How Do You Solve a 2D Forces Equilibrium Problem?

In summary, the conversation discusses setting up free body diagrams for a physics problem involving two blocks connected by a string on an inclined plane. The person asking for help is advised to choose their x-axis parallel to the inclined plane and use Newton's first law to solve for the tension force. They also confirm their understanding and express gratitude for the help received.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Here is the question from my assignment:

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution


I did the free body diagram on the left block. The arrow pointing to the bottom is the Fg, which I will further on refer to as W, the arrow going to the top left corner is the normal force (Fn), and the one going along the cable is the tension (FT).

From that I was able to get 3 equations for the left side:
FNL = -FNL * cos (21)i + FNL*sin(21)j
FTL = FTL*cos(69)i + FTL*sin(69)j
WL = 0i -9.81*mLj
Then I wrote the ones for the right side:
FNR = FNR*cos(60)i+FNR*sin(60)j
FTR = -FTR*cos(30)i + FTR*sin(30)j
WR = 0i - 9.81*mRj

So now I have six equations, resultant of which equals to 0i +0j+0k. I figured the two tensions FTR and FTL had to be equal because it's one string. But I will still have 3 variables even if just use FT to represent both.

Help please? Thanks
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  • #2
Melawrghk said:

Homework Statement

Here is the question from my assignment:

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution


I did the free body diagram on the left block. The arrow pointing to the bottom is the Fg, which I will further on refer to as W, the arrow going to the top left corner is the normal force (Fn), and the one going along the cable is the tension (FT).

From that I was able to get 3 equations for the left side:
FNL = -FNL * cos (21)i + FNL*sin(21)j
FTL = FTL*cos(69)i + FTL*sin(69)j
WL = 0i -9.81*mLj
Then I wrote the ones for the right side:
FNR = FNR*cos(60)i+FNR*sin(60)j
FTR = -FTR*cos(30)i + FTR*sin(30)j
WR = 0i - 9.81*mRj

So now I have six equations, resultant of which equals to 0i +0j+0k. I figured the two tensions FTR and FTL had to be equal because it's one string. But I will still have 3 variables even if just use FT to represent both.

Help please? Thanks
Your FBD is good, but in problems of this type, it is much simpler to choose the x-axis as the axis along (parallel to) the incline, and the y-axis perpendicular to the incline, for each block. This will give you an x component to the weight in your FBD, and the tension force will also be along your chosen x axis. Then apply Newton 1 to each block.
  • #3
Thanks Jay. I can do that with the axis on the left side, but how would I transfer them over to the right? I've got to use the same axis orientation for both, don't I?

So, on the left it would become:
Fnl = 0i + Fnl*j
Ftl = Ftl*i+0j
W = -mL*9.81*cos(21) - mL*sin(21)*9.81

But what happens on the right side? Does the Tension just have the y-component then?
  • #4
Melawrghk said:
Thanks Jay. I can do that with the axis on the left side, but how would I transfer them over to the right? I've got to use the same axis orientation for both, don't I?

So, on the left it would become:
Fnl = 0i + Fnl*j
Ftl = Ftl*i+0j
W = -mL*9.81*cos(21) - mL*sin(21)*9.81

But what happens on the right side? Does the Tension just have the y-component then?
I don't like this i and j stuff, but I'm old school, I guess. You left out the i and j in your weight breakdown into componets. But anyhow, all the i or x components of the noted forces sum to zero, and all the j or y components sum to zero, per Newton 1. Now when you go the block on the right, it's OK to choose your x-axis parallel to that right inclne. The tension force will be along the x axis, with the same magnitude as T_l. Use Newton 1 again, and solve using the 2 equations thus obtained.
  • #5
YAY Thank you! I think I got it!

FAQ: How Do You Solve a 2D Forces Equilibrium Problem?

What is a 2D force equilibrium question?

A 2D force equilibrium question is a problem in physics that involves analyzing the forces acting on an object in two dimensions (horizontally and vertically) and determining whether the object is in a state of equilibrium, meaning that the net force acting on the object is equal to zero.

How do you solve a 2D force equilibrium question?

To solve a 2D force equilibrium question, you must first draw a free-body diagram of the object, which shows all the forces acting on it and their directions. Then, you can use Newton's laws of motion and the principles of equilibrium to set up and solve a system of equations to find the unknown forces and determine if the object is in equilibrium.

What are the principles of equilibrium?

The principles of equilibrium state that for an object to be in equilibrium, the sum of all the forces acting on the object must be equal to zero and the sum of all the torques (rotational forces) acting on the object must also be equal to zero.

What is the difference between a 2D force equilibrium question and a 3D force equilibrium question?

A 2D force equilibrium question only considers forces acting on an object in two dimensions (horizontal and vertical), while a 3D force equilibrium question takes into account forces acting on an object in three dimensions (x, y, and z axes). This makes the calculations and equations more complex in a 3D force equilibrium question.

Why is it important to understand 2D force equilibrium?

Understanding 2D force equilibrium is important in physics as it allows us to analyze and predict the motion of objects in different scenarios. It also helps us understand the concept of balance and stability in everyday objects and structures, such as buildings and bridges. This knowledge is essential for various fields, including engineering, architecture, and mechanics.
