Measuring Velocity of a Sphere - Impulse & Energy Conservation

In summary, it is possible to measure the velocity of a sphere under the action of a force using the formula v = (2gH)¹/². However, this is only practical if the OP has access to equipment that is available in a school or college lab. Using electronic construction, it is possible to measure the velocity of a sphere under the action of a force. However, this is only practical if the OP has access to equipment that is available in a school or college lab. For more ambitious experiments, simulation software may be a cheaper and more accessible way to get started.
  • #1

I was performing some experiments about impulse and conservation of mechanical energy, and for that I was looking to good ways of measuring the velocity of a sphere under the action of a force. In free fall, having the height H it was falling along, I have used the formula v = (2gH)¹/². I'd like to know if there are more practical (experimental) way of measuring velocity of if I have to recur to indirect, mathematical ways each time.

Thank you!
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  • #2
This depends on your available equipment. Stroboscopes and long exposure photos and/or video with known frame rate or good time stamping comes to mind.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
This depends on your available equipment. Stroboscopes and long exposure photos and/or video with known frame rate or good time stamping comes to mind.

The idea of the camera is good, @Orodruin. I'll try that. I will also give a look about this Stroboscope. Thank you.
  • #4
Orodruin said:
This depends on your available equipment. Stroboscopes and long exposure photos and/or video with known frame rate or good time stamping comes to mind.
Absolutely agree and it all depends on the level that the OP wants to be experimenting. If the OP has a school or college lab available then there will probably be counters and light gates in a standard Physics Prep room. A TV camera with a good shutter can give timing resolution in the ms range.
The problem with doing these experiments on your own is that nothing is very cheap and you only do each experiment once. In school, the same equipment is much better value because it can be used by several different classes every year.
If you are happy with electronic construction, you can approach most experiments from that angle. A cheap oscilloscope can be used for accurate timing measurements. A scope can be so useful for other things too. But that would only appear to a certain type of home experimenter.
Simulation software is a cheaper way into this topic but it may well just not appeal any more than just doing the calculations.

FAQ: Measuring Velocity of a Sphere - Impulse & Energy Conservation

1. What is the difference between impulse and energy conservation when measuring the velocity of a sphere?

Impulse refers to the change in momentum of an object, while energy conservation refers to the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed. In the context of measuring the velocity of a sphere, impulse is used to calculate the change in momentum of the sphere, while energy conservation can be used to calculate the initial or final velocity of the sphere.

2. How is the velocity of a sphere measured using impulse?

The velocity of a sphere can be measured using the impulse-momentum theorem, which states that the change in momentum of an object is equal to the impulse applied to it. The impulse can be calculated by multiplying the force applied to the sphere by the time it is applied. By knowing the initial and final momentum of the sphere, the velocity can be calculated.

3. What factors affect the velocity of a sphere when using energy conservation?

The velocity of a sphere can be affected by factors such as the mass of the sphere, the gravitational force acting on the sphere, and any external forces acting on the sphere. The initial and final energy of the sphere also play a role in determining the velocity.

4. Can the velocity of a sphere be measured accurately using only one of these principles?

It is possible to measure the velocity of a sphere using either impulse or energy conservation, but using both principles can provide more accurate results. This is because each principle takes into account different factors that may affect the velocity of the sphere.

5. Are there any limitations to using these principles to measure the velocity of a sphere?

While impulse and energy conservation are useful principles for measuring the velocity of a sphere, there are some limitations. For example, these principles assume that the sphere is moving in a straight line and that the forces acting on it are constant. In real-world scenarios, these assumptions may not hold true, leading to less accurate measurements.
