Is There a University for Science and Technology Majors with ADHD Support?

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's experience in college and their preference for a university that focuses on science, technology, and engineering. They also mention their struggles with English literature and their interest in studying physics in the future. They ask about colleges with no core curriculum and special programs for students with ADHD. The conversation also touches on the importance of doing homework in college and the speaker's friend's misconception about it.
  • #1
WHen I was going to college I wanted one that focused mroe on Science,Technology,and Engineering. While I'm good at Science I'm horrible at English Lit. I could never pass it in High School. I don't liek History either.

SO I was deciding on a college that was more based on Science and Technology so tha t it would be less difficult/ SO that lead me to DeVry. While not exactly and science or engineering school it does specialise in Electronics. It does however cross into Engineering with Electronics Engineering Technology. SO I took up EET. I t was hell. Didn't think i should have to do homework in college so I didn't study strongly. Let's just say because a variety of circumstances a quit and was not just thrown out.

Besides just getting in there's alotof extra material you have to take at standard 4 Year colleges. although I liked the program I don't really like to study electronics. I wasn't thinking about that then. So if/when I go back to gcollege I'm probrably going to major in Physics.The onlyproblem is I don't want to take up a whole bunch of material in college. Science,Math, and Technology are all I really want to study. No Literature,no History,
no interest in Phys.Ed.,a not all those extracaricular activites.

What I want to know is does a university like this exist? Befor eyou go calling me lazy I'd liek to have you know I'm pretty sure I have Attention Deficit Disorder. If you've got it you know the hell that I'm talking about.
I'd need a nice accredited unviersity that's in a major city and not all hard to qualify for entrance. I hope tey don't require homework. Do any colleges have special programs for students with ADHD?
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  • #2
You can definitely find colleges with no core curriculum, (Brown comes to mind - but it certainly doesn't fit the 'not hard to qualify for entrance' requirement). The part that strikes me most though is asking for a college which doesn't require homework. To really learn this material, you have to do problems, there's really no way around it - especially in the Sciences. So personally, I think it's a little unreasonable as well as impractical to ask for a college that doesn't require homework. And as for programs for students with ADD/ADHD, you'll need to get that diagnosed, because I don't think being "pretty sure you have it" will suffice.
  • #3
Well one of my firneds told me they didn't have homework in college. Then I got their and had it and was ticked.

I mean why do you need it. If you just study and take the test you can learn. Grown people with jobs,babies,and wives shouldn't have to have homework.

No core curriculum? I think you mean only cord curriculum.Brown does?
You know it's funny although it's supposed to be an IV League school Rice University in my hometown ranks better.
  • #4
What do you think college is, a joke? Do you want a degree just for showing up to class, well, it does not work like that. From your post, I do not think you have what it takes to hack it in a 4 year institution. I would suggest you try to work hard at a community college and then transfer over. If you can't handle english and electronics, a 4 year institution will eat you up and spit you out and say NEXXXT!
  • #5
If you think can go to college and are above doing homework then you are going to get set straight pretty fast. Sounds like that's what happened to you the first time. Lots of classes don't have manditory hw, but give problem sets, those who do them do well, those who think they are beyond it and don't bother do not, as it should be. Reality is, everyone has to take classes they don't like, the further on in your degree you get the more enjoyable courses you get to take.
  • #6
Line said:
No core curriculum? I think you mean only cord curriculum.Brown does?
You know it's funny although it's supposed to be an IV League school Rice University in my hometown ranks better.

No, I mean 'no core curriculum.' A core curriculum is a selection of courses which you must take, regardless of your major. Brown does not have this. And just because a school is in the Ivy League does not mean it is amazing. In general the Ivy Leagues are very good, but there are tons of excellent schools which are not in the Ivy League (MIT, CalTech, tons of public schools, etc.) And regardless, Brown is an excellent university and I'm sure there are areas in which it ranks higher than Rice (which is also an excellent university).
  • #7
Line said:
Do any colleges have special programs for students with ADHD?

I think Federal law requires all colleges and universities to make accommodations for students with learning disabilities, including ADHD, just like for students who use wheelchairs, are hearing or visually impaired, etc. But you have to be evaluated by an appropriate medical professional, in your case a psychologist or whoever else is qualified to diagnose learning disabilities. He/she will tell the college exactly what kind of accomodation they should make for you.

When I have a learning-disabled student in one of my classes, the Dean's office sends me a memo with a list of specific accommodations that they authorize me to grant: extra time on tests, taking tests separately from other students, allow a note-taker to sit in with him/her in class, etc.
  • #8
scorpa said:
If you think can go to college and are above doing homework then you are going to get set straight pretty fast. Sounds like that's what happened to you the first time. Lots of classes don't have manditory hw, but give problem sets, those who do them do well, those who think they are beyond it and don't bother do not, as it should be. Reality is, everyone has to take classes they don't like, the further on in your degree you get the more enjoyable courses you get to take.

Problem sets , is that the same as studying? You know, not mandatory?

And yes Electronics is hard and English is crazy. I say if you can even grasp electronics you'll do well as a collegiate.

And whoever said just showing up for class was wrong. I said just studying for the test is enough. WHhat does homework proove? WIll you have to do homework on the job?
  • #9
When you are working as a professional, you will have deadlines. *No one* is going to make you sit down and take a test, *ever.* Your notion of what is important is way, way off base. If you can't do english, be prepared to flunk every lab class you ever take, because I promise you no TA is going to give you an A for a poorly written lab report.

