Is the delta in the commutation relations of QFT a dirac delta or a kronecker?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the differences between the Dirac and Kronecker deltas in QFT, and the concept of distributions in QM and QFT. It is mentioned that fields in QFT are distributions that need to be integrated with test functions, while in QM, operators are distributions with a discrete index. The conversation also touches on the idea of linear operators and the use of delta-distributions as identity-operators.
  • #1
If it's a dirac delta doesn't it mean it's infinite when x=y? Or is it a sort of kronecker where it's equal to one but the indices x and y are continuous? I'm confused.
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  • #2
Both the Dirac and Kronecker deltas can occur in QFT.

Post a specific example of a CR you don't understand...
  • #3
silence11 said:
If it's a dirac delta doesn't it mean it's infinite when x=y? Or is it a sort of kronecker where it's equal to one but the indices x and y are continuous? I'm confused.

In QFT you can have commutation relations like

[\phi^i (x), \pi_j (y)] = \delta^_i \delta^{(D)}(x-y)

where phi and pi are conjugate fields, of which you can have, say, N, and D is the dimension of spacetime.

The first delta states that these fields don't commutate if they are different components. That's a Kronecker delta. The second is a distribution, and is there because the fields are really distributions. These kind of relations only make sense if you integrate them with a test function. Otherwise you would naively say that the commutator blows up if x=y.

You can compare it with the commutators in QM; those only make sense if you apply them to a wave function.
  • #4
haushofer said:
The second is a distribution, and is there because the fields are really distributions. These kind of relations only make sense if you integrate them with a test function. Otherwise you would naively say that the commutator blows up if x=y.

You can compare it with the commutators in QM; those only make sense if you apply them to a wave function.

Are all operators distributions then, and not just commutators? In QM, X and P are distributions. In QFT, creation/annihilation operators and fields are distributions?
  • #5
geoduck said:
In QM, X and P are distributions.
Could you elaborate on this?
  • #6
lugita15 said:
Could you elaborate on this?

I was just asking haushofer a question. He said fields in QFT are distributions, and I was wondering why. He said you integrate them over test functions, so I was wondering if he meant that any linear operator is a distribution in QM, e.g.,

<x|P|x'> takes ψ(x') and maps it to:

<x|P|ψ>=-i d/dx[ψ(x)]

I have no idea what he meant, so I just wanted to learn :)
  • #7
In QFT fields are operator-valued distributions where (in position space) x is a "continuous index". The delta-distribution is the identity-operator.

In QM the operators are X (and P, ...) - no fields - and there is only a discrete index (i=1,2,3, ... for dimensions etc.) and therefore you get a Kronecker delta as identity-operator. The delta-function in QM is not an operator but a matrix element.

FAQ: Is the delta in the commutation relations of QFT a dirac delta or a kronecker?

1. What is the delta in the commutation relations of QFT?

The delta in the commutation relations of QFT refers to the Dirac delta function, also known as the delta function or impulse function. It is a mathematical function that is zero everywhere except at the origin, where it is infinite. It is commonly used in quantum field theory (QFT) to represent point-like particles or fields.

2. What is the difference between a Dirac delta and a Kronecker delta?

While both are commonly referred to as "delta," the Dirac delta and Kronecker delta are two distinct mathematical functions. The Dirac delta is a continuous function that is infinite at the origin and zero elsewhere, while the Kronecker delta is a discrete function that takes on a value of 1 when its arguments are equal, and 0 otherwise. In QFT, the Dirac delta is used to represent point-like particles, while the Kronecker delta is used to represent discrete quantum states.

3. Is the delta in the commutation relations of QFT a function or an operator?

The delta in the commutation relations of QFT is a function, specifically the Dirac delta function. It is not an operator, as it does not act on any functions or operate on any variables. It is simply a mathematical function used to model point-like particles or fields in QFT.

4. How is the delta in the commutation relations of QFT related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

The delta in the commutation relations of QFT plays a crucial role in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously with absolute precision. The Dirac delta function is used in the commutation relation between position and momentum operators, which is a fundamental concept in QFT and is directly related to the uncertainty principle.

5. Can the delta in the commutation relations of QFT be generalized to higher dimensions?

Yes, the delta in the commutation relations of QFT can be generalized to higher dimensions. In QFT, the Dirac delta function can be extended to multiple dimensions to represent point-like particles or fields in higher dimensional space. This allows for the study of QFT in more complex systems and scenarios, such as in curved spacetime or in theories with extra dimensions.

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