Limit used in stat mech, how to prove this?

In summary, the conversation is discussing a well-known property in statistical physics and how to prove it. The property involves taking the limit of (1+ax)^(1/x) as x approaches 0, which is equal to e^a. The l'Hopital rule can be applied to prove this property.
  • #1

Homework Statement

lim_{dt\rightarrow 0} [(1+ \alpha dt(e^{-ik}-1))^{1/dt}]^T = e^{\alpha (e^{-ik-1)T}

It's a well known property in statistical physics, I'm not sure how to prove it

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know dt ->0

and 1/dt -> infinity

Which one converges faster? What test do I apply? I forgot everything.
Physics news on
  • #2

Yep, you forgot everything. lim x->0 of (1+ax)^(1/x) is e^a, right? You can prove that with l'Hopital. Is that what you forgot? What's 'a' in your problem?
  • #3

a is a constant.

I thought l'hopital rule applies when you take the limit of some variable that appears in both the numerator and denominator.
lim x->0 of (1+ax)^(1/x) is e^a
why then is this the case?
  • #4

[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow 0}(1+ax)^{1/x} = \lim_{x \rightarrow 0}e^{\frac{1}{x}\log{(1+ax)}} = e^{\lim_{x\rightarrow 0 }\frac{\log{(1+ax)}}{x}}[/tex]

by the continuity of the exponential function. Now apply l'Hopital. This is a common manipulation.

FAQ: Limit used in stat mech, how to prove this?

What is the limit used in statistical mechanics?

The limit used in statistical mechanics is known as the thermodynamic or thermodynamic limit. It refers to the theoretical concept of taking the number of particles in a system to infinity while keeping the density of the system constant. This allows for the simplification of calculations and the application of macroscopic laws to describe the behavior of the system.

How is this limit used in statistical mechanics?

This limit is used in statistical mechanics to study the behavior of large systems, such as gases or liquids, by simplifying the calculations and allowing for the use of macroscopic laws. It also helps to understand the relationship between the microscopic and macroscopic properties of a system.

Why is it important to prove this limit in statistical mechanics?

Proving this limit is important because it allows for the application of statistical mechanics to large systems, which are more representative of real-world systems. It also provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the behavior of these systems and making predictions based on their macroscopic properties.

What is the process for proving this limit in statistical mechanics?

The process for proving this limit involves taking the number of particles in a system to infinity while keeping the density constant. This allows for the simplification of calculations and the use of macroscopic laws to describe the system. Additionally, statistical methods such as the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem are used to prove the convergence of the system to its thermodynamic limit.

Are there any limitations to this limit in statistical mechanics?

There are some limitations to this limit in statistical mechanics, as it assumes that the system is in equilibrium and that all interactions between particles are short-range. It also does not take into account quantum effects and may not accurately describe systems with strong correlations between particles. However, it remains a useful and widely used concept in studying the behavior of large systems.

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