I mean why do you need it. If you just study and take the test you can learn. Grown people with jobs,babies,and wives shouldn't have to have homework.

You are the one who choose to go to college. Don't cry about your situation, no one, including the college, will care. I know plenty of older people with families that are going back to college and don't cry as much as you seem to. If you don't want to do homework, simple, don't do it and fail or don't go to college. It's that simple.

Edit: Hell, there was a guy in here a while back that was in jail and started studying science. Once he got out, he went to a community college and then a 4 year institution. So you have no excuse to BMC IMO sir.
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  • #10
Problem sets are questions that a prof assigns from the book or worksheets they make up that the student is to complete on their own time for no marks. You ask what doing the homework proves that you care about understanding the material and helps you do so. You can read the book and read examples all you want but you don't know if you really understand it until you sit down and do the problems. I suppose you could say that problem sets are considered studying, but personally is homework really that bad? Homework is also a form of studying and personally I like having a class where there is marked assignments, it takes a some of the heat off the final and if you work at it, you should be able to do well on the assignments and boost your grade. Much better than having a class where the grade is determined solely by a midterm and a final...and if applicable a lab, in my opinion anyway.
  • #11
Line said:
WHhat does homework proove? WIll you have to do homework on the job?

On a daily basis...
  • #12
Trust me... in higher level classes you do NOT want your final grade in a class to be solely based on exams! The homework and labs are a blessing in disguise!

Even though the problem sets are at times frustrating, I can't tell you how many times working on an assignment has prepared me for an exam. Also, sometimes your cumulative homework grade counts just as much as one exam.

Also, the electronics courses are easy compared to some of the other EE classes!
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  • #13
If your really going to major in physics, you won't make it. You'll be asked to derive the compton effect on a test and you'll fail miserably or something like that.
  • #14
I'm not talking English grammar I'm talking English literature.Shakesspeare is impossible to comprehend. My problem is school was doing good on tests and not doing my homework.
  • #15
You should come study in the UK - I don't get the point of covering all these extra courses - some of my friends in UMass take stuff like (do you called them) `minors' in volleyball! :smile:

Surely university should be for specilising!
  • #16
I'm not talking English grammar I'm talking English literature.Shakesspeare is impossible to comprehend. My problem is school was doing good on tests and not doing my homework.

Ok, first point. English in college is not the same as high school english lit. I never touched shakespeare in my english classes. In college, at least where I attend, one is required to take the following english classes: English 101/102 (which goes over the basics they expect you to know coming out of high school) and English 393 (Which is an upper level technical writting class). In addition, one has to take humanities courses, included in which is a (3-credit) literature course. But that does not necessarily have to be shakespeare, there is an entire list of literature courses one can choose from. I would tell you to go talk to an advisor to see what is offered in terms of lit and take one that suits your liking.

Second point, if you do well on exams, but don't do homework, we have a word for that, it's called being lazy.
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  • #17
So if English in college is not literature what is it?
  • #18
That is a general question. You have to look up the course description to find out exactly what that class covers. If you want a definative answer, go talk to an advisor and pick up a course catalog.
  • #19
Line said:
So if English in college is not literature what is it?

There are literature classes, technical writing classes...ect. Most schools have their calenders online with course descriptions you can go look at the different english courses there. The ones you have to take depend on your major. The engineering students at my school are lucky, their only english requirement is a technical writing class which is basically english for idiots...I am so jealous of them haha.
  • #20
Technical writting is a very practical and good english course to take. Have you taken it, or are you making an uninformed statement?
  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
Technical writting is a very practical and good english course to take. Have you taken it, or are you making an uninformed statement?

I have not taken it, and personally think it is much more useful than the retarded english course I have to take, but the technical writing class I am talking about is only for engineers and it is common knowledge that anyone who can breathe can pass the course...but in all fairness they deserve at least one easy class haha. The curriculum is really watered down compared to any other technical writing course offered by the university. As a science student I think it would make much more sense that I take a technical writing course rather than a course that seems more geared towards an arts student, but unfortunately it was not an option for me.
  • #22
It's not watered down where I go.
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FAQ: Is There a University for Science and Technology Majors with ADHD Support?

What is a core schedule?

A core schedule is a predetermined set of working hours that an employee is expected to adhere to on a regular basis. It typically includes the start and end times of the workday, as well as any designated break times.

Why is a core schedule important?

A core schedule helps to establish structure and consistency within a workplace, allowing employees to plan their daily tasks and responsibilities accordingly. It also ensures that there is adequate coverage during peak work hours.

Who creates a core schedule?

A core schedule is typically created by a manager or supervisor, in collaboration with the employees who will be following it. This allows for input from both parties and ensures that the schedule meets the needs of the business as well as the employees.

Can a core schedule be changed?

Yes, a core schedule can be changed if necessary. However, it is important to communicate any changes to employees in advance and to consider their input and availability when making changes.

What are the benefits of having a core schedule?

Having a core schedule can lead to increased productivity and efficiency, improved work-life balance for employees, and better communication and coordination among team members. It can also help to reduce scheduling conflicts and last-minute changes.
