How to turn on & off an LED continously for 1 second?

  • Thread starter netfreak
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In summary, Bud suggests that you use a 555 timer circuit to blink an LED on and off for 1 second. C1=10uF should be used to achieve the desired frequency.
  • #1
Please help me the simplest possible way to turn on & off an LED continously for 1 second.
Please don't suggest me to get it done by micro-controller, help me achieve my goal by the most possible and easiest way.
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  • #2
Maybe you should hook up the LED to a sinusoid voltage source. Turn the voltage source on for 1 second then turn it off.
  • #3
netfreak said:
Please help me the simplest possible way to turn on & off an LED continously for 1 second.
Hi netfreak!

Usable over a range of DC voltages and currents, the NE555 timer IC can drive a LED with a square wave.
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  • #4
@roshanbbq , no no using AC won't be a good option at all

NascentOxygen said:
Usable over a range of DC voltages and currents, the NE555 timer IC can drive a LED with a square wave.

Yes I have just bought 555 IC timer and will try using it tomorrow. . .
For now I was just wondering that by using simple RC circuit, is there anyway I can continously blink the LED on and off for 1 second? I can't get any way to make it work but can you people please help?
  • #5
netfreak said:
@roshanbbq , no no using AC won't be a good option at all

Yes I have just bought 555 IC timer and will try using it tomorrow. . .
For now I was just wondering that by using simple RC circuit, is there anyway I can continously blink the LED on and off for 1 second? I can't get any way to make it work but can you people please help?

No, a simple RC circuit, without other "active" components, is unable to do much other than charge or discharge the capacitor once and once only. You need something that will provide a bit of logic and switching, such as the 555.

It's not clear why you want to accomplish this task, but I will point out that it is possible to purchase LED's with a built-in circuit that makes them blink at a rate of a few flashes per second. A suitable web search will find them. Good luck!
  • #6
um ok ok , now am getting lil step by step now. . .

And yes I have got that LED as well that has builtin circuit which makes it flash every second but I just wanted to achieve the same using RC or using inductor alongwith it and simple components like this

Many thanks to all of you for guiding me so much :) Today I'll try achieving the task by using 555 IC :)
  • #7
Hi Bud,

Use the 555 timer circuit attached and this website for resistor and capacitor values


  • 555_astable_circuit.gif
    9.7 KB · Views: 310
  • #8
ajbriggs said:
Hi Bud,

Use the 555 timer circuit attached and this website for resistor and capacitor values

Wow that was of great help as there is lot of such stuff present on the website that made me aware of many things that I didn't know about 555.
I want to ask one thing here. . . On the website its written : "A low frequency astable (< 10Hz) can be used to flash an LED on and off, higher frequency flashes are too fast to be seen clearly. Driving a loudspeaker or piezo transducer with a low frequency of less than 20Hz will produce a series of 'clicks' (one for each low/high transition) and this can be used to make a simple metronome. "

So does it mean that I must choose my C1=10uF ?(as my purpose is to blink the LED for 1 sec ON and 1 sec OFF)
  • #9
So does it mean that I must choose my C1=10uF ?(as my purpose is to blink the LED for 1 sec ON and 1 sec OFF)
I would probably choose C1=2.2μF (or use a pair of 1μF caps in parallel).
Note that electrolytic capacitors have wide manufacturing tolerances, perhaps as much as +100% and -50% so you should expect to have to adjust R or C to obtain precisely 0.5Hz if that's what you are aiming for.
  • #10
NascentOxygen said:
I would probably choose C1=2.2μF (or use a pair of 1μF caps in parallel).
Note that electrolytic capacitors have wide manufacturing tolerances, perhaps as much as +100% and -50% so you should expect to have to adjust R or C to obtain precisely 0.5Hz if that's what you are aiming for.

Okay :) Thankyou very much for your guidance:) I'll definitely come here with my results and let you all know how things turned out for me :)

FAQ: How to turn on & off an LED continously for 1 second?

1. How do I turn on an LED for 1 second?

To turn on an LED for 1 second, you will need to use a microcontroller or Arduino board. Connect the positive leg of the LED to a digital pin on the board and the negative leg to ground. Then, use the digitalWrite() function to set the digital pin to HIGH, which will turn on the LED. To ensure it stays on for 1 second, use the delay() function to pause the code for 1000 milliseconds.

2. How do I turn off an LED for 1 second?

To turn off an LED for 1 second, you will follow the same steps as turning it on. However, instead of setting the digital pin to HIGH, you will set it to LOW, which will turn off the LED. Again, use the delay() function to pause the code for 1000 milliseconds to keep the LED off for 1 second.

3. How do I make an LED blink continuously for 1 second?

To make an LED blink continuously for 1 second, you will need to use a loop in your code. Within the loop, use the digitalWrite() function to turn on the LED for 1 second, followed by a delay() of 1000 milliseconds to turn it off for 1 second. This will create a continuous blinking effect.

4. Can I adjust the time the LED stays on and off?

Yes, you can adjust the time the LED stays on and off by changing the value in the delay() function. The value is in milliseconds, so for example, if you want the LED to stay on for 500 milliseconds and off for 500 milliseconds, you would use delay(500) in your code.

5. Can I use a different microcontroller or board to control the LED?

Yes, as long as the microcontroller or board has digital pins and the ability to run code, you can use it to control the LED. Each microcontroller may have a slightly different code, but the basic principle of using digitalWrite() and delay() functions to turn the LED on and off will remain the same.

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