How does air resistance affect falling objects of different weights?

In summary, in a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate (near earth). However, when objects are in the presence of air resistance, the heavier object will hit the ground first.
  • #1
gravity and air friction?

hey guys i am little confused about how two objects will react each having different weight when it is allowed to fall from a building of 20 floors...for eg if 1 is weighing 100 kg and other one 45 kg so 100 kg will touch the ground first but how much time will an object weighing 50kg take to touch the ground from a height of 300 feet.and consider object's height to be around 6 feet.
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  • #2

Actually that is incorrect to say that the heavier object will hit the ground first.

If we consider that you drop them in a vacuum (and the base of the objects are at the same height, so size of objects don't matter)
then 2 objects will hit the ground at the exact same time regardless of their mass.
So yes, in vacuum a bowling ball and a feather will fall at the same rate.

Now.. if we try to consider more realistic scenarios, you will have air resistance. But you still cannot say that a heavier object will hit the ground first, it completely depends on the shape of an object.
So a bowling ball obviously hits the ground before a feather.
But what about a bowling ball strapped to a parachute compared to a pebble?
The pebble is lighter but hits the ground before the bowling ball+parachute.So in the ideal situation (in vacuum) all objects fall at the same rate (near earth) regardless of size and shape. The only thing that matters is the height you drop them from.
  • #3

spacelike said:
Actually that is incorrect to say that the heavier object will hit the ground first.

If we consider that you drop them in a vacuum (and the base of the objects are at the same height, so size of objects don't matter)
then 2 objects will hit the ground at the exact same time regardless of their mass.
So yes, in vacuum a bowling ball and a feather will fall at the same rate.

Now.. if we try to consider more realistic scenarios, you will have air resistance. But you still cannot say that a heavier object will hit the ground first, it completely depends on the shape of an object.
So a bowling ball obviously hits the ground before a feather.
But what about a bowling ball strapped to a parachute compared to a pebble?
The pebble is lighter but hits the ground before the bowling ball+parachute.

So in the ideal situation (in vacuum) all objects fall at the same rate (near earth) regardless of size and shape. The only thing that matters is the height you drop them from.

i completely agree with your point.but what if i want to know in how much time a normal person will reach the ground from a height of 270 feet..can you just calculate or tell any formula to calculate that?
  • #4

You can do that, it's actually quite simple if you assume they are falling in a vacuum (zero air resistance)

where [itex]a=9.8m/s^{2}[/itex] make sure to use consistent units, so if you want to use d=270ft you'd have to convert this to meters, or convert a into feet per second squared.

If you want me to show you from where we derive that equation just ask.

Also, if you were asking for how to find the time if we DO have air resistance, then there's a bit more to it.

Sorry for the short answers I have to take care of something right now. But I think I could help you if you are interested in the air resistance problem.
  • #5

Using that formula t = root 2D/a i was able to achieve time that is 4.09 seconds but that is when only gravity is affecting but in real world there is some air resistance so how can we find that and adjust in above formula

FAQ: How does air resistance affect falling objects of different weights?

1. What is gravity and how does it affect objects?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards each other. It is responsible for the movement of planets, stars, and other celestial bodies in the universe. On Earth, gravity is what keeps us grounded and prevents us from floating away into space. The strength of gravity depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them.

2. How does air friction affect the motion of objects?

Air friction, also known as air resistance, is the force that opposes the motion of objects as they move through the air. It is caused by the collision of air molecules with the surface of the object. The amount of air friction depends on the shape, size, and speed of the object. It can slow down the motion of objects or even cause them to change direction.

3. How are gravity and air friction related?

Gravity and air friction are both forces that act on objects in motion. Gravity pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, while air friction opposes the motion of objects through the air. Together, they determine the trajectory and speed of objects as they move through the air.

4. How does gravity affect the trajectory of falling objects?

Gravity is the force that causes objects to fall towards the ground. The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is 9.8 meters per second squared. This means that for every second an object falls, its speed increases by 9.8 meters per second. The trajectory of falling objects is determined by the force of gravity and any other forces, such as air friction, that may be acting on the object.

5. How does air resistance impact the parachute's descent?

Air resistance plays a crucial role in the descent of a parachute. As the parachute falls, air resistance increases, slowing down its descent. This allows the parachute to land safely on the ground without causing harm to the person wearing it. The shape and size of the parachute are designed to maximize air resistance and slow down the descent even further.

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