Kepler Telescope is so productive?

In summary, according to NASA, the Kepler telescope will be in orbit for 3.5 years and observe approximately 100,000 stars in search of exoplanets. The telescope is able to observe multiple stars at once, making the workload feasible. It continuously monitors the same stars for any changes in brightness, regardless of the length of their orbital period. Kepler's powerful CCDs and Earth-bound computers aid in the detection and analysis of these changes.
  • #1
Arccording to Nasa, the Kepler telescope will be working for 3.5 years in orbit and during that time it will observe about 100000 stars looking for exoplanets. Howcome it can finish for that workload?
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  • #2
If you could only look at one star at a time (not true), this works out to 20 minutes per star. If you can look at 100 stars at once, that's one day per star field. 1000 stars? A week. This doesn't sound unreasonable.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
If you could only look at one star at a time (not true), this works out to 20 minutes per star. If you can look at 100 stars at once, that's one day per star field. 1000 stars? A week. This doesn't sound unreasonable.

Thanks for the reply.
I am still confused that when focussing at one star, the Kepler Telescope should maitain the position for at least one period of a transit (if there is one), and the period is offen of months if not years.
One more thing, if K. telescope looks at 100 stars at once, is it possible to detect any wink in one individual star?
  • #4
pixel01 said:
Thanks for the reply.
I am still confused that when focussing at one star, the Kepler Telescope should maitain the position for at least one period of a transit (if there is one), and the period is offen of months if not years.
One more thing, if K. telescope looks at 100 stars at once, is it possible to detect any wink in one individual star?

By transit do you mean revolution? Transits only last hours, while revolutions are on the order of months and years.
  • #5
Nabeshin said:
By transit do you mean revolution? Transits only last hours, while revolutions are on the order of months and years.

You're right, transits can be very short, minutes or hours...
Still how can it look at 100 stars at the same time and detect winks in individual stars?
  • #6
I don't think Kepler is designed to focus on individual stars, but rather has at larger field viewing area and measures the brightness of the stars in that field.
  • #7
Waveform said:
I don't think Kepler is designed to focus on individual stars, but rather has at larger field viewing area and measures the brightness of the stars in that field.

Sounds to me like it's going to stare at the same patch of sky for the entire mission. Thus, any planets with an orbital period of up to 3 years have a decent chance of being detected.

It's relatively trivial to single out the individual stars from the images and to monitor their brightnesses over time; just imagine a picture every 15 minutes of the entire star field. It would be fairly easy to note when a star's brightness changes. (Not to our eyes, but you get the idea)

  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
If you could only look at one star at a time (not true), this works out to 20 minutes per star. If you can look at 100 stars at once, that's one day per star field. 1000 stars? A week. This doesn't sound unreasonable.
Simple: It looks at 100,000 stars all at once and looks at the same 100,000 stars during the entire 3 1/2 year mission. Kepler is looking for transits, so catching one requires continual monitoring.
  • #9
OK, I have just found it out. As D H explains, K T looks at the region of 100,000 stars continuously for at least 3.5 years and the thing is that it has very powerful CCDs which consist of 95 Megapixels.
Thanks all for the help.
  • #10
And remember, Kepler is just the viewing tool. There are Earth-bound computers that go through the difficult task of reviewing every one of those stars. So while Kepler is working for 3.5 years, it will keep scientists busy for years afterwards.

FAQ: Kepler Telescope is so productive?

1. What makes the Kepler Telescope so productive?

The Kepler Telescope is so productive because of its high precision and sensitivity in detecting exoplanets. It is able to continuously monitor a large area of the sky and collect vast amounts of data, allowing it to detect small changes in brightness that could indicate the presence of a planet.

2. How many exoplanets has the Kepler Telescope discovered?

As of 2021, the Kepler Telescope has discovered over 2,900 confirmed exoplanets.

3. How does the Kepler Telescope find exoplanets?

The Kepler Telescope uses the transit method to find exoplanets. This involves measuring the slight dips in a star's brightness as a planet passes in front of it, blocking some of the star's light. By analyzing these dips, scientists can determine the size, orbit, and other characteristics of the exoplanet.

4. Has the Kepler Telescope discovered any potentially habitable exoplanets?

Yes, the Kepler Telescope has discovered several potentially habitable exoplanets, including Kepler-452b and Kepler-438b. These planets are within the habitable zone of their stars, meaning they could potentially have liquid water on their surfaces.

5. What is the future of the Kepler Telescope?

The Kepler Telescope has completed its primary mission and is now in an extended mission known as "K2." It continues to search for exoplanets while also studying other celestial objects, such as supernovae and asteroids. The telescope is expected to continue operating until it runs out of fuel, which is estimated to be in the mid-2020s.

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