How to find the roots of polynomial of a order

In summary, the polynomial equation given is a 4th degree equation with 4 distinct roots, 2 of which are real and the other 2 are complex. The real roots can be found by using the values given, and the complex roots can be ignored unless necessary. The "e" in the solutions represents an exponential notation and can be converted into a regular number by multiplying it with the appropriate power of 10.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a polynimal equation as this
- 0.00000000000049125*T^4 + 0.00000000021358333333333333333333333333333*T^3 + 0.00000290233125*T^2 - 0.032444109375*T + 19.891472013020833333333333333333

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I insert those polynomial coeffictions to an line matris
a = [- 0.00000000000049125 0.00000000021358333333333333333333333333333 0.00000290233125 - 0.032444109375 19.891472013020833333333333333333]

a =
-0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0324 19.8915
and call roots function with thi array

and get this values

ans =

1.0e+003 *

-1.8781 + 3.0710i
-1.8781 - 3.0710i

I seen, there are real and complex roots. So, How can I find real value of T ??
Should I use a method like bisection ? If so how ?
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  • #2
johny2012 said:

Homework Statement

I have a polynimal equation as this
- 0.00000000000049125*T^4 + 0.00000000021358333333333333333333333333333*T^3 + 0.00000290233125*T^2 - 0.032444109375*T + 19.891472013020833333333333333333

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I insert those polynomial coeffictions to an line matris
a = [- 0.00000000000049125 0.00000000021358333333333333333333333333333 0.00000290233125 - 0.032444109375 19.891472013020833333333333333333]

a =
-0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0324 19.8915
and call roots function with thi array

and get this values

ans =

1.0e+003 *

-1.8781 + 3.0710i
-1.8781 - 3.0710i

I seen, there are real and complex roots. So, How can I find real value of T ??
Should I use a method like bisection ? If so how ?

First of all, your equation is not 5th "order" (proper term is degree), it's only 4th degree (also called a quartic equation).

There are at most 4 distinct roots to any quartic with rational coefficients (like you have). These roots can be found exactly with certain algebraic operations, but it's fairly tedious. You've apparently already run the equation through a solver and got those roots.

So you have two distinct real roots and two complex roots (the ones with 'i' in them), to give a total of 4 roots. If you only need the real roots, just use those (so T can be either of those values). Just ignore the complex roots unless you have a problem where you need to use those (and you have some means to interpret a complex solution).
  • #3
Thanks for the valuable information.

I tried this online polynomail root solver and entered the polnomial coefficients,
and the these results.

Instead of 1.0e+003 *


I get

and others are

-1878.065197692127 + 3071.020155085326i

-1878.065197692127 - 3071.020155085326i

. I get confused at this point, I can not fully understand "e" concept here, I know it means exponential but I do not know how can I calculate real value of a number which contains that "e" sign.

I mean, in this case
1.0e+003 *


is equals to 4836.92716144589 ??

Which numebr should I accepts, can you also help me on this ?
Last edited:
  • #4
johny2012 said:
Thanks for the valuable information.

I tried this online polynomail root solver and entered the polnomial coefficients,
and the these results.

Instead of 1.0e+003 *


I get

and others are

-1878.065197692127 + 3071.020155085326i

-1878.065197692127 - 3071.020155085326i

. I get confused at this point, I can not fully understand "e" concept here, I know it means exponential but how can I calculate real value with that e sign.

I mean
1.0e+003 *


is equals to 4836.92716144589 ??

Which numebr should I accepts, can you also help me on this ?

1e3 means 1000 here. The '*' means times (multiply). The first solver was factoring out the 1000, so that the numbers appear smaller. You're meant to take 1000 times each number to get the actual solution.

The second solver just gave the solutions as is.

"x"e"y" also written as xEy or xEXPy (that's why some scientific calcs have that "EXP" key, which means the same thing) where x and y are numbers (generally x is a single digit number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 and y can be anything, positive or negative) means x TIMES 10^y.

So 2e4 = 20,000. and 3e-6 = 3/1,000,000.

It's a form of Scientific Notation:

FAQ: How to find the roots of polynomial of a order

1. How do you determine the degree of a polynomial?

The degree of a polynomial is determined by the highest power of the variable present in the polynomial. For example, in the polynomial 3x^5 + 2x^3 + 4x + 1, the degree is 5.

2. What is the difference between real and complex roots?

Real roots are values of the variable that make the polynomial equation equal to zero when substituted. Complex roots, on the other hand, involve imaginary numbers and are not considered real solutions to the polynomial equation.

3. How many roots does a polynomial of 5th degree have?

A polynomial of 5th degree can have up to 5 roots. However, some or all of these roots may be complex numbers.

4. What is the process for finding the roots of a polynomial of 5th degree?

The most common method for finding roots of a 5th degree polynomial is by using the rational root theorem, which involves testing for potential rational roots and then using polynomial long division to find the remaining roots. Alternatively, numerical methods such as Newton's method can be used to approximate roots.

5. Can all 5th degree polynomials be factored?

No, not all 5th degree polynomials can be factored. Some may have complex roots that cannot be factored using real numbers. However, the fundamental theorem of algebra states that every polynomial equation has at least one root, either real or complex.
