Is a Theoretical Comparison Suitable for an IB Extended Essay in Physics?

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of writing an extended essay for the International Baccalaureate program. The participants consider different topics, including ocean gravity waves and theories such as string theory, relativity, and quantum theory. They also raise questions about the requirements for the essay and whether it needs to present a new idea or just compare existing theories. The conversation concludes with the participants planning to gather more information and continue discussing their ideas.
  • #1
Moss Pauly
Firstly I'm not entirely sure as to where this belongs on this sight, but I figured that it was related to coursework.

It's coming up to that time were I have to do an extended essay on an area of interested. For those of you who don't know an extended essay is it's an essay required by the International Baccalaureate in order to pass. It has to be 4000 words or less. I'm hoping to do one on Physics as I thoroughly enjoy it.

My first thoughts where to do something on Ocean Gravity waves and the influences on them as I'm an avid surfer. Though this proved impractical to do experiments on as it would require me building a wave tank at least 20m long to reduce scaling effects.

My father suggested maybe something on String theory, relativity and quantum theory. I know that there would be certain issues involved in this such as doing something specific enough as to go to an appropriately deep level in under 4000 words. At present I can't remember the Research question i thought of last night I will post it up later today.

The main question I was wanting to ask to you guys, specifically those with experience in the IB was "Is it appropriate to do a Extended Essay based primarily on theories and a comparison of them?" This would include a detailed analysis on the implication of such theories and there problems.

Moss Pauly,
Physics news on
  • #2
I'd be thoroughly interested in the answer to this question...I'm taking IB Physics HL at the beginning of the next school year and I hope to write my extended essay regarding relativity or quantum mechanics, but I have no idea if I'd have to extrapolate on one or the other (I've already taken another advanced physics class), but it seems like (based on the TOK at the end of the books) an analytical comparison of two or more theories would be enough to suffice for the essay...Let me know if you get any insight though!
  • #4
I finished AP Physics B (a non-IB algebra-based intro physics course) early, as a sophomore last year, and it basically goes through a slightly (very, very slightly) less rigorous curriculum than the curriculum for IB Physics HL. The concepts in both are the same, aside from the Options at the end, and I'll be starting the next school year as a junior working on my IB Diploma. My main concern is that if the Extended Essay requires one to put forth a new concept, problem is that the class itself doesn't require students to use a high enough level of math to validate or even come close to ratifying a "new" concept in physics, so it would be completely conceptual, which is the basis for a pretty weak claim, at least scientifically (I say this with respect to theoretical physics, the branch that most grasps my interest and the only one I can foresee myself writing about on an in-depth level).

Edit: I can also use the knowledge and insight I gather here to start formulating the hypothesis for my EE when I actually take the course, considering my prior knowledge... :D
  • #5

I can understand your interest in pursuing an extended essay in the field of physics. It is a great opportunity for you to dive deeper into a specific topic and gain a better understanding of it. I would like to offer some advice on your proposed topic and research question.

Firstly, I would suggest that you choose a topic that you are truly passionate about and have a strong understanding of. This will make the research process much more enjoyable and fruitful. It is also important to choose a topic that is feasible and can be completed within the word limit.

Regarding your proposed topic on Ocean Gravity waves, I understand your enthusiasm as a surfer, but as you have mentioned, it may be difficult to conduct experiments on this topic. I would suggest exploring other areas of physics that interest you and are more practical to research.

As for your father's suggestion on String theory, relativity, and quantum theory, it is a broad and complex topic. It would be challenging to cover all three theories in-depth within the word limit. I would recommend narrowing down your focus to one specific theory or aspect of these theories.

In terms of your research question, it is important to have a clear and specific question that you are trying to answer. This will guide your research and ensure that your essay stays within the word limit. I would suggest discussing your potential research question with your supervisor or a physics teacher to get their input and guidance.

In conclusion, it is appropriate to do an extended essay based on theories and a comparison of them, as long as you have a clear and specific research question and a feasible topic. I wish you all the best in your extended essay and hope it is a rewarding experience for you.

FAQ: Is a Theoretical Comparison Suitable for an IB Extended Essay in Physics?

1. What is the IB Theoretical Extended Essay?

The IB Theoretical Extended Essay is a research-based essay that is part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. It is an independent and self-directed piece of work that allows students to explore a topic of their choice in depth, demonstrating their research, analytical, and critical thinking skills.

2. What is the purpose of the IB Theoretical Extended Essay?

The IB Theoretical Extended Essay serves as an opportunity for students to engage in academic research and develop skills that are essential for success in higher education. It also allows students to demonstrate their understanding of a particular subject and develop their own arguments and conclusions based on evidence.

3. How long does the IB Theoretical Extended Essay have to be?

The IB Theoretical Extended Essay should be between 3,500 and 4,000 words, not including the abstract, contents page, and bibliography. However, there is no set minimum or maximum word count, as the focus should be on quality rather than quantity.

4. What are the criteria for grading the IB Theoretical Extended Essay?

The IB Theoretical Extended Essay is graded based on five assessment criteria: research question, knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, presentation, and engagement. Each criterion is worth 2-4 points, and the total score is out of 34 points. The essay is also given a letter grade equivalent to the IB grading scale (A-E).

5. Can I choose any topic for my IB Theoretical Extended Essay?

Yes, you can choose any topic that falls within the six subject areas of the IB Diploma Programme: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, and The Arts. Your topic should be focused and well-defined, and it should also be approved by your IB coordinator and supervisor.

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