{P}{RT}[/tex]
D = density, kg/m3
P = pressure, Pascals ( multiply mb by 100 to get Pascals)
R = gas constant , J/(kg*degK) = 287.05 for dry air
T = temperature, degK = deg C + 273.15
  • #12
purduegrad said:
I'm being asked to compute the uncertantity of air density that i calculated using pv=nrt. I have a uncertainty of .1 on the barometer, and .5 degrees for temperature, but the equation in my fluid mechanics book is too complicated. I can't draw what they're trying to say. The formula has to do with like 3 terms squared to the ^1/2 power. I just can't get over all the complicated lingo, I know its really easy. My recitation teacher explained it, but I'm having a brain freeze, anybody?

I don't know whether I can make it any easier but essentially you just need to substitute numbers into the equation

[tex]\frac {\delta n}{n} = \sqrt{ \left( \frac{\delta v}{v} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{\delta p}{p} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{\delta T}{T} \right)^2}[/tex]

The symbol [itex]\delta[/itex] means "deviation" or "error" of a given quantity. Note that generally a quantity such as [itex]\frac {\delta n}{n}[/itex] is called the "relative error."

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Uncertainty in Physical Measurements?

1. What is uncertainty?

Uncertainty refers to the lack of complete knowledge or understanding about a certain event, measurement, or result. It is the degree to which an outcome or value is unknown or unpredictable.

2. Why is it important to approximate uncertainty?

Approximating uncertainty allows scientists to better understand the limitations and potential errors in their data and conclusions. It also helps to communicate the level of confidence or reliability in the results to others.

3. How is uncertainty calculated or estimated?

There are various methods for estimating uncertainty, depending on the type of data and measurement being analyzed. Some common techniques include using statistical analysis, performing sensitivity tests, and using expert judgment.

4. What factors can contribute to uncertainty in scientific research?

Uncertainty in scientific research can arise from a variety of sources, such as measurement errors, incomplete or biased data, assumptions made during analysis, and limitations of the experimental design or equipment used.

5. How can scientists communicate uncertainty in their findings?

Scientists can communicate uncertainty by using appropriate language and terminology, providing a range of possible values instead of a single number, and using visual aids such as error bars or confidence intervals in graphs and figures. It is also important to clearly explain the methods used to estimate uncertainty and any assumptions made.

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