Introducing Papa Bernhardt: Greg'sDad on Physics Forums

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary: I also used punch cards for a thesis at the university where I got my degree in 1977.:)Welcome Greg'sDad!I hope you will enjoy Physics Forums, Greg'sDad.You're only old if you ever programmed by punching cards. :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #2
That's so cool.

Greg, buy your dad a membership.
  • #3
That is cool. Though, I thought he was a member already.
  • #4
I wish you a warm and hearty welcome Greg'sDad!
  • #5
Welcome to our family Greg's Dad. :biggrin:
  • #6
As others have indicated in your thread, we all think Greg has done really great things with PF. And in many ways we have become a family. So, with that in mind, when Greg gets out of line, may we come to you now?
  • #7
Watch out! "Family" has a tendency to move in!
  • #8
Welcome Greg's dad! :smile:
hmmm...why don't I see you in green or gold?
  • #9
Hello Gregs Dad, very nice to have you here. I think this calls for the "special" reserve fish. Perhaps the Coelacanth?
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
My father has signed up! His username is Greg'sDad... how creative! :rolleyes: :biggrin:

His first topic is here, please welcome him and help him out.

Thanks for the warning, greg. All the Mentors at least now know who not to ban!


  • #11
Welcome Greg's Dad! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  • #12
Welcome to Greg's Dad! You must be proud of your son. :smile:
  • #13
Welcome Greg's Dad!
  • #14
Hey everyone! Yes, Greg's Mother and I are unbelieveably proud of Greg and his Sister. I'm a bit of a neophyte with forums, but have been into computers since my first Apple II in the early 80's. Yes, I'm that old.

It's very touching to hear all the compliments about Greg!
  • #15
Hi Dad of Greg, you're not that old. I had to pass and BASIC exam in 1974 on a PDP11. A real dinosaur. But I try to conceal that :rolleyes: Welcome. ..oh it was an A
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
So, with that in mind, when Greg gets out of line, may we come to you now?


Welcome Greg'sDad! I think a lot of people joined this forum as neophytes to internet forums, so you're in good company here. That's one of the nice things about the community Greg has built here, everyone of all abilities from beginner to expert are welcome and encouraged to participate.
  • #17
Does he get a fish?
  • #18
NeoDevin said:
Does he get a fish?

  • #19
Evo said:


What a cool emoticon. :smile:
  • #20
Evo said:


hmmm...I see he's got the same attention(and probably the same fish) as the rest of newbies!:smile:
  • #21
Kurdt said:
What a cool emoticon. :smile:

Indubitably! :biggrin:

Oh, sorry...Hiya Greg's Dad! :smile:
  • #22
Math Is Hard found the emoticon. I think it should be made an official PF smiley. :approve:
  • #23
Evo said:
Math Is Hard found the emoticon. I think it should be made an official PF smiley. :approve:

You have my vote! :approve:
  • #24
Evo said:
Math Is Hard found the emoticon. I think it should be made an official PF smiley. :approve:

phyzmatix said:
You have my vote! :approve:

Make that 2 votes!
  • #25
Here is the third for it :biggrin:
  • #26
Greg'sDad said:
I'm a bit of a neophyte with forums, but have been into computers since my first Apple II in the early 80's. Yes, I'm that old.

You're only old if you ever programmed by punching cards. :biggrin:



p.s. thanks for your role in producing this forum!
  • #27
Welcome Greg's Dad!
  • #28
Evo said:


In my mind I can just see Greg trying to explain the fish to his dad. :smile:
  • #29
I'm not sure there actually IS an 'explanation' for the fish-whacking. It just kind of... started. :biggrin:

Welcome GregsDad! Just remember... you like itsy bitsy teenie weenie little goldfish OK?
  • #30
I don't know what started it, but this helped it along.
The Monty Python fish-slapping dance:

oh, and I can't take credit for finding that special smilie. A very sweet member named Mickey brought that to us.
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  • #31
Oooohhhh, yeaaaaaahhh! I'd forgotten about the fish-slapping dance. A mind is a terrible thing to loose... :smile:
  • #32
I watched that thing 100+ times and I still laugh.
  • #33
Redbelly98 said:
You're only old if you ever programmed by punching cards.

Does punching paper tape count? :wink:

Welcome Greg's Dad!
  • #34
I hope you will enjoy Physics Forums, Greg'sDad.
  • #35
Redbelly98 said:
You're only old if you ever programmed by punching cards. :biggrin:
Hey! I resemble that incineration. I spent many long hours in college at IBM consoles punching cards. Bundle them, turn them into the computer "priests" and pray that they will result in a nice fat white and green fanfold printout. It really stunk if you got errors and there was insufficient time to re-code, re-submit, and get the cards run in time to make the assignment deadline. Our engineering school was large and when 1st and 2nd year students (in huge classes) got programming assignments, the people running computer were swamped.