Is Electromagnetic Induction Harmful to Humans?

In summary, the strength of an electromagnetic field and the wavelength of its waves determine its potential harmful effects on humans. A field with a large amount of energy can be deadly, while a field with a small amount of energy may not have serious effects. Lightning strikes are an example of a field with a large amount of energy that can stop the human heart. However, fatalities or injuries from lightning strikes are caused by the massive electron flow, not the induced electric field itself. A direct strike and a near miss have different effects on the human body.
  • #1
Hey I was wondering if anyone out there can help me. After doing some research I was not able to find out on my own. Well, the question I have is: does creating an electromagnetic field for the purpose of powering something (electromagnetic induction) create any harmful effects to anyone close to it?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
that would depend on "strength" of the field. or to say it another way, the wavelength of the "ripples".
you wouldn't try is close to the electromagnetic field created by annihilation either nuke!
  • #3
I don't think I understand the explanation
  • #4
Electromagnetic waves carry enegy, and amount of that energy is related to their wavelength (the shorter wavelength they have, the more energy they have). If the amount of energy is "small", it wouldn't have any serious effect on human. however, if they are carrying a "huge" amount of energy, they can be disastrous.

The waves created by your monitor right in front of you are those carrying "small" amount of energy. The waves created in a nuclear reaction or an annihilation (such as electron-positron annihilation) are those that carry "huge" amount of energy, and harmful.

But I can't define a threshold value for wavelength (at what energy you dna gets corrupted, your nerves misfunction, etc), maybe a biologist can.

  • #5
NonPhysicsMajor said:
..does creating an electromagnetic field for the purpose of powering something (electromagnetic induction) create any harmful effects to anyone close to it?
If the electromagnetic field is large enough it can stop the human heart, so yes. It can kill someone. E.g. If lightning struck close to you, say a meter away, then it can stop your heart and you.

  • #6
pmb_phy said:
If the electromagnetic field is large enough it can stop the human heart, so yes. It can kill someone. E.g. If lightning struck close to you, say a meter away, then it can stop your heart and you.


I beg to differ. Fatality or injuries from a lightning strike is the result of massive electron flow through the human body, be it a direct or "stand-off" hit. The EM field generated by a lightning strike is nothing compared to the actual DC current potentialized.
  • #7
pallidin said:
Fatality or injuries from a lightning strike is the result of massive electron flow through the human body, be it a direct or "stand-off" hit. The EM field generated by a lightning strike is nothing compared to the actual DC current potentialized.
It is the induced electrtic field which causes those effects and it is the induced electric field which I'm speaking of. A direct strike is different than a near miss in its manner of interaction with the human body.

  • #8
pmb_phy said:
It is the induced electrtic field which causes those effects and it is the induced electric field which I'm speaking of. A direct strike is different than a near miss in its manner of interaction with the human body.


Ah, very good. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

FAQ: Is Electromagnetic Induction Harmful to Humans?

What is electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic induction is the process by which a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current in a conductor.

How does electromagnetic induction work?

When a conductor, such as a wire, is placed within a changing magnetic field, the magnetic field induces an electric current in the wire. This is due to the movement of electrons in the wire, which creates an electric field.

What is the difference between mutual and self induction?

Mutual induction occurs when a changing magnetic field from one circuit induces an electric current in another nearby circuit. Self induction, on the other hand, occurs when a changing current in a conductor induces a magnetic field in the same conductor, which can then induce an opposing current in the conductor.

What are some examples of electromagnetic induction in everyday life?

Some examples of electromagnetic induction in everyday life include the use of generators in power plants, the operation of electric motors, and the functioning of transformers in electronic devices.

How is electromagnetic induction used in technology and industry?

Electromagnetic induction is used in many technologies and industries, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless charging, and induction heating. It is also used in scientific research and in the development of new technologies, such as wireless energy transfer and electromagnetic propulsion systems.

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