Identifying Manufacturing Impurities & Deliberate Doping in Metal Composition

In summary, the conversation discusses the presence of impurities in pure metals and how they can be either manufacturing impurities or deliberate doping. The participants also mention the use of intentional additions of other elements to achieve desirable properties in alloys such as steel, bronze, and brass. They also question the minimum accepted value for declaring a substance as doped and discuss the complexity of predicting the outcome of doping in terms of crystalline structures and element/lattice mathematics.
  • #1
Hi. If a metal is very pure but still has other elements in it like this:
-1 or 2 at 500ppm, 1 at 150ppm, 2 or 3 at 20-30ppm, 1 or 2 at 3-5ppm. Which are manufacturing impurities and which are deliberate doping? Are the 500ppm doping?
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  • #2
Fizica7 said:
Hi. If a metal is very pure but still has other elements in it like this:
-1 or 2 at 500ppm, 1 at 150ppm, 2 or 3 at 20-30ppm, 1 or 2 at 3-5ppm. Which are manufacturing impurities and which are deliberate doping? Are the 500ppm doping?
What do you think? Is this for schoolwork?
  • #3
Finished high school many years ago... so long ago that chemistry wasn't even invented :D
No... I'm just trying to establish the purpose of a certain metal and it's impurities.
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  • #4
So I've got this little table from a magnesium sample which contains some other elements : 500ppm, 160ppm, 35ppm , 32ppm.
They appear to be intentional additions to the magnesium, right?
So does one just weigh the right amount of each and melt all together or what?
Is there any way to figure out our approximate the purpose or characteristics of the final product from knowing the impurities?
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  • #5
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  • #6
I understand that various periodic elements have various preferred arrangements like cubic, hexagon, and other geometric shapes with complicated names... And that we can somehow infer what a set of dopants will achieve in a certain base element based on each elements "affinity" to the others and ability to place itself into a certain spot in the final lattice... sort of like the junctions in solar cells? They've very complicated crystalline (aka repeating?) structures where even one single element can break or make the desired property yet for all their complexity somehow someone knows how to predict the outcome... is it by amassed knowledge via trial and error or element/lattice maths?!?
If I knew the dopants going into magnesium, could someone guestimates the final product's properties?
  • #7
256bits said:
Well you can look at iron and the doping with carbon to get steel.
Add some other elements to the mix for favourable properties.

A more familiar alloy might be bronze.
Mix copper with tin to get bronze.
Add some other doping elements to get favourable properties.

or brass,

I understand that, I guess my question is what the minimum scientific or metallurgically accepted value to declare that one is doped and the other is not? 20ppm, 5ppm?
At which point natural impurities are ruled out and deliberate doping is declared?

FAQ: Identifying Manufacturing Impurities & Deliberate Doping in Metal Composition

1. What is the purpose of identifying manufacturing impurities and deliberate doping in metal composition?

The purpose of identifying manufacturing impurities and deliberate doping in metal composition is to ensure the quality and safety of metal products. Impurities and doping can affect the physical and chemical properties of metals, potentially making them weaker or more prone to corrosion. By identifying these impurities, manufacturers can take corrective actions to produce high-quality metal products that meet industry standards and regulations.

2. How are manufacturing impurities and deliberate doping detected in metal composition?

There are various techniques used to detect manufacturing impurities and deliberate doping in metal composition, such as spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry. These methods involve analyzing the chemical and physical properties of the metal to identify any impurities or doping elements present. Additionally, advanced technologies like X-ray fluorescence and electron microscopy can also be used for detection.

3. What are some common sources of manufacturing impurities in metal composition?

Manufacturing impurities in metal composition can come from various sources, such as raw materials, processing equipment, and handling procedures. For example, impurities can be introduced during the mining and extraction of metal ores or during the melting and refining process. Contaminated equipment and improper handling can also lead to impurities in the final product.

4. Why is it important to differentiate between deliberate doping and accidental contamination in metal composition?

Distinguishing between deliberate doping and accidental contamination is crucial because the presence of deliberate doping can have significant consequences. Deliberate doping is the intentional addition of elements to alter the properties of the metal, often to improve its performance or reduce production costs. Accidental contamination, on the other hand, is unintentional and can negatively impact the quality of the metal. Differentiating between the two can help pinpoint the source of the impurity and prevent future occurrences.

5. What are the potential risks associated with metal products containing manufacturing impurities or deliberate doping?

The risks associated with metal products containing manufacturing impurities or deliberate doping can vary depending on the type and amount of impurities present. These risks can include reduced product quality and performance, increased susceptibility to corrosion or structural failure, and potential health hazards for end-users. In industries such as aerospace and medical, the presence of impurities can have severe consequences, making it crucial to identify and eliminate them during the manufacturing process.
