Measuring Observables in 3+1 Formalism

In summary, Muphrid is trying to develop a gravitational simulation that can be used to study mass particles and photons. He is having trouble finding materials that would help him with this task and he is looking for advice on how to proceed.
  • #1

lets say I have Hamiltonian aproximation [itex]H(\vec{x}_a,\vec{p}_a)[/itex] of gravitational interaction that can be used for n-body simulation of mass particles and photons. Spacetime curved by simulated particles would be asymptoticly flat. But I don't have a metric etc. All I have is evolution of particles based on coordinate time, so I have masses, momenta and coordinates of particles.

My problem is I can't find materials that would told me how to use test particles and photons in order to extract observables etc. from such simulation...
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  • #2
You have particles, and so you have the stress energy tensor. Solving the Einstein equations for a given stress energy tensor is typically what's done anyway--we don't start off with the metric, we solve for it.

I'm not sure what observables you're planning on figuring out, though. Could you elaborate on what information it is you want from this system?
  • #3
I'm sorry for poor description of the problem. When I've said I don't have a metric I have meant that I can't solve E.e. analyticly because configuration is too complex. If anything, I would have to get information about the metric numerically from the simulation itself.

Lets say I would like to measure a proper time of test particle located in studied area. Simulation is "ticking" with coordinate time which can be seen as a proper time of distant observer.
  • #4
I see. Well, if you already have this simulation working, you can drop the test particle in, and at each time step, you say that [itex]\Delta \tau = \Delta t/\gamma[/itex] and just look at the particle's coordinate velocity at every time step to figure out [itex]\gamma[/itex].
  • #5
Thank you Muphrid. :) That would cover time dilation due to the relative velocity. I just wonder if its really so simple in the presence of gravitation field.

I'll think about that in some better hour when my mind will working...
  • #6
Oh, of course, silly me, your problem is that you don't know the metric, so the metric that would be involved in the GR case is at issue.

I mean, this is a general problem for numerical relativity--finding the initial data (metric, etc.) that corresponds to a starting matter distribution. You talk about a Hamiltonian approximation--is this something you already have? Are you familiar with the ADM formalism?
  • #7
I'm playing with It works fine for things like perihelion precession, bending of light etc.

I've read about ADM formalism in general but practical usage without examples or practice and experience is another thing.

FAQ: Measuring Observables in 3+1 Formalism

1. What is the 3+1 formalism?

The 3+1 formalism is a mathematical framework used to describe the dynamics of a 3-dimensional physical system over time. It divides the 3-dimensional space into a set of non-overlapping 3-dimensional hypersurfaces, and describes the evolution of the system in terms of these hypersurfaces.

2. How are observables measured in the 3+1 formalism?

In the 3+1 formalism, observables are measured using quantities known as "invariants". These are quantities that remain constant as the system evolves over time. Invariants can be calculated from the equations of motion for the system, and can be used to describe the properties of the system at different points in space and time.

3. What are some examples of observables in the 3+1 formalism?

Examples of observables in the 3+1 formalism include energy, momentum, and angular momentum. These are all conserved quantities and can be calculated using the invariants of the system. Other observables may include geometric quantities such as curvature or torsion.

4. How does the 3+1 formalism differ from other mathematical frameworks?

The 3+1 formalism differs from other mathematical frameworks in that it explicitly separates space and time, and describes the dynamics of a system in terms of spatial hypersurfaces. This allows for a more intuitive understanding of the evolution of a system and can be particularly useful in studying physical systems with symmetries.

5. What are some applications of the 3+1 formalism?

The 3+1 formalism has a wide range of applications in physics, including in general relativity, fluid dynamics, and quantum field theory. It has also been used in astrophysics to study the evolution of the universe and in engineering to model the behavior of complex systems. Additionally, the 3+1 formalism has been applied in computer simulations to study the behavior of physical systems.
