How to obtain the low frequency component as accurately as possible?

In summary, if you have data sampled at a high rate, you can use a low-pass filter to get the low frequency component. However, if you want to get the low frequency component as accurately as possible, you will need to do an FFT directly.
  • #1
I have data sampled at very high sample rate, which means that the high frequency components are probably well resolved. But I also want to look at the low frequency component, how to obtain them as accurately as possible? I do fft directly or I have to do low-pass filter first?
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  • #2
Unless you have aliasing the low frequency components should be captured just fine in your data. Low pass filtering won't do anything useful for you. The one thing to think about is how you want to do your FFT. If you want extreme low frequency resolution you will need to use a long FFT to get your desired FFT bin size.
  • #3
Once you have your enormous set of samples, due to highly over-sampling, then you can filter digitally and get your answer. That would be the cheapest solution and it would not involve the cost of extra analogue components, with all the disadvantages they introduce.
But remember, the answer you will get will only be as good as the low frequency performance of your sampling circuit will allow.
  • #4
An additional thing; your Nyquist anti-aliasing filter can be very non critical in its high frequency performance.
  • #5
The frequency resolution from an FFT depends on the total time covered by the sampled data, not on the sampling rate. The sampling rate affects the frequency range, but not the frequency resolution.

Unless you have literally billions of data points, there is no reason to throw away any data by resampling. Doing an FFT with millions of points is no big deal on a modern PC.
  • #6
To expand on what AlephZero said, you simply need to increase your sampling time. For a signal of length NFFT, your fft will return the DFT of the signal at NFFT/2+1 discrete points ranging from 0 to fs/2. That means you just need to increase the value of NFFT in order to get more frequency bins between 0 and fs.
  • #7
boneh3ad said:
That means you just need to increase the value of NFFT in order to get more frequency bins between 0 and fs.

We don't know what the OP's level of math education is, or anything much about the problem being solved - but "doing an FFT" is not the only way to estimate "frequency components". It's possible that it could be done much more precisely with much less data.
  • #8
Well that's true. I assumed he was essentially looking to generate a PSD or amplitude spectrum, which I suppose is not necessarily the case.

FAQ: How to obtain the low frequency component as accurately as possible?

1. How is the low frequency component defined in scientific terms?

The low frequency component refers to the part of a signal or data set that contains the lowest frequency values, typically between 0 and 200 Hz. This component is often associated with the baseline or background noise of the signal.

2. What methods are commonly used to extract the low frequency component?

There are several methods used to obtain the low frequency component, including high-pass filtering, Fourier transform, and wavelet transform. These techniques can be used individually or in combination to accurately extract the low frequency component.

3. How can noise and artifacts affect the accuracy of the low frequency component?

Noise and artifacts can significantly impact the accuracy of the low frequency component. They can distort the signal and create false low frequency values, making it difficult to accurately extract the true low frequency component. Therefore, it is important to carefully filter and preprocess the data to minimize the effects of noise and artifacts.

4. Are there any challenges in obtaining the low frequency component in real-world data?

Yes, there are several challenges in obtaining the low frequency component in real-world data. These include non-stationarity of the signal, presence of other frequency components, and variations in the signal over time. These challenges require advanced techniques and careful analysis to accurately extract the low frequency component.

5. How can the accuracy of the low frequency component be evaluated?

The accuracy of the low frequency component can be evaluated by comparing it to a known or expected value, such as a baseline measurement or a simulated signal. Additionally, statistical measures such as mean square error and correlation coefficients can be used to assess the accuracy of the extracted low frequency component.
