Infinite cross section in scattering

In summary: So at tree level, it shouldn't be an issue. In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of infinite values in the differential cross section for electron-electron scattering, and how this problem is not present in electron-muon scattering. It is mentioned that this is due to the calculation being performed at the lowest order and neglecting the electron mass. The potential difference between the two processes is also discussed. The conversation ends with a brief mention of the difficulty in controlling IR divergences in loop calculations.
  • #1

For example in e-e- -> e-e- scattering (electron-electron scattering) the differential cross section goes to infinity as theta goes to zero. Consequently the cross section is infinite.
But how can we measure and interpret the cross section/differential cross section and interpret it as a probability/event rate if it yields infinite values?

This problem DOESN't exist in e-mu- -> e-mu- scattering. What is the fundamental difference between these two processes?

All computations are done to lowest order.

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  • #2
gop said:
... in e-e- -> e-e- scattering (electron-electron scattering) the differential cross section goes to infinity as theta goes to zero. Consequently the cross section is infinite. But how can we measure and interpret the cross section/differential cross section and interpret it as a probability/event rate if it yields infinite values?
It means all projectiles scatter to a non-zero angle: N = j*sigma.
This problem DOESN't exist in e-mu- -> e-mu- scattering. What is the fundamental difference between these two processes?
If you use the Coulomb potential, you should obtain the same result. Thus you used a different potential or made a mistake.
  • #3
Electrons are identical particles, so you don't have the same diagrams as electrons and muons.

I don't recall the details of this calculation; I did it many. many years ago, but I am not surprised that a one-order calculation gives a nonsensical answer as Q^2 goes to 0; that's exactly the point at which higher orders become important.
  • #4
@Bob I'm not really sure I'm following your first point. As the cross section increases shouldn't the number of scattered particle increase (everything else being equal).

@Vanadium That sounds plausible I guess. I'm still not sure however why this isn't pointed out in the book. Maybe I overlooked something.
  • #5
gop said:

For example in e-e- -> e-e- scattering (electron-electron scattering) the differential cross section goes to infinity as theta goes to zero. Consequently the cross section is infinite.
But how can we measure and interpret the cross section/differential cross section and interpret it as a probability/event rate if it yields infinite values?

This problem DOESN't exist in e-mu- -> e-mu- scattering. What is the fundamental difference between these two processes?

All computations are done to lowest order.


Are you sure? Do you have the full expression for the tree level ee scattering (without neglecting the electron mass)? I know that most references neglect the electron mass in their calculation. However, in the limit theta goes to zero this approximation is not justified (since the electron mass is not negligible relative to the momentum transferred). It seems to me that there should be no tree level divergence as theta goes to zero.
  • #6
There's a nice discussion of this in Srednicki, Chapter 26: Infrared divergences. Indeed, as said above, the problem is due to the calculation being performed in the [tex]m\to 0[/tex] limit, and higher order corrections are needed to control this.

What is more formidable, calculating loop corrections or performing the calculation taking into account massive fermions? I don't know...
  • #7
gop said:
@Bob I'm not really sure I'm following your first point. As the cross section increases shouldn't the number of scattered particle increase (everything else being equal).

Yes, it should, as it follows from the cross section definition: the number N of scattered particles from a target is proportional to the particle flux j and the area of scattering surface σ: N = j⋅σ. Sigma is determined as in Classical Mechanics. In a Coulomb field the total cross section is infinite because whatever impact parameter R is, the particles are scattered to a non-zero angle due to long-range character of this potential. In this sense the cross section diverges due to infinite impact parameter: σtotal = π⋅R2→∞ when R→∞.

In practice the projectile beam is limited by diaphragms so the number of scattered particles is finite - instead of π⋅R2 you have to use the beam cross section ( j(r) is not uniform but turns to zero starting from some D).
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  • #8
GreyBadger said:
There's a nice discussion of this in Srednicki, Chapter 26: Infrared divergences. Indeed, as said above, the problem is due to the calculation being performed in the [tex]m\to 0[/tex] limit, and higher order corrections are needed to control this.
But this problem arises in loop calculations. At tree level, there should be no infrared divergence due to the emission of soft photons.
  • #9
Sorry, you're correct. The chapter I'm thinking of is talking about controlling IR divergences in calculations to one loop.

FAQ: Infinite cross section in scattering

1. What is infinite cross section in scattering?

Infinite cross section in scattering refers to the phenomenon where the cross section of a particle's interaction with a target becomes infinitely large. This means that the probability of the particle scattering off the target approaches 100%, making it almost certain that the interaction will occur.

2. How is infinite cross section in scattering related to the size of the target?

Infinite cross section in scattering is not directly related to the size of the target. It is actually a result of the energy of the incident particle, where at high energies, the cross section for interaction becomes larger and larger, eventually reaching infinity.

3. What causes infinite cross section in scattering?

Infinite cross section in scattering is caused by the strong force, which is responsible for binding particles together in the nucleus. At high energies, the strong force becomes dominant, leading to an increase in the probability of interaction and eventually resulting in infinite cross section.

4. How is infinite cross section in scattering measured?

Infinite cross section in scattering can be measured experimentally by studying the scattering of high-energy particles off a target. By analyzing the data and calculating the cross section, scientists can determine if there is an infinite cross section present.

5. What are the implications of infinite cross section in scattering?

Infinite cross section in scattering has important implications in the field of nuclear physics. It allows scientists to better understand the strong force and its role in binding particles together. It also has practical applications, such as in particle accelerators, where high-energy collisions are necessary for studying the fundamental building blocks of matter.
