Is this in general true (about projection matrices)?

In summary, we discussed the properties of a hermitian matrix with eigenvalues +1 and -1. We also looked at the eigenvectors and projection matrices associated with these eigenvalues. While it is true that $$A = P_{+} + (-1)P_{-}$$, the statement $$I = P_{+} + P_{-}$$ may not always hold true. It depends on whether the eigenvectors form a basis for the vector space.
  • #1
Gold Member
$$A$$ is a hermitian matrix with eigenvalues +1 and -1. Let $$\left|+\right>$$ and $$\left|-\right>$$ be the eigenvector of $$A$$ with respect to eigenvalue +1 and eigenvalue -1 respectively.
Therefore, $$P_{+} = \left|+\right>\left<+\right|$$ is the projection matrix with respect to eigenvalue +1. $$P_{-} = \left|-\right>\left<-\right|$$ is the projection matrix with respect to eigenvalue -1.

We all know that $$A = P_{+} + (-1)P_{-}$$. But is $$I = P_{+} + P_{-}$$ true? $$I$$ is the identity matrix.
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  • #2
It is the identity matrix in context of the vector space spanned by ## \left|+\right>## and ## \left|-\right>##.

Why do I weasel? Because you can probably find vectors that are orthogonal to ## \left|+\right>## and ## \left|-\right>##, and it would be surprising if you applied the identity matrix to a vector and got zero. So ##P_+ + P_-## is only the identity matrix with respect to the appropriate vector space.

How do you prove it? You apply ##I## to an arbitrary combination of ##x\left|+\right> + y\left|-\right>## and see what you get. And you determine what is the square of ##I##.
  • #3
If the eigenvectors ## | + \rangle ## and ## | - \rangle ## form a basis of the underlying vector space, then yes. Because then, for any ## | v \rangle ##,

## (P_+ + P_-) | v \rangle = | + \rangle \langle + | v \rangle + | - \rangle \langle - | v \rangle = I | v \rangle ##.

That is, if we can expand any ket in terms of the eigenvectors, then we can write the identity as a sum of the corresponding projection operators.

Oops, DEvens beat me to it!

FAQ: Is this in general true (about projection matrices)?

1. Is a projection matrix always square?

No, a projection matrix does not have to be square. It can be any size as long as it is a rectangular matrix with at least one row and one column.

2. Can a projection matrix have negative values?

Yes, a projection matrix can have negative values. The values in a projection matrix represent the weights for each vector in the projection, so they can be positive or negative depending on the direction of the projection.

3. Do all projection matrices have an inverse?

No, not all projection matrices have an inverse. A projection matrix only has an inverse if it is a full rank matrix, meaning it has linearly independent columns. If the projection matrix is not full rank, its inverse does not exist.

4. Can a projection matrix have more than one eigenvector?

Yes, a projection matrix can have multiple eigenvectors. The eigenvectors of a projection matrix are the vectors that remain unchanged after the projection, so if there are multiple vectors that meet this criteria, they will all be eigenvectors of the projection matrix.

5. Is a projection matrix the same as an orthogonal matrix?

No, a projection matrix and an orthogonal matrix are not the same. A projection matrix is a square matrix that projects vectors onto a subspace, while an orthogonal matrix is a square matrix whose columns are orthogonal unit vectors. However, an orthogonal matrix can be used to create a projection matrix by multiplying it with its transpose.

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