How to support a sign on our museum wall?

In summary, The sign is attached to a wall and is 2 1/2' thick and sticks out 6'. It weighs 200#. The wires (stainless steel cable) should be at least 11 gauge and be under 150lb of load.
  • #1
Hi all,

I went to an engineering school 40 years ago but never finished, so I kind of know that this is easily solveable.

I have a triangular sign 12' long (attached to wall) that is 2 1/2' thick and sticks out from the wall 6'. If I use 2 guy wires anchored to the wall 12' apart, that meet the sign at a 45* angle at the point, how large should the wires (stainless steel cable) be in diameter?

The sign weighs 200# total.

The sign is to be attached to our local museum announcing an event.

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  • #2
I'm a physicist, but pretty far removed from engineering, so take it for what it's worth. Hopefully, somebody better qualified will come along.

If I understand your setup correctly, each wire is under roughly 150lb of load. (A diagram would help to make sure.) You want this to be within yield strength for the wire, to give yourself a bit of an overhead. Of course, there are steel cables, and then there are steel cables. But you should be able to count on at least 200MPa. That means wire just a touch over 2mm in diameter. So you should go with at least 11 gauge (AWG) for this.

Keeping the load within yield strength should make the structure reliable enough, and if things go wrong, should be able to take nearly twice as much load for a short while. But if you expect adverse weather, such as winds or snows, you'd have to account for that separately.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

2MM isn't very large. I will probably use 3/16" cable or about 4MM. The sign is a half scale theater marque. It will showcase our town theater.


  • #4
I am also an owner of a Museum.

I agree with K^2 that it is simply prudent to "overestimate" on the side of safety in supporting this marque. What's the difference in cost or difficulty of using a "stronger than you think is mimimally necessary cable"?

  • #5
4mm really ought to do it. I'd expect anchor points or welds on the marquee to go before a 4mm cable does.

FAQ: How to support a sign on our museum wall?

What materials should be used for the sign?

The best materials for a sign on a museum wall would depend on the location of the sign and the type of message it is conveying. Generally, durable and weather-resistant materials such as metal, acrylic, or high-density foam are recommended.

What size should the sign be?

The size of the sign depends on the viewing distance and the amount of information that needs to be displayed. It is important to consider the visibility of the sign from different angles and the overall aesthetic of the museum.

Should the sign be illuminated?

This would depend on the location of the sign and the lighting in the museum. If the sign is in a dimly lit area, it may be beneficial to have some form of lighting to make it more visible. However, if the sign is in a well-lit area, illumination may not be necessary.

What font and colors should be used for the sign?

The font and colors used for the sign should be consistent with the overall branding and design of the museum. It is important to choose a font that is easy to read and colors that are visually appealing and contrast well with the background of the sign.

How should the sign be installed on the wall?

The best way to install a sign on a museum wall would depend on the material of the wall and the weight of the sign. Generally, using screws or anchors in combination with adhesive is recommended for a secure installation.
