If the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law!

In summary, the deviation from inverse square law in gravity refers to small changes in its strength caused by various factors. Evidence supporting this deviation includes observations of Mercury's orbit and discrepancies in theoretical and experimental measurements. This challenges our understanding of gravity and the laws governing it, and methods have been developed to detect and measure these deviations. If confirmed, a deviation from inverse square law could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and may lead to new discoveries about gravity and its interactions with other forces.
  • #1
If the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law!our solar system became unstable? If so ,how long people on the Earth can notice it?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
It does have a tiny deviation, and it doesn't make much difference. The planets have a much larger effect on perturbing the Earth's orbit than relativistic corrections.
  • #3
What deviation from GR did you have in mind? I don't see any.
  • #4
Perhaps Phrak is talking about the pioneer anomaly?
  • #5

FAQ: If the gravitation has very very tiny deviation from inverse square law!

1. How does the deviation from inverse square law affect the strength of gravity?

The deviation from inverse square law refers to any small changes or variations in the strength of gravity as predicted by Newton's law of gravitation. These deviations can be caused by factors such as the presence of other massive objects, the curvature of spacetime, or the interaction of gravity with other fundamental forces. In general, a deviation from inverse square law can result in a weaker or stronger gravitational force, depending on the specific circumstances.

2. What evidence supports the idea of a deviation from inverse square law?

There are several lines of evidence that suggest a potential deviation from inverse square law. One example is the observed anomalous precession of the perihelion of Mercury, which cannot be fully explained by Newton's law of gravitation and requires the incorporation of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Other evidence includes the discrepancies between theoretical predictions and experimental measurements in certain astrophysical systems, such as the rotation curves of galaxies.

3. How does the deviation from inverse square law impact our understanding of gravity?

The presence of a deviation from inverse square law challenges our traditional understanding of gravity and the laws that govern it. It suggests that there may be other forces or factors at play that influence the behavior of massive objects in the universe. This discovery could potentially lead to a more comprehensive and accurate theory of gravity that can better explain the observed phenomena.

4. Can we detect and measure the deviation from inverse square law?

Yes, scientists have developed various methods to detect and measure deviations from inverse square law. These include precision experiments using torsion balances, measurements of the orbits of planets and moons, and observations of the motions of stars and galaxies. These techniques allow us to study the behavior of gravity in different scenarios and determine if there are any deviations from what is predicted by Newton's law.

5. What implications could a deviation from inverse square law have on our understanding of the universe?

If a deviation from inverse square law is confirmed, it could significantly impact our understanding of the universe and its fundamental laws. It may require a revision of our current theories and models, and could potentially lead to new discoveries about the nature of gravity and its interactions with other forces. It could also have implications for our understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe on a larger scale.
