Is My Calculation for Standard Error of a Stress Calculation Correct?

In summary, the conversation discusses the computation of the standard error for a stress related calculation. The formula for the common combination of errors is also mentioned. The main focus is on a specific equation, and there is confusion about the correct working for this equation. Eventually, it is determined that the suggested working by ehild is correct.
  • #1
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to compute the standard error of a stress related calculation.

Let's consider the following:

A ± ΔA
B ± ΔB

where A and B are the mean values while ΔA and ΔB are the respective standard errors.

The common combination of errors formulas are as follows:

y = A + B then, Δy = √(ΔA2+ΔB2)

y = k. A then, Δy = k.ΔA

Now my equation is,

y = k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ]

May I know if my following working is correct?

( A + B + C )
= √(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)

k1 . ( A + B + C )
= k1 . √(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)

A + k1 . ( A + B + C )
= √[ΔA2 + (k1 . √(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2))2]
= √[ΔA2 + k12 . (ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]

k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ]
= k2 . √[ΔA2 + k12 . (ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]I am confused because I was suggested that it should be,
k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ]
= k2 . √ [k1. ΔA2 + k12 . (ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]

Your input in highly appreciated.

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  • #2
The function f=y = k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ] is the same as
y = k2 [ A(k1+1) + k1 B + k1C ) ]. You can take y as linear combination of A, B, C with the constants p and q (p=k2(1+k1), q=k1k2):

y= pA+qB+qC

  • #3
I am sorry but I noticed that there are some mistakes in my first post. The subscripts and superscripts are not clearly shown. So the correct equations are as follows:

The common combination of errors formulas are as follows:

y = A + B then, Δy = √(ΔA2+ΔB2)

y = k. A then, Δy = k.ΔA

Now my equation is,

y = k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ]

May I know if my following working is correct?

( A + B + C )
= √(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)

k1 . ( A + B + C )
= k1 . √(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)

A + k1 . ( A + B + C )
= √[ΔA2 + (k1 . √(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2))2]
= √[ΔA2 + k12 . (ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]

k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ]
= k2 . √[ΔA2 + k12 . (ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]

I am confused because I was suggested that it should be,
k2 . [ A + k1 . ( A + B + C ) ]
= k2 . √ [k1. ΔA2 + k12 . (ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]

Thanks ehild,
I tried you suggestion and ended up as follows:

= √[p2ΔA2+q2ΔB2 + q2ΔC2]
= √[(k2(1+k1))2ΔA2+(k1k2)2ΔB2 + (k1k2)2ΔC2]
= k2√[(1+k1)2ΔA2+(k1)2ΔB2 + (k1)2ΔC2]
= k2√[(1+2k1+k12)ΔA2+(k1)2ΔB2 + (k1)2ΔC2]
= k2√[ΔA2 + 2k1ΔA2 +k12(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]

It ends up to be different than the earlier solutions that I found and was suggested. Please could you (or anyone) enlighten me.

Thank you in advance.
  • #4
As far as I know, that is the correct expression of the error of your function.

If you have a function f(x,y,z) of variables x, y, z and you know the mean values and standard deviations X±Δx, Y±Δy, Z±Δz, than the error of the function is [tex]Δf=\sqrt{(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\Delta x)^2+(\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\Delta y)^2+(\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}\Delta z)^2}[/tex]

  • #5
charlesltl said:
= k2√[ΔA2 + 2k1ΔA2 +k12(ΔA2+ΔB2 + ΔC2)]
I agree with ehild. That is the correct answer.
  • #6
Thank you for your help ehild and haruspex.

FAQ: Is My Calculation for Standard Error of a Stress Calculation Correct?

1. What is a combination of errors?

A combination of errors refers to the combined effect of multiple sources of error in an experiment or measurement. This can include systematic errors, random errors, and human errors.

2. How does a combination of errors affect the accuracy of a measurement?

A combination of errors can lead to a decrease in the accuracy of a measurement. This is because each individual error will contribute to the overall deviation from the true value, making it more difficult to determine the true value.

3. Can a combination of errors be avoided?

While it is not possible to completely eliminate all sources of error, steps can be taken to minimize the effect of a combination of errors. This includes using appropriate measuring tools, following proper procedures, and repeating measurements multiple times.

4. How can a combination of errors be calculated?

The combined effect of multiple errors can be calculated using statistical methods, such as the root sum square method. This involves taking the square root of the sum of the squares of each individual error.

5. How can a combination of errors be minimized in scientific experiments?

To minimize the effect of a combination of errors in scientific experiments, it is important to carefully plan and design the experiment, use precise and accurate measuring tools, and follow proper procedures. It is also helpful to repeat measurements multiple times and take the average to reduce the impact of random errors.
