Is f Isomorphic? - Defining and Proving a Function

  • Thread starter mathstudent79
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In summary, the author is trying to define a function from complex numbers to real numbers by using the following equation: f(a,b)=a+bi. This equation is proved to be true by showing that if a,b are in the real numbers then f(a,b)=a+bi. The author also provides an informal proof for the onto function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi. First post here. I searched for this problem and nothing I saw helped. Sorry. Thanks in advance for help.

define a function f: C -----> S by:
f(a,b) = a+bi where a,b [tex]\in[/tex]R

We leave it to reader to check that f is one-one and onto and that:

f((a,b)+(c,d)) = f((a,b)) + f((c,d))



Homework Equations

a+bi = (a,b)
(a+bi)+(c+di) = (a+c) + (b+d)i

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's what I've done so far.



sp' f(a,b)=f(a',b')

then a+bi=a'+b'i
then (a,b)=(a',b')
but this is only true if a=a' and b=b' So f(a,b)=f(a',b') implies (a,b)=(a',b')

HERE'S where I'm especially not sure:


suppose we have a+bi. By definition of function, there is an a,b s.t. f(a,b)=a+bi. Therefore onto.

Thanks a lot guys.
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  • #2
mathstudent79 said:
define a function f: C -----> S by:
f(a,b) = a+bi where a,b [tex]\in[/tex]R

I'm not sure I understand this part. Is C the set of all complex numbers? What is S? And since (a,b) is a two-tuple, shouldn't f: [tex]R^2[/tex] -> S? (or some subset of [tex]R^2[/tex] to S?)
  • #3
I'm sorry,

yes, C is set of Complex Nos. No argument with your observation, but I copied that directly from the book (Modern Algebra, a Natural Approach, Gardiner)

Thanks a lot.
  • #4
As for S, I forgot to put:

'We consider the set S of all formal expressions of the form: a+bi, where a,b[tex]\in[/tex]R"

Again, with the R, direct quote.

  • #5
With the clarifications, the logical steps look correct here. I might flesh out more details for steps such as onto. Since they both draw from all of the reals, I feel that is an important in between step for clarification.
  • #6
Sethric, thank you.

As you know, the onto was the part I was especially not sure of. The book I am studying from has very informal and (to my amateur eye) intuitive proofs for onto functions. Along the lines of 'take any b in B. then f(a)=b for some a in A. Thus the function is onto.' Can you give me a couple of more details on the sort of clarifications or fleshing out you're referring to, if you don't mind? Thank you again.
  • #7
If I were proving the onto, I would go along the lines of:

Let [tex] a+bi \in S[/tex]

Then [tex] a,b \in R[/tex]

Therefore, since [tex]C = R^2, (a,b) \in C[/tex] and f((a,b)) = a+bi.

Essentially I would just want to show that that particular a and b are actually in the original set. Showing they were both formed from the reals is enough here, but might not be in future questions.
  • #8
Sethric -

Thank you very much!

FAQ: Is f Isomorphic? - Defining and Proving a Function

1. What does it mean for two graphs to be isomorphic?

Two graphs are isomorphic if they have the same structure, meaning that they have the same number of vertices and edges, and the vertices are connected in the same way. This means that the two graphs can be rearranged or relabeled to look exactly the same.

2. How do you check if two graphs are isomorphic?

To check if two graphs are isomorphic, you can compare their adjacency matrices. If the two matrices have the same size and the same number of 1's in each row and column, then the graphs are isomorphic. You can also use graph isomorphism algorithms, such as the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm, to determine if two graphs are isomorphic.

3. What is the importance of checking if two graphs are isomorphic?

Determining if two graphs are isomorphic can be useful in many fields, including computer science, chemistry, and biology. It allows us to identify patterns and similarities between different structures and can help us better understand complex systems.

4. Can two non-isomorphic graphs have the same adjacency matrix?

Yes, two non-isomorphic graphs can have the same adjacency matrix. This is because the adjacency matrix only shows the connections between vertices in a graph, not the actual structure of the graph.

5. Are there any practical applications of graph isomorphism?

Yes, graph isomorphism has practical applications in many fields, including data compression, network analysis, and cryptography. It can also be used in image recognition and pattern matching, as well as in the study of complex networks like social networks and the internet.

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