Mechanical energy equation analysis

In summary, the conservation of mechanical energy states that the initial mechanical energy in a system is equal to the final mechanical energy, taking into account all forms of energy such as potential and kinetic energy. When friction is not negligible, it can be incorporated into the equation by adding the work done by friction, which is equal to the coefficient of friction multiplied by the normal reaction force and the displacement. The larger magnitude between potential and kinetic energy depends on the specific scenario and can vary. In the given situation, the masses will exchange energy between potential and kinetic until all energy is converted to kinetic.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Explain what is meant by the conservation of mechanical energy. Write the corresponding equation in detail (in terms of mass speed ect.)

a) If friction is not truly negligilble, how would you insert the influence of friction in the equation of the above question? Write the corresponding equation in detail.

b) If friction is not negligible which should be the larger megnitude, potential energy or kinetic energy?

Homework Equations

KE= .5(m)(v)^2
E=PE+KE (I am not sure if this is the right equation for mechanical energy?)

The Attempt at a Solution

I need help with this part. I am not sure what they mean by the conservatiob of mechanical energy equation, do they want KE=-PE or E=KE+PE or some other equation. Also I am unsure about how to addd friction into the meechanical energy equation, basically I need help with everything! Please help!
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  • #2
They are asking you to explain what part friction plays in the conservation of energy.

For instance, you know that energy is always conserved, ie. energy changes between potential and kinetic (and many other types) but you can never create or destroy it.
Friction affects energy within a system by doing work.
I hope this gives you a hint.
  • #3
E is the total mechanical energy of the system and is a conserved quantity.

[tex]\Rightarrow E_{initial}=E_{final}[/tex]

Start by using the relationship E=PE+KE to write this conservation equation in terms of [itex]PE_{initial},PE_{final},KE_{initial}[/itex] and [itex]KE_{final}[/itex]
  • #4
alright, so I have the conservation of mechanical energy to be KEi+PEi=KEf+PEf. How do I then Incorporate friction into the equation?
  • #5
well perhaps KEi + PEi = KEf +PEf + Friction
When you think about it, potential will basically never be entirely converted to kinetic or vice versa, there will always be energy converted into other types, commonly frictional heat (thermal energy).
  • #6
okay I get it, the loss in potential and kinetic energy is then gained by the new thermal energy, friction.

So how do I break down friction to include mass velocity ect?

I know that the equation can look like this:

.5(m)(vi)^2+mg(yi)=.5(m)(vf)^2 +mg(yf) +friction

What is friction broken down into?
  • #7
It can be looked at in a few different ways but the best way is like this. Work is [tex] F\Delta d [/tex]

Friction is generally measured by the coefficient of friction ([tex] \mu [/tex]) multiplied by the normal reaction force. The coefficient has no units therefore the product is still measured in Newton.

Kinetic friction occurs over a distance, considering the particle being affected is moving. Therefore you can say that the work done by friction is equal to [tex] \mu F\Delta d [/tex]
Where F is the normal reaction force of said particle.

However if you're talking about static friction it becomes slightly more difficult because the particle is not moving when it's being affected by this form of friction.
  • #8
I see! Thank you so much! I have been trying to wrap my head around this problem for a while.

So if friction is not negligible what is bigger, potential energy or kinetic energy?

Would my answer have to depend on the situation that would be occurring or is there a general rule?
  • #9
yes, it's completely dependent on the situation. Some scenarios have zero potential energy and all kinetic whilst others have the opposite. However, nearly every scenario will be exchanges between both.
  • #10
so in my situation, where a 270 g mass is dragged up an incline with angle of .55 degrees by a falling mass of 10 g, which would be bigger?
  • #11
Well I'm going to have to assume there is no friction (because you did not give a coefficient) and I think possibly it's 55 degrees not .55 degrees but I could be wrong.

Are we talking about potential and kinetic energy of the system or of each individual mass?

Mass 1, the mass pulling down = 0.01 kg
It is pulling straight down, it's only force components are the y axis. Therefore it's pulling with force mg.

Mass 2, on the incline = 0.27 kg. It has an x and y component. The component pulling it back down the incline will be mg sin(55) and the component that is the normal force will be mg cos(55).

Now you can work out the net force, which will be +m1g - m2g sin(55) = net force.

They are subtracted because they are in opposite directions.

With the net force you can find the net acceleration. You know that the system was initially at rest so vinitial = 0

If you knew the displacement it will undergo, the time it would take or the final velocity, we could solve the equation numerically. However without this information we cannot.

But we can say that because it started off at rest, kinetic energy = 0 and gravitational potential was at its maximum. As the masses started to move, m1 lost gravitational potential (got closer to earth) and gained kinetic, while m2 gained a little potential energy (less than m1 because its y component is smaller) and also gained kinetic.

So as time goes on, energy is transformed from potential to kinetic until eventually (provided m2 falls off the incline and hits the earth) all energy is kinetic and none is potential (the moment before it hits the earth).

FAQ: Mechanical energy equation analysis

1. What is the mechanical energy equation?

The mechanical energy equation is a fundamental equation in classical mechanics that describes the relationship between an object's kinetic energy and potential energy. It states that the sum of an object's kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE) is equal to its total mechanical energy (E): E = KE + PE.

2. How is the mechanical energy equation derived?

The mechanical energy equation is derived from the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In mechanical systems, this means that the total energy of an object must remain constant, and any changes in energy must be accounted for by changes in kinetic or potential energy.

3. How is the mechanical energy equation used in real-world applications?

The mechanical energy equation is used in a variety of real-world applications, including analyzing the motion of objects in engineering and physics, calculating the energy output of machines, and predicting the behavior of systems such as pendulums and springs. It is also used in the design and optimization of mechanical systems to ensure that energy is conserved and efficiency is maximized.

4. What factors can affect the mechanical energy of a system?

The mechanical energy of a system can be affected by various factors, including the mass and velocity of an object, the height and position of an object in a gravitational field, and external forces acting on the system. Additionally, energy can be transferred between different forms, such as potential energy being converted into kinetic energy or vice versa.

5. What are some common misconceptions about the mechanical energy equation?

One common misconception about the mechanical energy equation is that it only applies to objects in motion. In reality, the equation can also be applied to stationary objects, as potential energy can exist even when an object is not moving. Another misconception is that the equation is only applicable to simple systems, when in fact it can be applied to more complex systems with multiple objects and sources of energy.
