How is ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## decay possible?

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In summary: So you can check for charge conjugation conservation in this process by checking the quantum numbers of the ##K^+K^-## system. In summary, charge conjugation is conserved in this interaction as the hadronic interaction is invariant under charge conjugation, meaning that the process is still possible if particles are replaced with antiparticles. To check for charge conjugation conservation, you can check the quark flavors, energy, and spin/angular momentum of the ##K^+K^-## system.
  • #1
I know that, for charge conjugation, ##C_{\Phi} = -1##, ##C_{K^{+}} = 0##, ##C_{K^{-}} = 0##, but ##C_{\Phi} \neq C_{K^{+}}C_{K^{-}}##. How ##C_{tot}## is conserved in this interaction?
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  • #2
What do you mean with ##C_{K^{\pm}}=0##?
##K^{\pm}## is not an eigenstate of the charge conjugation operator.
  • #3
You're right, I've just noticed that. Does it mean i can't check for charge conjugation conservation in this process? If I'm asked to check if this process is forbidden or not, which are the quantum numbers to check? The process is hadronic, and these processes conserve charge conjugation, right?
  • #4
The hadronic interaction is invariant under charge conjugation, yes. If you replace particles with antiparticles in a possible process the process is still possible. If you replace particles with antiparticles here you get the same process again.
Check the quark flavors and the energy. If they work out the process will be possible in general. It can be very unlikely due to spin/angular momentum, something to check as well.
  • #5
Does it mean i can't check for charge conjugation conservation in this process?

A single charged kaon is not an eigenstate of the charge conjugation operator. But a ##K^+K^-## system is.
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FAQ: How is ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## decay possible?

1. How is the decay ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## possible?

The decay ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## is possible because of the conservation of energy and momentum. The energy and momentum of the initial particle, ##\Phi##, is transferred to the final state particles, ##K^{+}## and ##K^{-}##, in accordance with the laws of physics.

2. What is the role of the weak force in ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## decay?

The weak force is responsible for the decay of the initial particle, ##\Phi##, into the final state particles, ##K^{+}## and ##K^{-}##. This force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and is involved in many nuclear and particle processes.

3. Can the decay ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## violate any conservation laws?

No, the decay ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## does not violate any conservation laws. It conserves energy, momentum, and charge, which are all important quantities in particle physics. The decay process follows the rules of the Standard Model, which is a well-tested theory that describes the fundamental particles and their interactions.

4. How is the branching ratio of ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## decay determined?

The branching ratio of ##\Phi \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}## decay is determined through experiments. Scientists study large numbers of ##\Phi## particles and measure how many of them decay into ##K^{+}## and ##K^{-}## particles. By comparing this number to the total number of ##\Phi## particles, they can calculate the branching ratio.

5. Are there any other decay modes for the ##\Phi## particle?

Yes, the ##\Phi## particle can also decay into other combinations of particles, such as ##\pi^{+}\pi^{-}## and ##\rho^{+}\rho^{-}##. The decay mode of a particle depends on its properties, such as its mass and charge, and the available energy for the decay process.
