Maxwell's equations and spacetime

In summary, the theory of relativity is based on the principle that the physical universe is described by a single set of laws that apply in all directions. These laws are represented by the differential geometric equations of general relativity. The theory was developed by Albert Einstein, but he was not able to find a differential geometric representation of the physical universe that represented the Maxwell equations in a similar way that the curvature of spacetime in GR represents gravitation.
  • #1

I'm just beginning to learn relativity, but I have a question about why gravity is so different from other forces of nature in GR. As a start, I read that Einstein tried to find a differential geometric representation of the physical universe which represents the Maxwell equations in a similar way that the curvature of spacetime in GR represents gravitation - but failed. Could someone elaborate on that, or point me to sources where I can read more about it?

Thanks in advance. :smile:
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  • #2
DarthMatter said:
I'm just beginning to learn relativity, but I have a question about why gravity is so different from other forces of nature in GR. As a start, I read that Einstein tried to find a differential geometric representation of the physical universe which represents the Maxwell equations in a similar way that the curvature of spacetime in GR represents gravitation - but failed. Could someone elaborate on that, or point me to sources where I can read more about it?
IMHO you'd be better off spending your time learning about correct theories rather than incorrect ones! :wink:
  • #3
Try Googling 'Kaluza-Klein theory'. It goes some way towards this.
  • #4
+1 for what Bill_K said.

Those alternate theories have long been discredited. Don't waste your time, at least not until you've mastered modern GR in all its g[l]ory detail. :biggrin:
  • #5
We can cast EM in a differential geometric light, in fact we can cast all gauge theories in a differential geometric light. The upshot is that the "gauge covariant derivative" ##D_{\mu} = \partial_{\mu} + ie A_{\mu}## used in EM isn't associated with a physical space-time but rather with the more abstract concept of a ##U(1)##-principal bundle, whereas the covariant derivative ##\nabla_{\mu}## in GR is of course associated with a physical space-time.

See here: and here:
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FAQ: Maxwell's equations and spacetime

1. What are Maxwell's equations?

Maxwell's equations are a set of four mathematical equations that describe the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism. They were developed by Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century and are considered one of the most important contributions to the field of physics.

2. What do Maxwell's equations describe?

Maxwell's equations describe the relationships between electric and magnetic fields, as well as their interactions with each other and with charged particles. They also explain how these fields can propagate through space as electromagnetic waves.

3. How do Maxwell's equations relate to spacetime?

Maxwell's equations are based on the concept of spacetime, which combines the three dimensions of space with the dimension of time. They describe how electric and magnetic fields can change over time and in different locations in space.

4. What is the significance of Maxwell's equations in modern physics?

Maxwell's equations are essential for understanding many phenomena in modern physics, including electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic radiation. They also played a crucial role in the development of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of spacetime and gravity.

5. Are Maxwell's equations still relevant today?

Yes, Maxwell's equations are still relevant and widely used in modern physics and engineering. They are the foundation of our understanding of electromagnetism and are essential for technologies such as radio, television, and wireless communication. They have also been validated through numerous experiments and are considered a cornerstone of our scientific understanding of the universe.

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