Kernal, range and linear transformations

In summary, the homework statement says that a linear transformation, T, is defined by its derivative, T(p(x)) = xp'(x). T is the kernel of the transformation and includes all of the following polynomials: 2, x2, and 1-x. The range of T is all of P2, which includes the 2, x2, and 1-x.
  • #1

Homework Statement

T: P2 --> P2 be a linear transformation defined by T(p(x)) = xp'(x)

where ' is the derivative
Describe the kernal and range of T and are any of the following polynomials in the range and or in the kernal of T?
1 - x

Homework Equations

power rule (for derivatives)

The Attempt at a Solution

I took an arbitrary a+bx+cx2 and turned it into bx + 2cx2 after applying T on it. I understand that the kernal means some vector that will turn it into the zero vector (like finding its null). so does that b = c = 0 in order for this to work? Then will it imply that the kernal of T is the set of all constant polynomials? If this is right, then from this I think x2 and 2 and 1 - x should be in ker(T).

As for the range of T, I think it is all of P2, so that includes the 2, x2 and 1 - x.

Is all of what I've just done correct? I like checking my work here when I get stuck, you guys are so nice and great at helping people! :)
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  • #2
war485 said:

Homework Statement

T: P2 --> P2 be a linear transformation defined by T(p(x)) = xp'(x)

where ' is the derivative
Describe the kernal and range of T and are any of the following polynomials in the range and or in the kernal of T?
1 - x

Homework Equations

power rule (for derivatives)

The Attempt at a Solution

I took an arbitrary a+bx+cx2 and turned it into bx + 2cx2 after applying T on it.
Or more mathematically, T(a+bx+cx2) = bx + 2cx2.
To find the kernel (no such word as kernal) of T, what values of a, b, and c give you output polynomials that are zero for any value of x? IOW, for what values of a, b, and c is bx + 2cx2 identically zero?
war485 said:
I understand that the kernal means some vector that will turn it into the zero vector (like finding its null). so does that b = c = 0 in order for this to work? Then will it imply that the kernal of T is the set of all constant polynomials? If this is right, then from this I think x2 and 2 and 1 - x should be in ker(T).
Constant polynomials are in the kernel, but the other two functions aren't.
war485 said:
As for the range of T, I think it is all of P2, so that includes the 2, x2 and 1 - x.
No, there are some polynomials in P2 that aren't in the range of T. Look at this equation again--T(a+bx+cx2) = bx + 2cx2--and notice that there are some polynomials that aren't in the range.
war485 said:
Is all of what I've just done correct? I like checking my work here when I get stuck, you guys are so nice and great at helping people! :)
  • #3
war485 said:

Homework Statement

T: P2 --> P2 be a linear transformation defined by T(p(x)) = xp'(x)

where ' is the derivative
Describe the kernal and range of T and are any of the following polynomials in the range and or in the kernal of T?
1 - x

Homework Equations

power rule (for derivatives)

The Attempt at a Solution

I took an arbitrary a+bx+cx2 and turned it into bx + 2cx2 after applying T on it. I understand that the kernal means some vector that will turn it into the zero vector (like finding its null). so does that b = c = 0 in order for this to work? Then will it imply that the kernal of T is the set of all constant polynomials?

If this is right, then from this I think x2 and 2 and 1 - x should be in ker(T).
Are you saying that you think x2 and 1- x are constant polynomials?

As for the range of T, I think it is all of P2, so that includes the 2, x2 and 1 - x.
You said above that T(a+ bx+ cx2)= bx+ 2cx2. How do you get 1- x from that?

Is all of what I've just done correct? I like checking my work here when I get stuck, you guys are so nice and great at helping people! :)
I'm not! I'm mean and grumpy!
  • #4
oups sorry for misspelling kernel.

I looked up constant polynomial again and realized I made another mistake... only 2 is a constant polynomial in this case. So only 2 should be in ker(T). My bad...

And so, I think the range should be something like the span of these basis: x and x2 ? I realized I couldn't get 1 - x in there, so x2 should be in the range of T.
Thanks for pointing that out.

HallsOfIvy, I see you as a nice person too, not grumpy and not mean, you're still helping me just like 2 months ago or so (can't remember exactly) but I can see why you're upset about me originally thinking about what constant polynomial was... :)

Did I get it right this time?
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  • #5
war485 said:
oups sorry for misspelling kernel.

I looked up constant polynomial again and realized I made another mistake... only 2 is a constant polynomial in this case. So only 2 should be in ker(T). My bad...
You're not saying that 2 is the only constant polynomial in the kernel of T, are you?
war485 said:
And so, I think the range should be something like the span of these basis: x and x2 ? I realized I couldn't get 1 - x in there, so x2 should be in the range of T.
Thanks for pointing that out.

HallsOfIvy, I see you as a nice person too, not grumpy and not mean, you're still helping me just like 2 months ago or so (can't remember exactly) but I can see why you're upset about me originally thinking about what constant polynomial was... :)

Did I get it right this time?
  • #6
no, 2 is not the only constant, but the question also asked me if 2 was included in there. Ker(T) is all constant values.

*edit* I think I got it. Thanks Mark, and Ivy.
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FAQ: Kernal, range and linear transformations

1. What is a kernal in linear algebra?

A kernal, also known as null space, is the set of all vectors that map to the zero vector when multiplied by a linear transformation. In other words, it is the set of inputs that produce an output of zero.

2. How is the range of a linear transformation determined?

The range, also known as the image, of a linear transformation is the set of all possible outputs that can be produced by the transformation. It can be determined by applying the transformation to all possible inputs or by finding the span of the columns of the transformation matrix.

3. What is the relationship between a kernal and a range in linear algebra?

The kernal and range are complementary subspaces in linear algebra. This means that any vector in the kernal is perpendicular to any vector in the range, and vice versa. Additionally, the dimension of the kernal and range together must equal the dimension of the input vector space.

4. How do linear transformations affect the size and shape of vectors?

Linear transformations preserve both the size and shape of vectors. This means that the length and direction of the vectors are maintained, but they may be scaled or rotated depending on the transformation matrix.

5. Can a linear transformation have a kernal and a range of different dimensions?

No, a linear transformation must have a kernal and a range of the same dimension. This is because the kernal and range are subspaces of the input and output vector spaces, respectively, and must have the same dimension as these spaces.

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